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Sophia's P.O.V

Its been two days since jill sent Emily and Lauren back home. Lauren needed to be seen by her doctors and there was no way in hell Emily was going to let her go by herself.

The dynamic of the team has completely changed since Lauren stood up infront of everyone and told us about her tumor and to say it hit everyone hard would be an understatement. Half the girls bursted out crying and the other half either stormed off asking 'why is the world so cruel!'

You know how people say that the bad things is what bring us together. Well thats whats happened with us as a team. It sucks that its taken cancer to bring us together but at least we are finally a team again.

Even Christen who left 5 days ago is flying back today just to be with the team so we can go through everything together. JJ had called her last night and told her everything. She didn't want Chris to find out by anyone else. Apparently Chris was nost concerned about Tobin though I don't think she would ever admit that to anyone but JJ.  Lucky thought this bad news has made Tobin realise whats important in life and she has really turned herself around.

I jump out of my seat when I hear my phone vibrate in my back pocket, it scares the daylights out of me.

"Hello" I answer still trying to calm my racing heart down.

'Imma lose it' Emily says angrily on the phone, making me sit up straighter in my seat. My sister can be a hot head at times, but for her to say she ready to lose it concerns me especially since she's with Lauren right now.

"Why? Whats going on?" I ask concerned.

'Jrue is here, he's trying to take over, trying to make decisions and he even kicked me out of the fucking appointment and Lauren said fucking nothing' The anger in her voice is prominent and it scares me. Emily doesn't open up easy so Lauren not doing anything will make her want to complete shut down from the relationship, just like she has done with her past ones.

"Look let me talk to Amy, I'll get her to message Lauren and hopefully that will make Lauren realise shes upset you. Cause Em she wouldn't hurt you on purpose she loves you to much" I keep my voice calm even though I'm angry to. Emily is willing to give up everything and move to Kansas City just so she can support Lauren, yet Lauren is letting her asshole of an ex come in and push Emily out.

'Nah fuck that im going to go pack my shit and stay in a hotel, she cleary doesn't want my support anyway' Emily yells and before I can try stop her the line goes dead. Great now shits about to hit the fan I think to myself before walking with pace to Amy's room. Pounding on the door.

"Sohpia?" Amy and I haven't really spent that much time together even though my sister is dating her best friend.

"I need to talk to you privately" I say and by the tone of my voice I know she knows i'm being serious. She nods opening the door further to let me in. Since Lauren has left, Amy is now rooming by herself.

"Is everything okay, is this about Lauren?" I can see shes worried.

"Kinda but before I explain this to you I need to explain to you something about Emily that will help you understand her reaction"

"Okay" She says confused realising this coversation isn't about Lauren's health I see her relax.

"Look about 4 years ago Emily was in a really serious relationship with a girl named Lexa. Lexa got hooked on drugs really bad and Emily ended up having to lock them both in a empty room together just to get Lexa through the withdrawals. Emily even went to rehab with her, she ended up missing 4 months of soccer and nearly lost her position in the team. About a month after Lexa had finished rehab she went back to drugs but this time she overdosed" I pause tears in my eyes as I re-live every word I speak, and when I look up Amy to has tears trickling down her cheeks. I give her a small smile before continuing.

"Lexa was rushed to hospital after Emily came home from training and found her in the bathroom. Emily called Lexa's parents so they could be there, but now she wished she hadn't, Lexa's parents came up to the hospital and abused the shit out of my sister and Em's just took it, but after a few days of Lexa being on life support the doctors asked Emily's if she wanted to turn the machines off. Emily wasn't ready and Lexa and her had spoken a few times about what they wanted. Lexa only wanted to stay on life support for 30 days nothing more, nothing less. Emily wanted to respect Lexa's wishes regardless of how angry she was. When Lexa's parents found out that the doctors had asked Emily what she wanted to do about the life support they flipped and told the doctors Emily was lying about them being a defacto partnership. They ended up turning the machine off, they didn't let Emily say goodbye or be in the room when it happened and then they turned around and told her she wasnt welcome at the funeral. It broke my sister and since then shes never let herself get close to anyone like that, not until Lauren" I conclude  my story tears streaming down my cheeks, the moment had nearly killed my sister.

I feel arms wrap around my and quiet sobs. I lean into Amy letting myself cry. After a few moment I'm finally able to pull myself together enough to talk again.

"I told you all this because Jrue just kicked Emily out of Lauren's appointment and hes trying to take control, Lauren is just letting him do it. Emily has been different since the whole helping Tobin shit, but dealing with this again will push her over the edge and I cant lose my sister" Amy nods understanding what I mean. I can see anger in her eyes but i can't tell if its because she wants to protect Emily or because Jrue is back in the picture.

"I'll call her now"

A/N Hey guys this was a very hard chapter for me to write because I'm writing from my own experience only I didn't get home intime for her to be rushed to the hospital. I hope you enjoy it and sorry for any spelling mistakes I was crying a bit xx

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