Best Knock At The Door

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Sophia's P.O.V

Since I don't have training today I'm sitting my lazy arse on the couch, binge watching The 100 on netflix and texting Kelley, because Mal still hasn't replyed to my message I sent her this morning.

From Kels😎⚽🥇: Why don't you take Luca to the park or something? So your actually doing something productive you lazy bitch hahahah 😂😘

To Kels😎⚽🥇: Your a bitch hahah, I'll get you back for that when I see you at camp in two weeks time. 😂

From Kels😎⚽🥇: Oh No! You have me shaking in my boots 😉😂😜

To Kels😎⚽🥇: I'll set Emily on you!

From Kels😎⚽🥇: Okay now thats something I'm scared of hahah.

I'm about to reply back to Kelley when someone knocks on the door. I groan not wanting to get up.

"Ash there's someone at the door" I yell out to her, she in her room watching movies with Ali, she's also way further from the door but I'm being a couch potato today.

"Get up and answer it yourself you lazy fuck" I hear Ash yell back. I groan again before pulling myself off the couch.

"I hate you" I yell back. I open the door still looking over my shoulder, waiting for a smartass comment from Ash. When non comes I turn to see who I have opened the door to. My jaw almost hits the floor. She lets out a tiny giggle at me, before wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I'm glad to see you too" She giggles again. I hug her tight, still shocked thats she's even here.

"What are you doing here Mal?" I ask as we pull away. I notice a suitcase behind her and a big bag over her shoulder.

"I just signed a 1 year contract with Orlando Pride" She smiles.

"What? Your going to be playing with me? I get to see you all the time?" I asks gobsmacked.

"Yep, now are you gonna let me in? This bag is getting kinda heavy"

"Shit, yes of course come in" I say stepping to the side. I grab both her bags from her and place them carefully to the side of the hallway. "I can't believe your here"

"Me neither" She smiles pulling me in for another hug.

"We have to call Kelley" After coming up with an idea on how to surprise Kelley I press call on her name. After a few rings she finally answers.


"Kels I need someone to talk to" I say, trying to make my voice sound kinda sad.

'Why whats happened?' I can hear her voice starting to sound concerned and it takes every bit of me not to start laughing.

"Mal still hasn't replied to my texts, I think shes pull away from me"

'I don't think thats the case Soph, she probs just busy with family or something'

"I don't know Kels, maybe she doesn't like me back" I hear a concerned sort of sound come from Kelley and once again I nearly burst out laughing.

'Do you want me to call her for you, maybe I can find out whats going on?'

"Nah thats okay, because I've just been pranking you this whole time" I burst out laughing unable to hold it in.

"Hey loser" Mal laughes into the phone.

'I'm gonna kill you both' Kelley grumbles. Kelley is one of the biggest prankers I know, but when she can't see a prank coming, she gets annoyed.

"Thats pay back for calling me lazy" I laugh glad that I followed through on getting her back.

I just listen as Mal tells Kelley the story about how she got the Orlando Pride contract, for two reasons. 1 I wanted to hear the story too and 2 I wanted to enjoy having Mal at arms reach.

After Kelley, Mal and I end our phone call. Ash and the rest of the girls decide that taking Mal out for a celebratory lunch was in order.

Surprisingly I'm the first one ready, Emily is probably ready to, but trying to help Lauren pick out and outfit and get Luca ready wouldn't be the fastest of tasks. Ash and Ali are taking forever which is making me question if they are even getting ready, my theory is they are probably taking their clothes off not putting them on. As for Mal shes messing around with her winged eyeliner that shes been trying to get perfect for the last 20 minutes.

After waiting another hour finally everyone is ready. I ended up getting to watch half the Chelsea vs Manchester City game while I waited. To be honest I was kinda hoping everyone took longer to get ready so I could finish watching the game.

We decided that our favourite restaurant 'Poseidon' was the place to go. It is one of the greatest Greek restaurants I have ever been too. We got seated at a big table then normal concidering, Alex, Steph, Alanna and Kyah decided to invite themselves. Steve or regular waiter took our orders before disapearing into the kitchen.

"So tell us the truth on why you chose Orlando" Ash smirks looking at me then Mal. I roll my eyes at her.

"Well since most of the people I'm closest to are here it wasnt that hard of a decision" Mal laughs. We continued talking the rest of the night,  enjoying each others company before going home. Mal had decided to stay with me until she found herself an apartment, but I don't mind. I kinda hope apartment hunting for her takes some time. The more time I get to spent with her the better.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Having a case of writers block at the moment so don't know when I'll update next. If anyone has any idea's for the next chapter let me know x

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