Chapter 6- Is This Illegal?

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okay guys, We sadly did not reach our goal>:( we had three comments...meh. BUT I'm awesome so I updated anyways *sticks tongue out* *Henry growls* *runs like hell* Wait, hold up, henrys hot. *Turns around* HELLLLLLLOOOOOO dere sexy, how you doiiin?

LOL random talk to characters time. :D

here you go you filthy let downers (Jk lol)



Holy whale sperm. Mother of Jesus Pancakes I'm kissing Henry! No he's kissing me. Well technically we're both contributing, but whatever, same difference. His lips were so, so soft like rubbing-one-of-those-really-fluffy-blankets-against-your-face kind of soft; except better. He tasted like chocolate, but the really good expensive chocolate that comes from other countries, melts in your mouth, and tastes like heaven. Yum. The only problem was that I had no clue what I was doing, or why I was doing it. I wasn't moving, because I had no clue what to do. Henry began moving his lips gently against mine, and I followed his lead the best I could.

I don't think I'm supposed to be doing this.

Maybe I should pull away and run. Yeah that sounds like a good plan.

Wait, crap is this illegal?!

I've never done anything illegal before; Mom's going to be so disappointed in me!

But it feels really nice.

I like it.............

Yes it's weird and awkward, but in a cute way. Like an elevator ride but with puppies.

So I didn't pull away. I didn't stop breaking the law that was put there to protect me. I took it in my hands and said 'Law, Imma break you!' and smashed it into itty bitty pieces. Hesitantly, I wrapped my arms around his neck, trying shyly to bring him a bit closer. Henry groaned into the kiss and moved faster and a little bit more rough then before. I quite like it. Trying to match his pace, I pressed myself against him and got lost in his kiss. After a while I pulled back, totally out of breath.

Like seriously, my lungs are screaming at me and starting a riot. Is this what lungs do when people kiss, I wonder? Do they like jump out of our bodies and meet eachother secretly and map out plans because we're cruel to them? I sighed and took in a big breath of air, hoping it would suit for an apology. Henry looked down at me and sighed. I frowned.

"What?" I asked.  He looked at me funny.

"What, what?" He said. I groaned.

"I'm not singing Macklemore here, now what?"

"What, what?" He groaned. I let out a small screech of fury.

"You sighed." I elaborated loudly. He nodded.

"I seem to do that a lot these days." he commented.

"Well why did you sigh?" I asked grumpily, pouting out my lip. He looked confused and then something seemed to click. He rolled his eyes.

"I didn't want to stop, Jojo. That is why I sighed." he explained shaking his head. I nodded curtly and blushed fiercely at my own stupid mistake. I hid behind my hair and started backing away slowly. I cursed mentally. There was a tree. A frickin' tree was in the way of my escape!

I turned around and gave it the stink eye.

"Why do you and your friends always block my escapes!?" I cried, hitting the bark gently with my hand. It didn't move. Of course it won't move, it's a tree. I thought to myself. I looked back up at Henry, who was raising an eyebrow at me and looking slightly amused. I glared at him softly and skirted around the tree, not breaking eye contact. He stood motionless; didn't he know I was about to run? I pretended to take a step to the right and then sprinted left in the direction of the school. Henry was after me, yet he was still a few yards behind me, making me screech in triumph.

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