They walk in on you changing

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Archie Andrews
— You had got out of cheer practice and you absolutely needed to change. You ran into the locker room, took a shower and changed. One thing you questioned was where are all the girls? The locker room would've been packed. You were in your underwear, about to put on the rest of your clothes when you heard a guys voice. "Am i in the guys locker room?" You thought to yourself. Your worst nightmare is to be stuck in the guys locker room, but when you're practically naked? Oh man, you would literally die. You panicked and started gathering all your stuff forgetting your in just your under garments. You ran out the rest room and bumped into Archie "woah watch out.. oh my god y/n why were you in there? And why are you just wearing your underwear?" You freaked out and ran towards the girls locker room "long story. Ill explain later" you said as Archie laughed. You changed and walked to Pops where you usually meet Archie. "You look good just in your underwear." He said making you punch him in the shoulder. "Shut up Andrews" you said blushing.

Jughead Jones
— You had invited Jughead to a family event, and told him to be at your house at a certain time. Keeping the time in mind, you took your shower. Once you came out, you wrapped a towel around yourself and wrapped your hair in a different towel. You walked into your room. Forgetting to lock it. You had your outfit planned out already to save time. You had finished drying yourself and were about to put on your under garments when you heard the door open "oh my god im sorry" Jughead said. You two didn't know what to do so you both kind of just stared at each other. "Ill wait for you in the living room" Jughead says after what felt like a lifetime. You finished getting ready and went to the living room where everyone was waiting for you. You all got in the car where Jughead whispered to you "you look nice, but even better without all those clothes on" making you look at him with wide eyes. He laughed as your parents and siblings looked at you two smiling, oblivious to what he said to you.

Kevin Keller
— you were getting ready to go on a date with some person you met at Pops when someone just barged into your room. "What the hell Kev?!" You yelled ad you tried to cover up your goods. "What? I thought you wanted to to help you get ready?" You gave him a death glare. "Do you mind?" You said with a hint if annoyance. "Of course not, go ahead finish changing" he said with a chuckle. You got ready despite you feeling beyond awkward. Although Kevin helped you pick really nice under garments just in case you got some action later on.

Reggie Mantle
— You were getting ready for a shower that way you could get to bed. Reggie decided the was gonna spend the night because like, why not. You were done with your shower and walked into your room. You were surprised you didn't see Reggie. So you went back into the restroom to brush your teeth (keep in mind your still nakey) you completely forgot to lock the door because your whole family was asleep and well you couldn't find Reggie. You were just there brushing your teeth when you saw the door open. You just kinda stood there with your toothbrush in your mouth while looking at your boyfriend. He just stood there and looked at you, waiting for you to finish. You knew what he was up to. So you finished and once you did, you immediately jumped on your perv of a boyfriend and started a heated make out session and one thing lead to another.

Betty Cooper
— Betty invited you over to spend the night and being a good friend, you couldn't refuse, plus her mothers cooking is literally heaven. You two went up to her room. She went to her parents room to get some movies while you decided to change. You have taken off your top and pants when Betty came in with the movies. When she saw you she dropped them, causing you to jump. Betty turned beet red and couldn't look at you in the eyes for about a week after that night.

Veronica Lodge
— you purposely change in front of Ronnie to see what she would do and of course she loves what she sees "you look amazing y/n" you bite your lip, Ronnie notices and grabs your face and instantly starting a steamy make out session. "Why do you do this to me y/n" "well Veronica, i love when you show your wild side" you say smirking

Cheryl Blossom
— You were changing right after volleyball practice when all the vixens came in. "Oh look at what we have here" Cheryl said as she looked at you in just your bra and panties. "Okay Cheryl you've seen me naked for fucks sake, leave me alone okay" you snap at your ex girlfriend. "Oh look who learned to be sassy" you shoot a cold glare in her direction. Cheryl grabs you by your waist and turns you to face her "what Cheryl?" She pulls you to where you two are literally inches apart. "Lets see who cracks first" you say with a smirk. You lean in closer. Cheryl attacks your lips and can't seem to let go of you. You smirk and pull away from her, finally able to put on your clothes. You sashay away from her and lead her on from there on out.

— idek wtf this chapter is, i have no creativity flowing through me right now, so i came up with this in like an hour. In an hour I usually could write 5 preferences, but whatever. Anyways I'm very happy school is almost over that way i could start working and save up money to see green day in September!! Also im almost at 1k reads!! Thats insane, thanks y'all, iysm dudes

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