Archie Imagine

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You got ready for school while texting Archie. You and Archie have been texting back and forth for a few weeks already, constantly flirting with each other, cute nicknames, funny pictures of each other, but you knew he doesn't want a relationship. You kissed your parents goodbye and walked out the door. "Y/N! Hey I'm glad to see you this fine morning." Exclaimed Archie, giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Arch, can you not do that, please." "What? You mean this?" Archie asked as he kissed you again. "Archie, come on, don't, please" you said pushing him away and walking faster. "Come on Y/N! Don't be like this!" Archie yelled trying to get you're attention. You continued walking toward the school leaving the desperate redhead behind.

You got into your physics class and sat in your assigned seat.... next to Archie. Archie was late to class, like always, and was holding a stuffed animal and a piece of your favorite candy. "Hey Y/N im sorry about earlier, I love- I mean I'd love to get to know you, I mean I know you, but I want to know you better." Archie explained, getting embarrassed by almost saying I love you. "Its just you girls never know how you make us boys feel, but I understand I say stupid things and think stupid things, but only because I never think about how you girls feel, and I'm sorry that it seems like I don't like you Y/N I really do, I want to be with you Y/N, I swear." Archie admitted, handing you the stuffed toy and candy. "Arch, I care about you, but you don't ever think about how you say things? I thought you didn't want a relationship, I also thought you weren't interested in anyone. The main reason I didn't want you to get close to me is because I have feelings for you but I don't want to get hurt Archie." You said as Archie nodded his head. "Im sorry, I just didn't want to rush into anything, I didn't plan to fall for you, but it's hard not to." Archie answered as he put his hand on your shoulder.

You two hugged it out and the rest is up to you (;

The imagine is based on my favorite song at the moment called No You Girls by Franz Ferdinand. So y'all should check it out!! Ill be taking request for a couple of weeks so if you have a request comment on this chapter or my last one!

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