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His- Fred would ask you to be there when he wakes Archie up and give him his presents, and you being the best friend you could be, you agree. Fred wakes up Archie and Archie gives his dad a bro hug and gives you a more meaningful hug and the three of you spend the day together eating cake and watching movies.
Yours- Archie goes over to your house and makes sure to take his guitar and serenades you. You two then go to a spot near sweet water river for a picnic between you and the gang. After, Archie walk you back home and your parents decide to let him stay the night

His- you and him would spend the day at pops and then invite the gang over. You two would then head to the river for a dip :)
Yours- Jughead would be with your family for your special birthday breakfast. After, you two would go for a ride in your dads car to wherever you two wanted to go. You two spent the day driving and stopping occasionally for a heated make out session ;))

His- You and the girls would surprise him at school with cake and tons of magazines ;)) also you guys bought him the boyfriend arm pillow thing because Kevin always complains about how lonely he is at night.
Yours- Kevin would get Archie and the football team to sneak into your house on your birthday to surprise you with a cake, in which Kevin would be hiding in. After, you and Kevin would go drive around town talking about life

His- since you were a cheerleader you would get the vixens to do sort of a dance mob, then you would pop up at the end to give Reggie his present and a kiss. The whole football squad would be hooting and hollering over the vixens (i mean who wouldn't) and both teams gave Reggie presents and ate cake the remainder of the day.
Yours- Reggie spent the night the day before that way you could wake up next to him, but you didn't. Instead, Reggie was in the kitchen making you a special breakfast. He went to your room and woke you up. After your breakfast, he took you to the living room with your family, who all had gifts in their hands. You opened all except Reggie's. He came from outside holding something you couldn't make out, until he got closer. It was a puppy! Reggie knew how much you wanted a pupper and decided to get it for you after all

His- you spend it with his family... do I really have to go into depth how that would play out 👀
Yours- you two try to get away from your family's and hang out at pops with Cheryl and Josie (whom bring cake bc whats a birthday without cake)

Hers- your parents take you two to a fancy restaurant and give you money to spend on Betty because your parents adore Betty so much (who doesn't?)
Yours- Her parents take you two out of town for the weekend and take you out to a concert for your birthday:)

Hers- her mom wants everything to be perfect, and that means the whole week is hectic. She makes you run around and shop for Veronicas party. Veronica saw it was stressing you out and decided to talk to her mom. Her mom decided it would be best to let her have a small get together at your place.
Yours- Veronica flies in a special cake from one of New York's top bakery, She takes you on a mini shopping spree and has a party at her place with the hottest Instagram models and even some celebrities just to make you happy on your special day :))

Hers- ((((literally the same as Jason))))
Yours- she takes you on a shopping spree, while everyone plans a surprise party at your house. When you two get into your house, you see your family and friends smiling under a banner that says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N" ❤️

In honor of my birthday in 8 days, (and as a recommendation from HemmingStyles96 ) I decided to do this, it's honestly not my best preference, but I really wanted to get this out sometime this week, next one will be better, promise ;)
               ~Jen ✨

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