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Kelley's P.O.V

As I arrive at HAO's I'm surprised to find I'm one of the last to arrive. I brought Sam Kerr with me because she my bestfriend and I hate attending things on my own. The party is already in full swing and as I look around the place, I notice a few people are already drunk. I sigh leading Sam into the kitchen so we could get a drink.

"We have catching up to do" I joke as I hand her, her drink. She laughes and nods. A few of the Aussie girls are here tonight, Alanna Kennedy, Kyah Simons and Caitlin Ford. Once Sam spots them she wonders off from me, to great the girls. I see Sophia sitting in the corner by herself and decide to go speak with her.

"Hey" I smile taking a seat beside her. She smiles back and pulls me into a quick hug. "Why you sitting by yourself?"

"I'm not your here" She says being a smart ass I laugh and nod. "Nah I don't know, its awkward seeing her with him" She says pointing towards JJ and Zach. "Like I don't wanna be with her or anything, but you think she would have more respect for me then to bring him, you know"

"Look I love JJ but her head is a mess her, dating life is even worse. She likes someone then decides she doesn't, it's like her M.O" I say shrugging, I feel sorry for Sophia, to see and ex with there new/old partner wouldn't be easy, especially after the drama that happened between Zach, Emily and Sophia. 

"Yeah I heard all that a little to late" Sophia laughes. I smile glad to see she can at least joke about the whole thing.

"You deserve better anyway Soph, you've been through enough in your life" She turns and looks at me giving me a confused look.

"Lauren told me a few things" I admit, hoping that she doesn't get upset.

"Oh okay" She smiles before turning her attention back to the crowd.

"Come dance with me" I demand pulling her up and into the crowd. I pull her into the centre of the room where a group of the other girls are dancing. I smile when I see her starting to loosen up. I hadn't really got to see this side of Sophia before, she was usually so serious at camp.

I turn around and notice Mal glancing over at Sophia and I can't help the smile crossing my lips. I knew Mal had a bit of a crush on Sophia during camp. Kling, Moe and I would tease her about it none stop, but once JJ and Soph got together Mal felt like she had lost her chance. Maybe now she can get another one.

I decide to play cupid and grab Mal's hand pulling her toward Sophia and I to dance, Mal glares at me but tries to act natural onviously not wanting to give anything away.

- 2 hours later -

Sophia's P.O.V

"You seem to be enjoying yourself" Emily smiles at me. We haven't really seen much of each other tonight because most of the older girls are in the back yard playing all different types of drinking games. I think Lauren is probably the only one not drinking because she pregnant.

"Yeah I'm having heaps of fun" And I really am. I have spent my whole night with Mal and Kelley, we spent ages dancing before deciding that we wanted to join in on Moe and Klings game of 'Never Have I Ever'.

"I approve by the way" Emily smiles. She goes to walk away but I grab her arm and pull her back.

"Approve of what?" I question, seriously confused as to what she could be referring to.

"Wow you really are oblivious" Emily laughes at me. I shove her slightly. "Mal clearly likes you and by the way you have been flirting with her all night, I'm guessing you may like her too" I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and I turn my head away from Emily hoping she doesn't see. She was right I had been flirting with Mal all night, she's so sweet and fun to be around, she makes me laugh, even with the cornyest of jokes.

"I don't want to get hurt again" The words just kinda fell out of my mouth, I hadn't realised that, that was the reason I had held back from the girls I went on dates with.

"I honestly don't think Mal would ever want to hurt you, I mean she clearly really likes you, plus Soph you can't let one heartbreak stop you from  finding someone that makes you happy" I nod at my sister before turning and walking away back to the girls. Emily was right, I couldn't let the way JJ hurt me, effect me for the rest of my life. I deserved to be happy.

A/N: Sorry it's only short, what do you guys think so far? Mal and Sophia? I like Kelley and Soph to but I feel I should just make them bestfriends. Anyways, let me know what you think, If you like the two together I can make it happen. X

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