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The past few days have been pretty laid back. I wake up, edit until the sun sets, and wait for JJ to finish his training. I've only had to encounter Josh once or twice, and it always ends in Vik having to break the tension. I don't know what Josh thinks he is accomplishing by watching my every move, but it does scare me. I know he is capable of damage and I am not prepared if he tries anything. I could always tell Jide if I am feeling uncomfortable, but I don't want to bother him. He needs to worry about himself, not me.

Jide has announced that he is taking me out on an official 'date' tonight. Well - Vik knows - I'm not comfortable telling the other boys yet. I may be able to tell them afterwards; but for now, it's between me and JJ. He refuses to tell me what we are doing deeming that it will 'ruin the surprise'. All he is telling me is that I shouldn't worry about dressing up.. He hasn't even told me what time we are leaving.

Besides the fact that we are going out tonight, he refuses to miss a day of training as he gives me a peck on the lips and walks out the door. I sigh and lie back against the messily made bed. I don't have any editing to do today, so I might as well spend the time watching other YouTuber's videos. I pull my phone out of the pocket of my basketball shorts and put in my code. It flashes open to an already paused video of Harry's latest video. I hit play as the room is filled with Harry screaming as he scores a mad penalty. I sigh as the numbers tick by on my phone showing the time going by.

Today is going to be a long day...


I lie on my back, staring at the ceiling in boredom. I turn my head, reading the numbers expressed on the Rolex laid on Jide's night stand. '12:00 AM'. (I'm American allow it). I stand from the bed, accepting that we'll have to reschedule the date, and take off my dirty top to change into a night shirt. It wasn't until JJ barged in and yelled, "IT'S TIME!" that I stopped what I was doing and gave him a look of utter confusion. "What the fuck are you talking about?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed as I continue to change my top. He runs over, throws the shirt across the room and puts his hands on my hips. "Our date! C'mon get ready!" He yells excitedly, running around the room like a kid in a candy store. I do as I am told, too confused to even question what is going on. What the hell does he expect us to do at midnight? It isn't a second after I throw my adidas top on before Jide is dragging me down the stairs and into his lambo.



I feel Simon's eyes on me as I drive down the freeway, making my way to the first destination of our date. I break into a smile, hearing Simon let out a loud sigh of annoyance and putting his feet up onto my dash. "Whining isn't going to make me say anything, babe," I say, reaching over to grab his thigh. He lets out a huff but keeps quiet the rest of the ride there. I squeeze his thigh, silently thanking him. He leans his head back in the seat and stares off at the lights illuminating from the streetlights. I smile as the bright lights show off and highlight his facial features. I can't help myself as I blurt out, "You're pretty.." Jesus Christ I sound five... He turns his head to look up at me with his ocean eyes and lets a grin appear on his face. I grin back as I continue to rub my finger against his leg. I take my eyes back onto the road to realize that I am about to miss my turn. I take a sharp left into our destination, flinging Simon into his seat. "What the fuck?!" He yells, smacking my arm in the process.

"We're here"


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