What their friends think of you

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Archies friends love how sweet you are and think that you and Archie are the cutest couple in the whole school. They all think you're too good for Archie and they wish nothing but the best for you

Jugheads friends think you're the best thing that ever happened to him. They see how much happier Jug is and they are so grateful for you and how loving you are.

Kevin's friends appreciate you so much and love that your guys relationship is so laid back and they all want a relationship like yours.

Reggie's friends all think you're hot and they try to persuade you to leave him. When Reggie finds out about his friends actions he threatens them and they all try to make amends because they don't want to lose your friendship

Jasons friends love you and think you're the perfect girl for Jason and love seeing both of you guys happy. They think you two are relationship goals and think you two are the only couple who will last longest.

Bettys friends love and respect you and think you and Betty are meant for each other. They think you're the sweetest person ever and love how kind you are to others even when others could be rude.

Veronicas friends all hate that you and Veronica are a thing. They think that you're a cheater and can never appreciate anything Ronnie does for you. They can't see through the act you put up but Veronica know how you truly are and loves you, but after a while her friends learn to respect you.

Cheryls friends think you're scum and hate you. Cheryl doesn't know why and tells them to chill out. Her friends are just jealous of how much attention you get from the redhead and think its unfair.

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