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"JJ," I whine as he speeds up his pace, making his way up the steep hill, "slow down.." I mumble under my breath. He turns around, stopping in his track, and gives me an energetic smile. I feel my legs ache under me, wondering how much longer it will take until we make it to where we need to be. I jump up lightly, making sure to pull my backpack higher against my bony shoulders. I've done backpacking trips before, but nothing has ever added up to this.. This is mad.

"Do you want to take a break?" He asks, pulling his hand up to take off his backpack. I quickly grab his hand to stop him, causing him to look up at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"No! no- I'm alright," I whisper, silently cursing his PT. I felt so weak near him, yet I continue to push on as we face a steep trail. He nods, not letting go of my hand as he leads me up to a thick terrain of woods. He wipes his face with his disheveled bandanna before turning around and giving me a light grin.

"I think we're almost there," He says while pulling my black bandanna - which insisted me to wear - over my eyes. I laugh, pulling it back up to my head, before following him into the dense forest. I trip over a couple of stray sticks, holding his hand tighter before Jide stops in his tracks. We meet a steep hill, a rocky center placed on top. We would have to climb the hill is we ever wanted to make it to the top.

"That's where we need to be," Jide says, pulling a bottle of water out of his bag and squirting a large amount into his mouth. I let out a large groan as I lean against the nearest tree, clearly unhappy about this news. Jide only laughs at my childish behavior, placing his hands between both sides of the tree and placing a kiss to my chapped lips. "C'mon, this is the last thing then we're done.. Trust me, you won't regret it," he whispers, continuing to pepper my face with kisses. I push him away, and make my way over to the hill once again. I grab the nearest rock and being my climb up the hill with all my force. "That's my boy.." I hear behind me, knowing exactly who it was.

I must've been six feet above the ground before I felt a something swat my bottom. I turn around, an annoyed look on my face, to see Jide's smug face right behind me. "Like what you see?" I yell, wiggling my hips in the process. He laughs, passing me up in climbing before jumping to the top. His jaw drops as he looks up at the view, his chocolate eyes filled with awe.

"What?" I say, hoping for some insight. Instead, he only pulls his hand down to help me up, not taking his eyes off of the view in front of him. I gladly take it, using all of my arm strength to pull me up. Luckily I don't weigh much, as I pull myself up and plop down onto the flat rock under us. I throw off my bag in the process, that was filled with all of my necessities including clothes, toiletries, and food. I place it next to Jide's bag, which was twice as big as mine.

Jide still looks up in astonishment as I sit up to lean next to him. "Now wha-" I stop midway as my jaw drops, just as JJ's was. Not only are the mountain tops illuminated by the world above it, but you can see every detail of the landscape under us. The clouds lay a thick shadow under us, but the reflection of the river canals can be seen for miles. My heart warms at the sight, knowing that all of our hard work was for this moment. A day of exploring and nonstop walking for a night of complete bliss.

I move my hand, not daring to take my eyes off of the sight in front of me, trying my best to search for JJ's hand. I find his doing the exact same thing I was doing, mindlessly searching. I intertwine our fingers before scooting closer to him and placing my head against his exposed shoulder. I finally take my eyes off the view and lean my head into the crook of JJ's neck.

"Thank you," I whisper into his shoulder, placing a light kiss against him. I don't know why I am thanking him, he just deserves it. He managed to turn five months of hell into a mere memory within a couple of weeks. I feel a laugh vibrate from his throat as he rubs his hand along my hip.

"You know, this view reminds me of Indonesia. It's amazing how a day full of effort and pain can turn into relief from just a single sight," He pulls me up onto his lap before continuing, "When I went on that trip, I remember wishing that you were there with me. I think I've finally made up for that time..." He whispers, pulling me closer against him. I feel the blood rush to my face, thinking of the fact that he missed me as much as I missed him these past months.

I try my best to hide my face, but Jide pulls me back up in objection. His eyes are filled with amusement as my face changes a dark shade of red. He lets out a loud laugh, causing birds to retreat in every direction. "Oops" he says before standing pulling a blanket out of his backpack. Jide insisted, after staying everywhere around the world, that we camp out in the woods. He motions me to follow him, as we find a site to set up our tent.


I wake up with my head against Jide's bare chest, along with his arm wrapped around my barren back. I lean my head up, trying my best to not wake Jide, and take in his peaceful expression. His lips are slightly parted, letting out deep breaths with an occasional snore escaping the back of his throat. His thin eyelashes cover his lids and move as the frequent breeze flutters through the tent.

I smile at the sight, knowing that he is as content as me on this trip. I maneuver his arm off of my waist, and stand up from his grasp. I pull back the Canadian flag JJ used to cover the tent after the zipper broke, and step out into the site of tents and tables. The morning breeze is cold on my bare back, but it is calming as the trees sway side to side around me. I take a moment to pop my back, feeling the effects of sleeping on the floor all night, before feeling a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I lean into his embrace as he places a kiss on my temple, letting out a laugh in the process.

"Babe, your hair is sideways," he whispers, pushing down my matted hair. I laugh, pushing his twisted hair down in front of his face. He lets out a noise of shock, situating it back down with his bandanna. He pulls out two of my favorite beers from behind his back, offering me one.

"Jide, it's 7 in the morning," I say, grabbing the beer anyways, taking a sip of the bitter liquid.

"Just think we deserve it," he says nonchalantly, I lifting it up for a cheers.

"To adventure," I say, clinking my drink against his in a careless manner.

"And many more," he mumbles, taking a large gulp from his bottle and putting his arm around my shoulder. I smile, recollecting the events from these past weeks. This whole trip has shown me that I have nothing to worry about when I am with JJ. I've gotten stronger, almost as if nothing can break me again. I've seen places I've never experienced with the only person I want to be with.

I'm exactly where I want to be.


I'm not from Canada, but I live right next to the Great Smoky Mountains so that's close enough. Also this is done woop woop. I will place an advertisement on this later for my new fanfic called 'Authority'. If you are interested in another Ksimon, go to my profile and add it. :)

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