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The sidemen house is always busy, but it is never perceived as this. Simon wakes up at noon and sleeps at night. Vik sleeps in the morning and edits until dawn. The only time the boys interact is when someone brings Nandos home; or when the other lads visit to film a video together. That is why when the boys were called down for an important announcement, they shuffled down the staircase with cautious and curious eyes.



I sigh as I lean back in my chair, brushing my fingers through my, now silver, hair. I shake my head, attempting to distract myself from my stressful state. I am blessed to have the job that I do, but editing can be a handful. My fans expect me to have my Q&A out by tomorrow, but I may have to accept that I will not finish it by then. Not to mention we have a charity match in a month, which me and Josh are planning tomorrow. "Fuck it" I mumble as I rub the sleep out of my eyes and shuffle over to my king sized bed. Yep, blessed. I plop down onto my comforter and feel every muscle relax in my body. My body is taken over by sleep in no time, and I finally feel relieved.

It wasn't 3o minutes later before I felt someone standing over me and shaking my shoulder.

"For fucks sake Jide.." I thought and sat up in annoyance. I was surprised to find Vik sitting over my bed and gently shaking me awake. He looked at me apologetically and whispered, "I didn't want to wake you up, but Josh made me.. JJ wants us to all come into the main room." If it was anyone else, I would be fuming, but I can never find myself to get mad at Vik. I guess that's why Josh made him wake me up from my deep sleep. I only glare at him and give him a faint nod. Before I can ask why, he hops off my bed and runs off downstairs. I almost let sleep overtake me again, but then I start to take in what Vik told me. Why would JJ want us to meet in the main room? If it was something important, he would've told me.. right?


Simon has been JJ's best friend for 12 years. To say they have been through a lot together is an understatement. He remembers their first prom, their first school, their first video game console; and most importantly, he remembers the first video they recorded together. Most of Simon's best memories consists of JJ.

Most people would say that Simon and JJ are "more than friends", but they don't see it that way. Simon is very affectionate, he will take any chance to have his hands on someone. JJ never showed distaste to this trait, and embraces it fully. Sometimes when Simon was uneasy at night, he finds himself in Jide's bed cuddled to his side. JJ would always welcome him with open arms and a tight embrace. They were never frowned upon for this behavior, but it was questioned. JJ would always tell Josh and Vik, "What's so gay about sleeping with your best friend here and there? If you both joined, it could just be a big ole' bro orgy!" JJ was never good with words.

Nevertheless, Simon and JJ continued their close relationship and the other five members of the Sidemen accepted it for the way it was.

Simon knew absolutely everything about JJ. From his first date to his first breakup. Hell, he even knew who he lost his virginity to.

This is why Simon could not wrap his head around what JJ was going to tell them. The more he thought about it, the more he worried. When he heard Josh yell at him to get his ass downstairs, he brushed it off and made his way out of his room. He knew everything about JJ, didn't he?



"I'm leaving."

Those two words were enough to make my heart beat one thousand miles per hour and my head go dizzy. Hearing the squeak of Vik beside him and the shuffling of Josh on his other side; confusion visible on both of their faces. I had to many questions flying through my head but none of them would leave my mouth. It felt like this was all a dream and I couldn't speak, no matter how hard I tried. Luckily Josh was able to take the questions right out of my mouth.

"What do you mean you're leaving?" Josh says, his voice laced with confusion. He glances at me, and I only shrug him off. I know as much as everyone else, and that has never happened.

JJ only stares off at nothing, almost as if he is thinking, and responds with, "I don't want to be who I am anymore. Take a minute and tell me why I am famous." I look at Josh and Vik, confusion written all over our faces. It was obvious that JJ was onto something, we just couldn't fill in the pieces. Without hesitation, he responds with, " I'll tell you. Screaming, breaking things, more screaming, and rape jokes. I don't want to be that anymore. I need time to leave, time to- evolve I guess." he gives a halfhearted laugh under his breath, "I just- I wish I was famous for a good reason. I haven't done anything for the world but be a dumbass. I think I need a break. Leave to sort myself out, ya know?" He sits back and gives a sigh of relief. It looks like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, but it feels like they have been placed on my chest. Why did he never tell us this? Why didn't he tell me this?

The boys look at JJ with understanding eyes, while I just sit back and look at JJ with confusion. He only stares off at the floor and ignores our presence. He won't even look me in the eyes, is this my fault? I sit there for a few more seconds before Josh breaks the silence.

"We understand Jide, take all the time you need to change.." Josh says as he stands and pats JJ's back. Vik agrees and stands up to congratulate JJ. The weight of my chest only gets deeper, and makes it harder to breathe. Before I know what is happening, I hop off of our casting couch and rush up the stairs. I slide into my room and shut my door as quietly as possible- I was too upset to slam it. I slide down my door and find my hands running through my hair and across my face- bad habit I guess...

"What the fuck just happened?" I whisper to no one but myself.

JJ is officially transforming, and Simon has officially snapped.


My first chapter .. that is pretty mad.. - Oli

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