Break ups/Break up songs (Part 2)

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Betty Cooper
— Ever since you and Betty have gotten together, you felt as if she still had feelings for Archie. You knew she had liked him for what seems like forever. The way she looked at him was different from the way she looked at you. You couldn't help but feel bad about yourself. You decided to talk to Betty about this. "Betty, can I speak with you?" Betty looked gorgeous but you had to do this, no matter how much you cared. "Yea of course y/n!" Betty said as she walked away from the table where the rest of the gang was sitting. "Betty, i see the way you look at Archie, you have this passion and lust in your eyes when you look at him. You look at him differently. You look at me as if I'm your best friend, rather than your significant other." You said as you looked at her. "What is that even supposed to mean y/n?" Betty asked you. "What it means, Betty, is do you still have feelings for Archie?" Betty looked at you with a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Im sorry y/n" your heart broke in a million microscopic pieces. "Well Betty, I love you and I'm sorry you feel this way, but i guess we're over?" You asked. "I guess we are." Betty said solemnly as you two walked back to the table
Break up song: Lies ; Marina and the Diamonds

Veronica Lodge
— Kevin went up to you and said something that took you by surprise. "I can't believe you and Veronica broke up!" "What do you mean me and Veronica broke up?" You and Veronica have been dating for 6 months already and this hurt you, you put so much effort into your relationship and here comes Kevin saying you broke up? "Wait you guys are still together? Cause from my knowledge she's with Reggie, and they seem pretty serious.." Kevin said. You decided to see what was the big fuss. You got to the student lounge to see your girlfriend and that prick Reggie making out. "Wow Ronnie, looks like you're having fun there" you said with an icy tone. Hearing your voice startled her causing her to push Reggie away. "Y/n it's not what it looks like, i swear." Veronica tried explaining but you didn't want to hear it. "Veronica, stop wasting your breath. I know you have been seeing Reggie for a while, Kev told me. Im sorry you feel like you have to lie to me. I could tell you're not happy with me, so please go ahead, date Reggie all you want, you wont have to worry about me since we broke up 3 months ago apparently" you said with a smile.
Break up song:
Shame ; Bastille

Cheryl Blossom
— Cheryl had been acting bitchier than normal, and it started to get on your nerves. "Cheryl, you're my girlfriend and i love you, but you are a great big bag of dicks" what you had said made Cheryl beyond furious. "Really? Wow okay I'm sorry im not perfect y/n" you felt bad but Cheryl needed some tough love "look Cheryl I'm sorry, but we've been drifting apart, and it's hurting, a lot actually, I thought it was me, but I realized that it's actually you, you are too oblivious, and so am I, but I realize that now. We got into this relationship too fast and now I see the effect it has on us." Cheryl had a strange look on her face, it was difficult to read her expression. "Well y/n maybe we should take a break, since we 'got in this relationship too fast'" you got up and walked away from her
Break up song:
Portugal ; Walk The Moon

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