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(Basically assault warning)


The champion's league stadium was filled to the brim. Every direction you faced, there were dedicated fans cheering and screaming for their desired team. Elliot leads us to our seats between an abundance of screaming fans dressed in white and purple. I am seated between Elliot and, once again, Josh. The boys begin to make score predictions, but that is the least of my concern as Josh begins to brush his fingers along my side, making sure to pay special attention to the places that make me squirm.

"What do you reckon Simon" Elliot says while giving me a curious stare. I snap up from my uncomfortable state before I mutter a silent, "What? I'm sorry, I zoned out.."

"Score prediction mate." He answers, giving me a pat on the shoulder.

"Oh.. 3-1 Madrid.." I mumble, looking out towards the beautifully made pitch.

I once again feel Josh's hand find its way along my skin, making me shiver at the thought of him touching me. My anxiousness soon turns into anger as I realize what Josh is doing. Why does he think he can touch me like this? Not only am I with Jide, but he has a girlfriend for fucks sake! I feel a pang of confidence build up in my chest as I grab Josh by the hand and push him away, letting out a simple, "Don't fucking touch me."

The boys see it as simple banter, as others give me dirty looks from behind. Harry gives me a look before bringing his eyes back to the pitch, which was preparing for walk outs. Josh laughs along with the boys at my comment, and keeps his hands off of me for the rest of the match. 'Thank fuck' I mumble as the crowd screams during Ronaldo's entrance.



"So boys we're all staying on the same floor?" Cal asks, raising his room key that read '300'. We all nod in response reading off the number on our keys.

"Aw what the fuck! I'm on 200!" Harry yells, throwing his bag up in exaggeration. We all laugh, explaining to Harry, who was pouting like a four year old, that he would only be one staircase away from us. He lets out a 'yeah I guess' before making his way to his own room. Me, along with the other three make our way to our own rooms, realizing that we are literally right next to each other. As soon as I close my hotel door, I throw my suitcase onto the bed and lay face down with my legs dangling to the floor. I pull out my phone, putting in JJ's number and pressing on the 'facetime' option.

I get an answer after five rings, revealing a sweaty Jide who is smiling like an idiot. I hide my face with my blanket, hoping to hide the tiredness on my face.

"Oh, h-hey babe!" He yells over-excitedly, his eyes moving from the camera to something happening from across the room. I give him a look of suspicion before asking the obvious question of, "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean? I'm just at home alone-" He is cut of by a loud crash and an a thickly accented 'FUCK." Vik.

"Jide I'm not stupid. I just heard Vik and you're acting weirder than Marina Joyce... I know you and Vik have been up to something just tell me.." I say, hiding my mouth over the blanket. He gives me a defeated look before sighing and flipping the camera to front view. I let out a gasp seeing my room almost completely fixed. The walls were no longer scattered with holes, nor were my sheets ripped to shreds. I feel tears well up in my eyes as I mumble out a million 'thank you's' and 'i love you's' as Jide watches with joy spread all over his face.

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