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Words: (981) Short I know..


It is safe to say that I forgive JJ. We are currently lying in the same bed we've been in all day, and doing nothing but talking, watching videos, and telling stories. Unfortunately, our relaxation was coming to an end as we only booked our hotel for one day, meaning we had to leave in a couple of hours. The hotel was booked for the charity match, not a drunken night out. JJ was definitely not excited about this news as he rolled around on the bed, nearly crushing me, and groaning at the thought of standing up. I ignore his words of disapproval as I leave his embrace and make my way over to his suitcase. I throw out a couple of shirts before I find what I am looking for, his sidemen hoodie. Even before me and JJ were... whatever we are, I wore his clothes all the time. More specifically, I wore his sweatshirts. It got to the point where JJ would find them in my closet while he was packing for a vacation. He finally just let me share them with me after three years of stealing them.

I slip the sweatshirt over my head, instantly feeling my body heat up in the layers of cotton. Not to mention that JJ's clothes always smell amazing. He once told me it was to get pussy, but we all know that's a fucking lie. I quickly pull the, way too long, sleeves over my hands and wrap them around my waist. I take a minute to fix my hair, just in case we see one of the boys in the hallway, then prepare to go grab my luggage from my hotel room. We have to leave in an hour, and I turn around to see Jide dead asleep on the bed, his chest rising up and down in a continuous state. I take the opportunity to straddle his waist and whack him in the chest with my newly found sweatshirt.

"Jide wake up! I have to get my things from my room! Jide, we have an hour!" I yell louder while smacking his chest with softer pats as I feel stress rising in me. He finally stirs awake and rolls me off of him before walking up to his suitcase and beginning to pack. I just sit on the bed cross-legged, success written all over my face as I tuck JJ's sweatshirt under my knees. After a couple of minutes, JJ zips up his suitcase in annoyance and pushes me down onto the bed. I let out a shriek of surprise as he lays on top of me, letting out a couple of fake snores. I giggle as I try to pry him off of me, letting out something along the lines of, "JJ, please I can't breathe," which makes JJ smile against my neck before standing up and planting a kiss to my jaw. "Ready to go get your things?" He says and proceeds to grab his suitcase. I simply nod as I walk next to him through the halls of our hotel.

"Uhm, where is your room?" JJ asks, pushing the 'down' button on the elevator. Seeing that JJ was on the top floor and he booked his room separately from everyone else, he was the isolated one of the group.

"Bottom floor," I answer while scrolling through my phone. He lets out a sound of understanding before hitting 'G' and silently watch me scroll through Instagram. I look up at him and give him a warm smile before the doors open to reveal everyone from the team leaving their rooms and entering the lobby. I curse under my breath, not in the mood to see anyone, and begin to fast walk my way to my room with JJ trailing behind. I feel everyone's stares as I walk past them, dragging JJ along with me. While going through the lobby, I notice Vik sitting around with Harry and Josh, who has a horrific bandage covering his nose. JJ must have punched him hard to have a bandage like that...

I noticed Vik lock eyes with mine, then to JJ's, and back to mine. He let a smile form on his lips before giving me two thumbs up. I smile as I return the gesture, forgetting that my hands were hidden in my hoodie. I quickly quit the action, and make my way into my undisturbed room. Since I was wearing JJ's clothes, my suitcase was still closed and untouched, just like everything else around me. I flick up the handle on the case and spin around, only to be met with JJ's hands grabbing on to my shoulders.

"Hold on a second.. Si, where are we going? I know you haven't been staying at Josh and Vik's, so I was just wondering - where I should take us?" He asks, uncertainty laced into his voice.

I haven't thought of the question myself actually. I think about all of the memories I have from that house. The kicks, the bruises, the pain. But above that, I think of the laughter and happiness that I have been brought from the house. It's where Vik got duck taped to a chair, Harry got slapped by a fish, me and JJ decided to live together...

I learned everything I know there, and I am not going to let one person ruin those memories for me. I smile at the thought me and JJ then and where we are now. I find myself diving into JJ's chest and holding him close. He responds by holding my waist and kissing the top of my head. "Where do you want to go baby?" He asks, rubbing circles into my back as I smile against his chest.



How cute now let's make some fucked up shit happen. -Oli

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