Break ups/Break up song (part 1)

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Archie Andrews
— "Archie?" You asked as you entered his house. His dad was out of town, and Archie invited you over. You noticed Vegas wasn't inside, which was weird to you because Archie always lets him in at night. "Archie are you here?" You yelled. You heard a thud from upstairs. You feared someone was up there with him. You ran up the stairs and opened his door. "Y/n ever heard of knocking?" Archie said as he covered himself with his blanket. "Archie is someone here with you" you questioned. As if on cue, someone sneezed. The sneeze came from the closet. "Wow Archie, I expected better from you." You opened the closet to see Veronica. "Just great, 10/10 Archie, I thought you cared about me, obviously not!" You said running out of his room and down the stairs. "Wait please y/n i can explain." Archie yelled. "Shut it Archie, I don't want to see your face again, we're over" you said slamming the door to his house.
Break up song:
  Between Love and Hate ; The Strokes

Jughead Jones
— Jughead had went over to your house to hang out with you when he saw you crying. "Y/n whats wrong? Are you okay?" You couldn't say anything, you just couldn't control the tears. "Seriously y/n what is it?" Jughead said. "Jughead, im not happy, i care about, i just I don't know how to show you i do, but at the same time i just can't love you." Jughead was hurt by this. "Y/n, what do you mean? I try everything to keep you happy, i want you to know I'm here, I love you." Jughead said with tears in his eyes "Jughead, I'm sorry I can't say the same" you looked up him "it's best if we see other people Jughead" Jughead got up and left, not looking back, he didn't want to see the look on your face, he couldn't handle it, he tried to keep you happy, but maybe he didn't try hard enough.
Break up song:
    Feeling sorry ; paramore

Kevin Keller
— Your parents had been arguing the past few months and finally agreed it'd be best to get a divorce. You had no choice but to move with your dad to Chicago. You didn't want to leave life you had in Riverdale, but you had to. You didn't want to tell Kevin but you had no choice. You didn't want to just leave and have him upset about it for who knows how long. So you told him face to face. "Kevin, you know i care about you right?" You asked as you two were sitting by the river. "Is something wrong y/n? You've been acting strange these past few weeks." You looked at Kevin and kissed him with so much passion and pain. You knew the chances of seeing him again were very slim. "Kevin, my parents are getting a divorce. I have to move with my father to Chicago. I don't know if I'll ever come back. I love you Kevin, but long distance relationships don't work. I wish they did, and it hurts to say this, but i have to break up with you, it'll save us the heartbreak of not being by each others side." Kevin looked at you, his heart breaking into tiny pieces. "I love you too y/n. I always will." Kevin said as you two kissed for the last time.
Break up song:
Goodnight travel well ; the killers

Reggie Mantle
— Reggie had been stressed with football and he would take it out on you. "You're so stupid y/n! Why am I even with someone like you?" Reggie yelled. You had tears running down your cheek and you were about to get up and leave when he grabbed you "where are you going y/n? Is this too much for you too handle?" Reggie laughed. You got out of his grip "Reggie, how about you go suck a cock? Also while you're at it maybe Moose here can be your cheerleader since you two are always together. Im tired of your shit Reggie, you took this too far. From here on out, we're no longer together Mantle" you said as you walked away from Reggie.
Break up song:
Platypus (I hate you) ; Green Day

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