The Plan

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Jill's P.O.V

I sigh as I flop on to my bed. This year has been a long one and the stress has been really getting to me.

"I don't no what to do about these girls" I complain to Betsy, who looks at me lovingly.

"What do you think the underlying issue is?" She questions me and to be honest her question makes me truly think about the answer.

"I think that the loss against Sweden has really effected them, I feel that Hope's comment and suspension is a big issue to. I mean half the girls feel Hope's punishment was valid and the others were out raged. It really caused a rift between the girls and once one rift started more seemed to follow"

"You girls use to be like a family, maybe you just need to remind them what it's like to be a family again" I kiss Betsy on the chick her words giving me an idea.

"I love you" I jump to my feet and rush to my office a huge smile on my face. It's time to bring this team back together but first I'm gonna need some help.

I spend the next 2 hours trying to figure out exactly what I was going to do and when I finally come up with a plan, I put it into action. Time to find some girls that are fun and bubbly to brighten up this team. I pick up the phone and call round to all the NWSL coaches. Reading them a few names and asking there opinions on the girls personality. Unfortunately with 4 clubs down and still no luck I'm starting to lose faith in my plan. It was Orlando's turn to receive my call and I'm glad that Tom answer straight away.

"Tom it's Jill Ellis, how you going this afternoon"

"Not to bad Jill its so nice to hear from you" His deep voice tuds down the phone. Tom and I have been friends for years so if there is anyone that will help me with my plan then its going to be Tom.

"Tom I need a favor" I say carefully.

"Sure what can I do for you"

"Well as you know things aren't going great with the national team since we got back from Rio, but I have a plan to change all that" I say cheerfully starting to get excited.

"Okay what have you got in mind?"

"Well since the season is nearly over I'm thinking of getting all the girls together for a month and go away, kinda like a camp but strictly bonding activities"

"Sound like a pretty good Idea but what do you need from me"

"Well I have a few names here and I want you to tell me if you think they will help me bring this team back together or not" I knew Tom would be completely honest with me.

"No problems at all fire the names at me" I hear him laugh.

"Okay first Christina Buckenroad?"

"Christina is a great player but she's super shy and she'll really stuggle to open up if the dynamic of the team isn't great" I nod thankful for his honesty as I cross off her name.

"Okay next is Kristen Edmonds"

"Great girl but unfortunately she is going to be in Australia to play for Canberra United this off season, contract bound" bugger another one to cross off.

"Okay then what about..."

"Jill why don't you take the Sage sisters" He cuts me off. "They are both so bubbly, loving caring and are well and truly team players. They will help being your girls back together and you will also be gaining an awesome right back and a well round defensive mid." I listen to everything he says and smile know that Emily and Sophia Sage where on my list. I wasn't really planning on bring two new players in but if Tom says there good then I'm going to believe him.

"Thanks Tom, I'll get Tony and Steve to give them a call now and organize everything, don't tell them thought, I love watching Tony and Steve jump when the girls scream with happiness" I laugh causing Tom to laugh to. After saying our good byes I call Tony and Steve to ask if they are able to come to my house for a meeting. Thankfully there free. So while I wait for them to arrive I work on the next part of my plan.

I have two new face coming into camp but I think I should also bring back some old faces. I call Abby first knowing she'll jump at the chance for a free holiday.

"Good afternoon Jill, I wasn't expecting your call" She answers.

"I have a propitiation for you" I explain my idea to her and she agrees to join me for a month or two, to help bring the team back together and I couldn't have been more thankful. Abby was a leader and was very good at it. So I figure that if Abby shows them how to come together them maybe they will. Next I call Lauren.

"Hey Jill, how you going" She answer cheerfully.

"I'm good how are you?" I smile before remembering she can't actually see me smiling at her.

"Good good, so whats up?" Straight to the point always Lauren's strong suit.

"I need to ask a favor. The girls are falling apart Lauren, ever since Rio I only ever hear them bickering between each other so I have come up with a plan. Since the season is nearly over I'm going to take everyone away during the off season. I'm thinking Hawaii. The trip will be to solely bring everyone back together, but I need your help, you where always the glue when It came to this team and I need your help at gluing the team back together" I can hear in my own voice how much I'm begging and i'm honestly starting to annoy myself. I hate begging.

"I'm not coming out of retirement if that's what your asking?"

"God of course not, I just want you to join us on this trip. Think of it as a family get away"

"Okay, I'll be there just send me the details" I smile at the fact she agrees.

"Thanks Lauren, please don't tell any of the ladies about it yet"

She agrees to keep it a secret and before i know it my plan is nearly complete. I just needed to get Emily and Sophia Sage under contract. Thankful Tony and Steve are already on the phone to the girls sorting out everything.

Next job getting everything booked! 'This is the part I hated'

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