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No Ones P.O.V

"This is ridiculous" Emily screamed into the phone as she beg a second vase at a bedroom wall, Tom (Orlando Coach) has decided not to transfer Emily but instead give her a 6 month leave. Unfortunately for Sophia she was the one that had to give Emily the news.

"I know Em, but at least you get to still look after Lauren while she recovers" Sophia says trying to calm her sister.

"Yeah but what happens after that Soph, what I come back to Orlando and leave Lauren here, we will have been living together for 8 months by then, I won't want to leave her, plus what happens if the recover takes longer?" Emily is not impressed at all, Tom had told HAO last week that he would allow her to be transfered then he completely changed his mind.

"Then we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Em please try looking at the bright side, at least now you don't have to leave Lauren at all, not for training and not for home games" Emily takes a deep breath realising her sister right, the time off is what she really needs. "Now have you seen Lauren today?" Sophia asks after hearing her sisters breathing become normal, letting her know Emily is calming down.

"No not yet, she had speech therapy this morning and she hates when I'm there for that" Emily sighs as she sits down, Loki curling up beside her.

"So thats why you really frustrated isn't it, you want to be there and support her" Emily rolls her eyes at how well her sister knows her.

"I feel like shes pushing me away a little bit" Emily admits, ever since the operation Lauren has been distant, not just with Emily but with everyone. She even refuses to let anyone other then Emily see her.

"She's just struggling to manage at the moment Em, give her time. I'm sure once shes back home things will change" Emily mm in response not really sure what to say to her sister. She knew Sophia was right, but that didn't stop the hurt she felt by being pushed away.

"I better go Soph, I need to get ready before I head off to see Lauren"

After saying there goodbyes, Emily goes and gets Loki's lead, she had promised Lauren to walk him every morning, just like they did before Lauren's surgery.

"Walkies" Emily chimmed. Within seconds a bounding Loki comes sliding round the corner, he tries to stop at Emily's feet but can't get enough traction on the wood floors and ends up running straight into Emily's legs bowling her over. Loki lools at Emily apologetically before giving her a big lick across her face. Emily just laughs at Loki's antics before getting up and clipping his lead to his collar and walking out the door.

Emily takes the usual way, through the park and into the dog park where Loki can run off lease for 10 or so minutes before she turns back around and heads home.

The walk does Emily good, it really helped clear her head, so she can calm herself before going to see Lauren, the last thing Emily wanted to do was snap at Lauren.

After a long hot shower, Emily changes into black skinny jeans, a plain white shirt and a red flannel. The drive to the hospital doesn't take long at all since the morning traffic has already past. Emily takes a deep breath before walking into the hospital and up to Lauren's room.

"He..hey...b...b...baby" Lauren stutters as Emily walks through the door.

"Hey beautiful" Emily smiles as she walks towards the bed giving Lauren a quick kiss before sitting down. "How you feeling today?"

"G...go..good" Lauren smiles.

"That's good" Emily smiles back, glad to finally see a real smile on Lauren's face, just as Lauren is about to ask Emily the same question, the door opens and in walks Dr. Walker.

"Good Morning girls" She says a big smile on her face.

"Good Morning" Emily smiles back. Lauren just nods unable to say good morning just yet.

"Lauren have you told Emily the good news?" Dr. Walker asks, Lauren shakes her head slightly annoyed at the fact the Dr. Walker had given her enough time to tell her.

"Whats the good news?" Emily asks turning her attention to Lauren, Emily knew all to well that Lauren would want to be the one that tells her.

"I g..g..et t..o g..go h...ho..home" Lauren smiles brightly, glad to finally get out of the hospital and back to living a semi normal life with the woman she loves and her big ball of fun Loki.

"That's amazing news" Emily smiles completely buzzed that she finally gets to fall asleep and wake up next to the woman she loves. Lauren nods grabbing hold of Emily's hand and giving it a tug to tell Emily she wants a hug and kiss, which Emily happily obliges.

"I have a nurse getting the discharge papers ready as we speak, but I would like to have a quick word with you Emily, if you don't mind" Emily nods giving Lauren a quick kiss before following Dr. Walker out of the room.

"Is everything okay?" Emily asks concerned, her mind filling with all the worst things Dr. Walker could be about to say.

"Yes, I just wanted to talk to you about what needs to be done on your part now Lauren is going home" Emily nods waiting for Dr. Walker to continue. "You will find that she may struggle being home, shes probably wanting to get straight back to normal life, so she will try things she not ready for, if she can't do something it may cause her to get upset, so just try to stay positive for her, help her as much as she allows you, her therapist will come to the house every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so you don'thave to bring her to the hospital other then for emergencies or appointments with me. We will be doing monthly scans for the first 6 months just to make sure the tumor isn't growing back" Dr. Walker states calmly.

"What sort of things is she not allowed to do?" Emily asks, wanting to make sure she has all the information.

"Don't let her over exert herself, she's going to get tired really quickly, she still has headaches at night which has caused her to scream out in pain, don't let this frighten you, just give her the pain medication we will give you" Dr. Walker smiles, she confidant Emily can handle all this otherwise she wouldn't have agreed to let Lauren go home.

After a few more questions Emily goes back into Lauren, who is already signing her discharge papers. Its another hour before they actually get to leave because Lauren's physiotherapist had to come in and give Lauren a modified walking stick that she needed to use at all times when walking.

"H...ho..me" Lauren smiles as Emily opens the front door for her, Loki picks his head up from the couch and when he sees Lauren he bolts towards her. Emily quickly jumps infront of him to stop him from knocking Lauren over, unfortunately for Emily Loki once and knocks her on her arse. Lauren bursts out laughing at her girlfriend spread out on the floor.

"What you laughing at miss" Emily laughs before picking herself up.

"Tha...thank yo..you f...or pro...tect..ing me" Lauren smiles trying to hold in her laugh, Loki walks right beside her as she struggles towards the couch. Stumbling every now and again, but Loki pushes himself up against Lauren's leg to help her stabilise. Emily watches a massive smile on her face, today was one of the happiest she had experienced in over a week.

The rest of the afternoon Lauren and Emily just enjoyed each others company, Loki stayed calmed, but never left Lauren's side.

A/N: Hey guys heres another chapter I hope you guys enjoy. There is going to be a massive surprise in the next chapter, that may or may not cause massive amounts of drama x

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