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Tobin's P.O.V

The flight from Portland to Hawaii went by so quick, thanks to the girls with me. I must admit if they weren't here I probably never would have got on the plane, I hate the vibe the team has now. I mean I'm pretty lucky I get on with nearly everyone, probably because I wasn't stupid enough to pick a side when we started falling apart, but even though I get on with everyone doesn't mean I want to be here.

"Tobs you okay?" Allie asks as she puts her arm around my shoulder. We are currently standing at baggage claim waiting for well for the obvious (to collect our bags)

"I just hate what this team has become" I admit.

"I know but who knows maybe this trip will work just like Jill planned" I just nod. I don't think anyone of us (Allie, Lindsay, Kling and myself) actually believe this trip will help. Unfortunately I think this team is completely broken.

After collecting our bags we meet with Steve one of the assistant coach's, he's going to be driving us to the hotel. After meeting with him though we find out that we have to wait another hour the Orlando flight. I didn't mind to much, but I know Kling and Lindsay aren't very patient people. I walk to the nearest set of chairs my arm linked with Allie. I needed to sit, there was no way in hell I was standing for an hour.

I pull my phone from my pocket and scroll through my social media's before deciding I should put something up on my twitter.

"I retweeted already" Allie states from the seat beside me

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"I retweeted already" Allie states from the seat beside me. I shake me head a scoff a little.

"You really are a stalker Harry"

"I only stalk you Harry" She smiles her cheeses grin. "Anyway you looking forward to seeing Christen again?" I sigh at her question.

"I guess, it's been pretty awkward since I told her the truth about my feelings" I shrug sinking further into my chair.

"She likes you Tobs, maybe she just needed time to process, I'm sure as soon as you see her things will go back to normal" I smile at Allie acknowledging the fact she trying to make me feel better.

"I hope so"


It had felt like we had been waiting for longer then an hour so you can imagine my relief when I heard over the speaker that the girls plane had finally landed. We were going to wait for them at the gate but Steve decided that by baggage claim would be easier.

Once I see Alex round the corner I take off running towards her and once I reach her I jump straight into her arms. It feels good to have my best friend with me again. I soon feel more bodies joining the hug and realize Ash and Allie have joined.

"3 Amigo's" Allie says into my back where she buried her face. "Plus Ash" She quickly adds when there is a grumpy grunt from Ash.

After a couple of minutes we all pull away and I finally greet Emily and Sophia. I'm glad they've finally been given the chance to join the national team. They are amazing players and even better people. I was lucky enough to have met them for the first time about a year ago at one of Ash's parties and Emily and I seemed to hit it off straight away.

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