Happy Endings?

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JJ's P.O.V

"Hey Babe" I freeze at the sound of his voice. I wasn't ready to see him because I knew seeing him would make me realize I need to tell him i have feelings for someone else. After a few seconds I realize I haven't said anything yet, so I smile and run into his arms to cover up the fact I froze.

"Hey" I smile as I pull away. It felt good to be hugged by him again but this time i knew things are different because I no longer want to stay in his embrace forever.

"I thought I would visit and spend the night, so I called Jill and well here I am" His smile is so big and I can see the love he has for me.

"Dinner JJ" Lauren says walking into the lobby. "Oh hey Zach good to see you again" She say shaking his hand.

"You too" Zach politely smiles back. I grab his hand and walk with him into the dinning room. I lock eye's with Sophia immediately and when her eye's drop and she sees I'm holding Zach's hand she turns her back to me and I feel a pain in my chest I want to cry but I manage to hold it together as I sit at the table with Christen, Tobin, Alex and Allie.

As soon as I sit down with Zach, Alex stand and walks over to sit with Sophia. I wasn't expecting that harsh of a reaction but i understood it. Alex, Ash, Emily and Sophia are as thick as thieves.

"Is Alex okay?" Zach asks the table. Tobin laughs causing her to choke on her drink and earning a slap across the arm by Chris. I bow my head ashamed.

"Sorry, I need to...Imma leave" Tobin says standing and walking over to Sophia. I look at Chris who mouths a sorry at me and I just give her a small smile. I don't blame her, hell i don't blame anyone but myself. Everyone has seen how close Sophia and I have become, everyone has seen the way we look at each other. It's not like I have been trying to hide it. Sophia makes me happy, I shouldn't be ashamed about that. The thing I should be ashamed about is that I'm string two people along and one of them is my fiance.

"Can we talk?" I ask Zach and by the look on his face I can tell he knows something isn't right, he nods and lets me lead him out into the hall way and into the rec room which is unoccupied.

"JJ what's going on, your all acting so strange" I point towards the chair asking him to sit down but he just shakes his head at me.

"I don't know how to tell you...."

"You cheated on me didn't you!?" He says angrily.

"What no, I would never cheat on you, look Zach, I love you I really do but it doesn't feel right anymore" I admit bowing my head.

"Why? What's changed? We were happy before you left? What's changed in 5 days?" I can see the hurt in his eye's and its breaking my heart. I never wanted to hurt him because I do truly love him, I'm just no longer in love with him.

"I'm sorry" Is all I can say because I don't know how I'm meant to tell him that in 5 days I've started falling for someone else. I mean is that sort of attraction actually possible.

"Who is she?" I stare at him slightly surprised he figured it out. I start to tear up when I look into his eye's because of the hurt I can see in them. "It's the new one isn't it, Sophia or whatever her name is, the one in all your snap chats" I nod unable to answer him verbally. "Bitch!" He yells, shoving a chair over making me jump. I can see the hurt turning to anger and I'm scared. He flips the table beside him before storming out of the room.

I chance after him, realizing hes going after Sophia. "This is your fault" He yells storming into the dinning room his finger pointed at Sophia as he storms up to her. Much to my surprise she stands and stands up straight.

Off Season, Bonding CampWhere stories live. Discover now