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A/N Hope you guys like it, sorry for any spelling mistakes I have yet proofread x

Lauren's P.O.V

I know I shouldn't be jealous but I am! Ever since Emily helped Tobs through withdrawals three nights ago they have been joint at the hip. I'm jealous because Tobs is so clingy with Em's now and she's very touchy. Not in a sexual way but she constantly wants Emily at arms reach so she can hug her whenever she wants.

What makes me even more jealous is that in the past three days I have maybe got to spend an hour with Emily and that whole time she was short with me, like she's hiding something. 'Helping Tobs was something she wasn't ready for' was the answer I got from Sophia when I asked if I should be concerned. That answer helped me non and she's completely avoided the subject since.

"Why?" I hear Chris say behind me. Christen, Amy and I are sitting in the corner of the rec room watching Tobin and Emily watching the game, they are getting to close for my liking and from Christen whinning I'm guessing there to close for hers to. Though I am glad I'm not in Christen's position. As soon as Tobin was over the withdrawals she broke up with Chris 'I can't forgive myself for hurting you, You deserve better so I'm letting you go' was the words she had used. Chris is completely broken and the fact Tobin wont even talk to her is only making things worse.

"I can't do this!" I state standing from my seat and running out of the room as the tears start to fall down my cheeks. I'm not usually and emotional person, but I feel like I'm losing someone that I only just got. I want to be with Emily more then anything. I love who I am with her. I love the feeling she gives me. I love everything about her and even though she says she loves me back how am I meant to believe it when she's giving every second of her time to Tobin.

"Lauren can we talk" I hear Jill behind me. When I turn around I found Jill with Jake our team doctor. I nod as I let them lead me into one of the empty rooms, I can tell by the looks on there faces that the news is bad.

"We have your results back" Jake says calmly. I nod not really sure what to say. Four or Five days ago I went to Jake with a splitting headache, as he was looking me over I had my first ever nose bleed. Apparently that concerned Jake because he then insisted on taking me to the hospital for more tests.

"Lauren it's not good news" Jake says sadly.

JJ's P.O.V

I hate not being able to comfort Chris, but what am I meant to say? Sophia has told me everything and if Chris starts questioning me I won't be able to lie. It's extreamly hard to avoid someone when your rooming together and are stuck at the sane hotel. She must think I'm a complete bitch because anytime we make eye contact I quickly look away and any time she walks towards me I pretty much run in the other direction.

I wish I could tell Lauren and Christen everything but I can't its not my place. Emily should be the one to tell Lauren everything and Tobin should be the one being honest with Christen.

"You okay babe?" Sophia asks slipping her arms around me from behind. I lean into her body and hum. I don't want to tell Sophia why I'm so upset because it will end in an argument like it did yesterday. Sophia's loyalty lies with Emily. My loyalty lies with my bestfriend only thing is that I risk my happiness if I tell Chris everything.

So that's why I'm standing on the beach staring at the water. I'm contemplating everything and I have finally decided that if Sophia really cares about me she will understand what I'm about to do and with time she'll forgive me.

"I need to go" I muter to her. I turn in her arms and kiss her with so much love. I keep my lips connected to hers not wanting the kiss to end. I need to savor this moment. I don't no the next time I'll get to feel these lips against mine. "I'm sorry" I muter before taking off up the beach.

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