Prom part 1

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Nicki's POV

I woke up to safaree kissing my neck. I instantly smiled and giggled. 

"faree stop it" I said as I open my eyes and tried to push him off. 

"baby its time to get up" he then kissed me and I deepened it. I flipped us over so I was on top. I cupped his face as he put his hands on my ass. I pulled out of the kiss and climbed off of him to walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

"well finish this later" I smirked. I walked up to the sink and grabbed my tooth brush. I then felt safaree wrap his arms around me from behind as he kissed my neck

"its later" he whispered in my ear I turned around and kissed him. he deepend the kiss as he picked me and sat me on the bathroom counter. he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I opened my lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. he wrapped my legs around his waist as he tried to lift up my shirt but I stopped him. 

"safaree we can't" I said pulling out of the heated kiss "we seriously need to get ready" I hoped off of the counter and walked towards my room to get dressed. 

"okay but later on tonight that ass is mine" he said slapping my ass as I walked away 

"owee faree that hurt!" I said rubbing my ass. he didint say anything he just laughed


I pulled up to the school in my car and parked. I got out and walked towards beyonce and rihanna. when I approached them they stopped talking and immediately put on some goofy ass smiles. 

"what?" I said already knowing they were talking about me 

"oh nothing" Riri said giving me a smile that obviously told me she was lying

"what were y'all talking about?" 

"I already told you it was nothing" 

I looked them giving them a straight face letting them know I was serious. 

"okay we were talking about you and drake" bey smirked 

"what about me and drake?" 

"we see how close you guys have been" riri smirked 

"close? we just met and besides you already know I have safaree" 

just then drake walked up to us. his head was down and he was wearing sunglasses and it wasnt even that bright outside. I knew something was up by the way he was walking. he had all the warnings signs abuse. it remined me of myself when I tried tp hide the bruises from when my dad used to hit me. sombody has to be messing with him. 

"hey drake" I said smiling

"hey nicki" he said with his head down. I knew something was wrong but I didn't say anything. there was an awkward silence between all of us. 

"well we gotta go" bey said nudghing Ri. they both got up and started to walk away "see you at lunch" 

they left leaving me alone with drake. he was going to walk away but I stopped him. "drake are you okay" 

"uh yeah i'm fine" 

"you sure?"

"yeah im good...we should get to class before were late" I wasn't buying his lies I knew he wasn't okay but I wasn't going to confront him. at least I wasnt going to do right now. we walked to class together and got there right before the bell rang. 


"guys look!" bey said as we walked through the school hallway to go home. she pointed to a poster that was hung in the hall way. it was a poster for prom king and queen sign-ups

"yeah what about it" Riri said 

"one of us should sign up" 

"well the only that could possible sign up is nicki"

I looked at them like they were crazy. I did not plan on going to prom nor did I plan on running on for prom queen and even if I did I know that I would never win. 

"I am NOT signing up! I dont even have anyone to run with" I said 

"oh come on yes you do you can run with safaree" riri said 

"besides I wouldn't even win Im still the new girl" 

"please nicki" they both said pleading with me

I sighed deeply before giving them a response "ugh okay fine 

"yay!' they said jumping up and down. I couldn't help but laugh at there silliness. they then walked over to the sign-up sheet and put down me and safaree's name. we walked out of the hallway and walked to our cars. we said our goodbyes and went our seperate ways.

Kim's POV

I watched as the three skanks walked out the hallway all peppy and shit. damn they annoy the hell out of me. especially that bitch nicki. she needs to stay away from drake! that nigga is mine! I saw them sign nicki up for the running for prom queen and that instanly made me laugh. the fact that they thought that nicki could win prom queen was too funny. I wasn't even going to let it bother me but then I thought of the best plan ever. I was not only going to make sure that nicki won but I was going to make sure that she got a little somthing extra. I was going to make sure that nicki learned her lesson for messindg with drake.

Nicki's POV

"faree im home!" I yelled as I walked through the door. I walked into the living room and found a sleeping safaree sitting on the couch. I decided to pay him back for this morinng. I climbed on top of him and started to kiss his neck. I moved my head up and kissed his ear. "baby wake up" I whispered in his. I heard him laugh a little before he opened his eyes with a smile. 

"hey baby" he said smiling as he looked into my eyes. I leaned in and pecked his lips.

"how was your day?" he asked

"boring as usual!" 

"same" he said

"faree can I ask you something?" I said putting my head down. me and safaree have been thorugh so much together so I know I could tell him anything. I dont know why but I was still sort of nervous about asking him to prom. I was a little scared that he wouldn't want to go.

"yeah babe what is it" 

I didn't say anything. I just traced his chest with my finger 

"nicki tell me"

"faree will you go to prom with me?" he lifted my head so I was looking at him.

"nicki of course I will"

I smilled at him and leaned in and kissed him. he then put his hands on my ass as he picked me and started walking to towards the stairs.

"safaree put me down!'

"no! tonight im going to be your prom king" he smirked as he continued to carry me up the stairs. 


so what has kim got planned for nicki?

Is drake okay? 

dont you think safare and nicki are mad cute?

I hoped you like this chapter and sorry for any mistakes

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