How you two make up (part 2)

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Betty Cooper
— You and Betty had broken up about 7 months ago, and since then she'd been dating Archie. One night Betty called you, you could tell she had been crying. She wanted you to come over, and of course, you had to. You knocked on the coopers door and Alice opened the door. "Im glad you came, Betty has been heartbroken by that Andrews boy." "Its the least I could do Mrs. Cooper." You answered. You went to Betty's room and saw her with tears in her eyes. "I should've stayed with you y/n, You knew how to treat me, most importantly, you respected me enough to not cheat on me with my best friend.." you knew Archie hurt Betty beyond words and you wanted to punch him, but Betty needed you. "Y/n, will you ever forgive me? Mainly, can you find it in your heart to take me back, I promise I won't ever hurt you, Im so sorry y/n." You smiled and held Betty in your arms "Betty Cooper, you're such a beautiful person, Ill treat you like the princess you are."

Veronica Lodge
— You ran out the student lounge, you ran into your car and just sat there, you were confused, you spent 6 months wasting your time on a girl who ended up leaving you for some dick who has a shitty reputation. You started your car when someone got in. You could tell just by the scent that it was Veronica. "Ronnie, why did you do that? You know i care about and here you are, making out with someone else? Im sorry I wasn't enough." Veronica placed her hand on your cheek, moving your head to face her. "Y/n, I'm sorry, I don't know what to say, I didn't know what I was doing, its like i wasn't myself.. I tried to do something, but I just don't know. Do you forgive me? Will you take me back?" You look at her dead in the eye "I hate that you do this to me, I feel so much lust when i look at you and no matter what you do, wrong or right, it makes me want to love you even more, Ronnie, just promise me, you'll never do that again." You said with a passion in your eyes. "I promise y/n"

Cheryl Blossom
— Cheryl had been broken about your guys break up. She didn't want to admit it, but it was true. She felt so lonely, like she had no one. She showed up at your house holding a speaker that played your favorite song. You looked out your window and smiled at Cheryl's dorky gesture. "What are you doing Cheryl?" You asked laughing. "I'm sorry y/n I haven't been in the best place and have been over thinking, so I thought, why think, I should just do. And that is what I'm doing, I love you y/n and I'm sorry I made it seem like you weren't my priority, you know, that no matter what happens I will always love you" Cheryl poured her heart out, just because she actually loved you. "Come up here ya goof!" You yelled smiling.

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