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Sophia's P.O.V

I'm currently sitting in my lounge room playing Fifa against Alex, Ash and Ali. They haven't really left since we got back from Hawaii and then Kansas City, probably because Emily made them promise to look after me. Im a 23 year old with babysitters, though I don't blame Emily not wanting me to be alone, last time I was alone I blew up the microwave and broke my ankle. I'm a 23 year old child if I'm honest.

"Ash thats cheating" Ali complained, Ali and I are on one team Alex and Ash on the other. Ash is currently kissing Ali's neck to distract her amd its working.

"Ash you little cheater" I laugh kicking her slightly. She just smiles smuggly at me. I'm about to complain at the facts she still continuing to cheat when someone knocks at the door. "I'll get it I grown, picking myself up from the couch and walking to the door.

I stand frozen when I open the door, anger building up inside me when I realise who it is. "Anne what the hell are you doing here?" I spit unable to even pretend I'm glad to see her again after 4 years.

"Is Emily here?" She asks her eyes looking behind me. I wanted to slap her but I knew that would only cause problems for Emily and I would probably be charged with assault because Anne would happily charge me.

"No, what do you want" I say harshly.

"I can't look after Luca anymore, so she can have him. It's what Lexa would want" I stare at her shocked, Luca was a name I hadn't heard in years, the name was one I could never speak, Emily hated hearing it. She wanted to pretend Luca no longer existed.

"You have got to be kiding me right, you took him away, told her she would never see him again, how dare you show up four years down the line, because you don't want him anymore" I scream, I soon feel arms around me and I no its Alex holding me back.

"I can put him in a home if you would prefer" Anne says harshly, clearly not giving a fuck about her grandson. I glare at her angrily, Emily knew something like this would happen.

"No where is he?" I say calming down, screaming at her was getting me no where. She waves towards her car in the drive way and a young boy steps out from the car a huge smile on his face when he sees me he starts running towards me, I open my arms and let him jump up into them.

"Aunty Soph" He cheers I spill him round, it felt amazing to see him. He was only 5 when Anne took him away from Emily and there was nothing Emily could do about it. Luca was Lexa's not Emily's, well not biologically anyway.

"I've missed you" I say tears in my eyes, when I turn and face the door I realise Anne is no longer standing there, a small bag has been left in the drive way. I put Luca down and let him hug Alex and Ash, who knew him when he use to live with Lexa and Emily.

"Fucking bitch" I mumble under my breath as I pick up the bag I presume is Luca's. I walk back inside locking the door behind me. I grab Ash's arm and pull her closer so I can whisper in her eye. "I need to call Emily, can you watch him?" Ash nods so I quickly slip out the back door and sit down in the court yard ready to call Emily. I knew that she would be happy but I knew that Lauren didn't bo about Luca, no one did Ash and Alex where the only ones and thats because they had met him.

"Hey Soph" Emily answers happily.

Emily's P.O.V

"Hey Soph" I smile as I answer. I hadn't spoken to Soph for a few days so I was glad I could now.

"Em, I need to tell you something" I can hear the seriousness in her voice and straight away I go into panic mode.

"Soph whats going on?" I question, Lauren must notice the concern in my voice because her hand goes straight to my leg amd she looks at me concerned.

"Anne was here, she doesn't want Luca anymore" My heart sinks, a little at the realisation of what Sophia was saying.

"Is he there?" I ask standing and moving away from Lauren.

"Yeah, he remembers us" Sophia states, a smile crosses my lips, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"I haven't told Lauren yet" I admits, my heart skipping a beat as I realises this news could fuck everything up, but I'm not going to lose Luca again. Regardless of blood Luca is my son.

"I know" Sophia says to me sadly, I can tell she is crying to.

"I'll call you back soon so I can talk to him, I need to tell Lauren the truth" I say before saying goodbye and hanging up.

"Tell me the truth about what?" Over the last month Lauren has got her speech nearly back to normal, I stare at her shocked that she heard me, I didn't know where to start.

"I think you should sit" I say, she nods before going back to the couch and sitting down. "I'm sorry" I say before continuing. This conversation was going to go one of two ways. Either Lauren would understand or she would break up with me for not telling her. "I haven't told you everything about Lexa"

"What do you mean?" I can see that Lauren is nervous about what I have to say.

"When Lexa and I got together, she had a 1 year old, over the 4 years we where together, I was the one that raised him because Lexa wasnt fit to, he grew up calling me mum. When Lexa died her mother took Luca away and I was told that I would never see him again, so to protect myself I never spoke his name again because it hurt me so much, I'm sorry I never told you, but losing him broke my heart" By the time I finish I have tears cascading down my cheeks.

"Why are you telling me this now?" Lauren questions me, when I look up and into her eyes, I don't see anger like I had expected, she just looks hurt and confused.

"He just got dropped at my house back in Orlando, Anne, Lexa's mum doesn't want him anymore" I stare at Lauren trying to read her facial expressions.

"I thought you trusted me enough to tell me" Lauren's sad tone breaks my heart and I realise how bad I have fucked up by keeping Luca a secret, I knew Lauren would never have judged me, I knew if I had told her the truth she would have been supportive, but just saying hos name use to make me cry for days on end. It just couldn't handle it.

"I trust you Lauren with everything I am, I just....Speaking his name was to hard for me"

"Emily I'm only a mo...nth into re...cov..ery" I understand what Lauren means by what shes saying.

"I can stay somewhere else with him if you want, I can still come over every day and help you, I can do this anyway you want, but I can't lose him again" I swollow hard, I knew that this was probably going to be the end of Lauren and I.

"No, thats n..ot what I'm, I'm I wo..nt be able to he...lp you loo...k after him, that I wo..nt be much fun for hi..m to be arou..nd, he's your son Em you sho...uld be the one him" I look at her surprised at what she is saying, I was expecting a fuck you for lying to me, a get the fuck out of my house.

"So your not breaking up with me?" I enquire wanting to make sure we are on the same page.

"Emily I love you, you and mot..her't that" She smiles pulling me towards her and smashing our lips together.

I really am the luckest person alive! I think to myself as I continue to kiss the love of my life.

A/N: What do you guys think of the surprise? X

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