How you two make up (part 1)

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Archie Andrews
— You were sitting down with Jughead, Betty and Kevin when you saw Veronica and Archie head toward the table. "I'd better go, Angelina and Brad are coming." You said. Before you could get even a few steps away from the table Archie grabbed your hand. "Let go of me Andrews." You said clenching your teeth. "Please y/n listen to me." You looked up at him. He was giving you puppy dog eyes, the same exact ones you fell in love with. "Fine, 10 minutes only Archie." You said as you two made your way to the music room. "Look, I know my actions were unacceptable, but Veronica was all up on my grill, I swear, I didn't mean to. If it makes things better, I kept saying your name instead of hers" that last part made you laugh. "Archie, I swear if I ever see you alone with Veronica, I wont hesitate to kill you" you said with a smile. You two made up, sealing the deal with a kiss. When you and Archie got back to the table Veronica tried apologizing "look y/n I'm so sorry I pro-" "Whatever, just remember if you want to whore around, don't go to my boyfriend." You said with a smirk

Jughead Jones
— You were going through depression, you just didn't want to admit it to yourself. When you started seeing a therapist and taking medication, you realized you shouldn't have been so hard on yourself. You had started eating properly again, you started opening up more, and you were starting to feel happy again. You and Jughead had still remained friends, but there was always some romantic tension. You decided to call him up. "Y/n? Whats up?" "Jughead, I care about you so much, I'm sorry I ever wanted a break, I was going through somethings, and I felt like no one could ever love me, but the past few months made me realize, you loved me all this time." Jughead was quiet, making you almost instantly regret what you said. "Y/n, I'm going over." Jughead said. A few minutes passed by and you heard a knock on your window "y/n, I love you, I always will." He said as he brought you into a hug.

Kevin Keller
— You had been living in Chicago for about 3 months already. You and Kevin would still text each other every day, he would even FaceTime with you. No matter how much you two talked, it wasn't the same. You craved his warmth, his taste, you craved him. He needed you. He was nothing with out you. Your dad noticed this and agreed to let you stay with your mother. You didn't tell Kevin because you wanted to surprise him. You made sure everything was perfect. You had Archie write a song to preform outside Kevin's house and after Archies song you would come out from behind Archie. "You ready y/n?" Archie asked. You were beyond nervous, but you had to do it. "Ready as I'll ever be." You answered. Archie started playing his song when the door to Kevin's house opened. It was his dad. Following sheriff Keller was Kevin. Kevin was very confused as to why so many of his friends were outside his house, why they had their phones out and why Archie was serenading him. Archies song finished, and everyone clapped. You came out from behind Archie and Kevin was in shock. "Y/n what are you doing here?" "I moved in with my mom! Kevin, I did it to be with you, Kevin Keller, I'm in love with you." Kevin was in heaven. He ran up to you and pulled you into a hug and grabbed your face and smashed his lips onto yours, making you smile.

Reggie Mantle
— you had went to hide from Reggie behind the bleachers. It felt as if you were there everyday. You were casually sitting down and listening to music when you saw something in the distance. You knew it was Reggie, but you didn't bother moving. Reggie crouched down near you. "How did I know you'd be down here" he said trying to lighten the mood. He sat down next to you and looked at you right in the eyes. "Y/n, im so sorry if i made you feel small, i really am. You make my days so much better, just by looking at you my heart races. You know how i feel when i see you cry? I want to hurt whoever makes you that way. And now, knowing that I made you cry, it sucks, i love you y/n, I would do anything for you, honestly. Im sorry I was a dick, I'll make it up to you, I promise." You knew Reggie cared about you. You loved him more than anything, so of course, you couldn't stay mad at him. "Reggie Mantle, I love you so much" you said shifting to see his face. Had such a goofy smile, you can't believe that you did that to the magnificent Mantle. "Wipe that smile off your face, you're creeping me out." You said. He laughed and leaned into you. You smiled and kissed his stupid face

— this is a continuation of break ups pt 1.

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