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I decided to invite my friend Tynisha over, so that we can talk, because gives some great advice on about love and relationships!

I heard knocks on the door.

"Coming," I said

"Hurry, up! It's as'f cold outta here!" Nisheia said

"Hey, babymama! How my daughter's doin?"!

"They fine!" I said, I looked down as I was popped.

"You picked out the names yet! " she asked.

"Yeah, Chris had a chance, but Danelle picked ChristiAnne and Christina, then she changed ChristiAnne to Chiyler!"I told her

"Aww, those are too cute! Imma be the godmommy!" she squealed.

"What about the middle nanes" she added

"Oh yes, Chiyler Joyce Marie Brown and Christina Princess Rene Brown. Chiyler and Christina Brown"

"Speaking of Brown, how is he!" she asked

"O, I ain't seen him in about two months! So to be honest, I don't care about his ass, he got a girl!"

"But uh, want summin to eat!" I bent down to get a pan and felt a rush of wetness run down my legs.

"I think I peed myself"

"Bitch, no the hell you didn't you water broke!" she rushed to me

"Chaz, go get mommy's hospital bag!"

@ hospital

I pushed the nurse button

"Yes!" she came in

"Can I please see Dr.Mooren!" I asked

"Hold on!" she sat down on the chair and dilated me

"Not yet, Ms.Nikks. You're 6 cm dilated I think you need you epidural, especially! Is there pain?" she asked, I nodded.

The doctor came in the room with a needle and some other stuff, I sat up and they shot it in my back! It only eased the pain a bit!.

15 minutes guess who arrives

"Chris, what are you doing here? I asked confused

"I wouldn't miss my first child's birth for the world!"

"Okay, but who called you he-!"

"I did!" Nisha said innocently

"Okay, w.e!" Then about three nurses and the doctor rushed in

"Aaahhhhh!" I yelled, I felt some sharp pains in my lower back.

Soon after, Dr.Mooren checked me.

"Okay, Zareia! You are 9 centimeters dilated and ready to start pushing I pushed twice and out came loud crys.......and

Chiyler Joyce Marie Brown, 2:31am , May 23rd, 2013, 5 pounds 3 inches


Christina Princess Renne Brown, 2:33 am, May 23rd, 7 pounds 1in

"Awww!" I said crying happy and joyful tears.

"Mr.Brown and Ms.Nikks you have entered two beautiful girls into this world! Would you like to hold them Mr.Brown?"

"Yes, thank you, Doc!" The doctors and nurses left after that so that we could get some quality time with our daughters.

"So,who chose the names?" Chris asked not looking up from Tina.


"Who chose the kids names!" I asked Zareia, smiling down looking at Tina.

"Why shud you care, you not once mentioned anything about the kids, Not once!" she said texting someone on her phone.

"This not the place for drama right now, Ze and why shouldn't I care! They're my kids also! I have a right!"

"But you sure act like you don't. Anyways I know you don't give a fuck anyway! You would have brought diapers, milk, bottles anything, but did you? No, so get the fuck out my room and give me my baby" she said pissed the fuck off, but I was still holding her

"Gimme, the baby, Chris. Before I call the fucking nurse!" she demanded "Here, I love you Chiyler and Christina!" and I left.

Just An Update More Coming Later On Today





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