By Your Side!

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A/N: Not proofread so sorry for any mistakes I hope you enjoy. For all HAO fans she will be making an appearance in the next chapter. Happy reading x

Emily's P.O.V

Have you ever met someone that makes you smile in your darkest hours, that makes you realise that there is light at the dark end of the tunnel your walking through?

I have, the moment I layed eyes on Lauren a smile spread across my lips and it didn't fade until she was no longer beside me. The happiness that fills my heart when we look into each others eyes, the smile the crosses my lips every time she enters a room. These feelings are ones I have never felt before. Yes, I have been in love before, I mean I loved Lexa with everything I was, but everything is different with Lauren. I feel like she is a part of me that I have been missing my whole life. Does that make her my soul mate? God I hope so!

Ever since I was young I felt the need to be strong, that I had to protect everyone. I felt I couldn't be weak because that would make my sister and those I was protecting scared. I needed to show them how to be strong, but when I'm with Lauren I feel like I can cry, that I can show my weakness because she will protect me, she makes me feel safe.

I use to read fairy tails to Sophia and wish I could be the one being protected instead of the one doing the protecting, I came to envy the princesses for having so many people wanting to keep them safe. But I couldn't be the princess because that was Sophia, I needed to be the protect and make sure nothing ever harmed her or took away her innocence.

But see Lauren doesn't only make me feel vulnerable, she also makes me feel strong. Strong enough to conquer anything the world throws at me. I use to be afraid to fail but now I don't care because I know regardless of any outcomes Lauren will always be there for me. She proved this the other night when she searched for hours until she found me. She didn't judge the state I was in, she didn't blame me for running off, she understood.

To me that is real love, someone you can completely be yourself with, someone who may no agree with everything you do but still choices to try and understand.

"What are you thinking about?" Lauren hums as she comes up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist. I am currently standing on the balcony of Lauren's house staring at the view of the city.

"You" I smile leaning into her. I feel so comfortable, safe and loved in her embrace. It is a feeling I hope I never lose.

"What about me?" She whispers in my ear her arms tightening around me softly.

"How lucky I am, how much I love you"

We stay like this for a few more minutes until Lauren leads me inside to the couch so we can sit and cuddle. We have been doing this for the last few days, just enjoying each other's touch.

We sat on the couch watching Netflix for the next two hours before we had to leave for Lauren's appointment. Today we find out how the doctors feel the tumor should be treated. To say I was nervous is an understatement, but even though I don't have to I want to be strong for Lauren because I know she's scared.

"Lauren Cheney" The doctor calls. I squeeze Lauren's hand before standing and follow her and the doctor in to the room. "Take a seat" Dr. Alexander Walker smiles. We do as she says, Lauren's hand not leaving mine I know she needed my touch to help calm her and ever though her hands are extreamly sweaty I don't let go.

"Okay so as you know I spoke with a few of the other doctors and after sitting down with them, we came up with the best solution on how to treat this" Dr walker states. Lauren and I just knod in responce, I don't think either of us really no what to say.

"Well we think its best to just operate" I squeeze Lauren's hand knowing full well this was the treatment she was most afraid of.

"Whats the recovery time? And What are the risks?" I ask for Lauren.

"The recover time is different for everyone, when operating on the brain there is always risks, but you will have the best surgent in the state doing the procedure" Dr. Walkers calmness helps settle my nerves but it doesn't go unnoticed thats she didn't explain the risks.

"What sort of risks?" Lauren's voice os shakey and I want nothing more then to pull her into my arms but I know thats no what she wants. What she wants right now os answers and my hand in hers is enough comfort for now.

"You could lose all movement in that side of your face and the sight in your eye, but these should all be temporary side effects. We are operating on your brain so until after the procedure we wont actually no of the results" I turn and face Lauren I can see the worry in her eyes, but she's trying not to show it.

"Is this the only option I have" Lauren questions.

"Yes, chemotherapy or radiation therapy are going to be to invasive on the rest of your body with no guarantee that it will get results. With the surgery we can guarantee that the tumor will be completely removed" Lauren squeeze my hand slightly while tugging it towards herself signalling the touch of hands is no longer enough comfort. I pull me hand from hers so I can wrap my arms around her as she begins to cry.

"I can't do this" She whispers in my ear.

"Yes you can" I whisper back confidently. Lauren is one of the strongest people I know, she can beat this I have no doubt about it. She nods before burying her head in me neck to hide her tears from Dr. Walker. "If the results are she loses movement in that side of her face, what sort of recovery does that entail?" I ask turning my attention back to a sympathetic looking Dr. Walker.

"She may have to learn to speak again and she would need help with eating and drinking" Dr. Walker says matter of factly.

The rest of the appoitment was spent organising a few things and getting a bit more information. Lauren hasn't said much since we left and when she got home she went straight for a shower, because thats her break down place, where she can cry uncontrollably and have her worries wash down the drain with the water.

"I need to talk with you" She says walking out from the bathroom her eyes red and puffy from the amount of tears she just cried. I nod taping the seat beside me on the couch. She slowly walks towards me her hands shaking. "The next 6 months are going to be really hard and I understand if you cant handle it, so if you want to end this now thats okay"

I grab her hands firmly in mine, making her look straight at me. "I am not going any where, I will be by your side every step of the way, I am not leaving the woman I love alone to deal with this. We are a team now" I say strongly needing her to hear me. I love her with every bit of my being, I will never leave her, ever!


"No, no buts. I love you Lauren and I hope to spend the rest of my life with you as long as you want me, I'm not going anywhere. You're my soul mate Lauren I honestly believe that" A small smile crosses her lips, tears in her eyes which I hope are happy ones.

"I love you" She says kisses my lips softly. The kiss last only a second befpre we both pull away and snuggle into each other.

"I love you too"

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