Party (Stefan)

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A/N: First Stefan fic, let's hope it doesn't fucking suck👌🏻

You stood in the corner, so badly wanting to disappear. You let you're friend Rebekah take you to this party. You knew all about supernatural things and you knew that she was part of the Original family. You met Klaus, Elijah, Kol, Freya, and even Finn, well before he died. Klaus needed to go to a small town called Mystic Falls. Rebekah made you tag along so you could meet Damon and Stefan Salvatore. She explained all the fucked up history that happened to the two of them. Truth be told, you hated this Elena girl and you hadn't even met her.

According to Rebekah, Stefan, the youngest of the two, was the better pick. He was "hotter than God himself" and super sweet. Elena really dicked him over. You had yet to meet Damon, Elena, or Stefan. You had ran into Caroline, who told you all about her little thing with Klaus, and the little witch Bonnie, who was super sweet. You also ran into a super hot hybrid that Klaus turned named Tyler Lockwood. You lost Rebekah a while ago and now you stood, alone, so desperately wanting to disappear.

"What's a girl like you doing here?" A soothing, deep voice asks. You jump, spilling some of the cheap beer in your hand.

"Oh, nothing. My friend drug me here. I haven't even stepped foot in this town, so I don't know anyone. Only of people," you explain, not bothering to look up.

"Rebekah?" He asks, half chuckling. Alarm shoots through you and you finally look up at the stranger. Your heart stopped and time itself seemed to freeze. This man was incredibly hot. And some part of you felt as if you knew him.

"How do you know her?" You ask, your trance fading. He grins at you, making your heart stop again.

"You could say we had a thing," he shrugs.
Realization strikes you.

"Are you Stefan Salvatore?" You ask carefully. He flashes another heart-stopping grin at you.

"Yes, and you are?" He asks.

"Oh Y/N," you reply. He smiles again at you.

"Well, Y/N it was very nice to meet you but, I have some people to return to, but do not hesitate to call me," he says, backing away. You nod and smile. Once he left, you returned to wishing you'd never came and decided that swirling the cheap booze around in your cup was more fun.


You have no idea where this sudden boost of courage came from. You had grown bored of playing with your beer and sulking in the corner. You then chugged your remaining beer and stared to hunt for more. After multiple refills, you had run into some guy you never met. He had dark black hair and piercing blue eyes. Needless to say, he was smoking hot. But the alcohol was already affecting you and this boost of courage courses through you. The guy, Damon, was looking at you with eagerness and wariness.

In his hand, he held a bottle of expensive scotch. This cheap beer was starting to loose its touch, so you snatched the bottle out of his hand. Fury erupted in his gaze as he he watches you down the rest and drop the glass bottle on the floor. A few startled gasps erupted but nothing major. Pure anger filled his gaze and you made the smart decision of leaving. You stumbled quite a bit, giggling at every person you collided with.

Suddenly, you smash into a rock hard chest. You gasp and glance up. Stefan grinned back down at you.

"Hello Y/N," he said, slowly and deliberately. He was clearly as drunk as you were, if not more. You noticed how attractive he was and heat slowly began to pool around your legs. Looking into his eyes, you squeezed his legs and bite your lip. He frowned slightly, only to gasp once your hand found its way to his member. You could literally feel it harden in your grasp.

"Let's find a place to go," you try to whisper seductively but your speech was slurred and it wasn't sexy at all. But if Stefan noticed, he didn't show it. His hand found its way to your nipple and he squeezed it roughly.

"Alright," he murmured. You clasped your hand in his and he lead you up stairs. Upstairs, the noise drowned out and he led you to a random room. As soon as the door closed, you forced him against the wall and forced your lips together. He moaned into it and you decided to dominate the kiss. You shove your tongue in his mouth and your two tongues dance together. His hands traveled to your ass and squeezed it. You jumped slightly and he smacked it, earning a moan from you. He too took this opportunity to take control of the kiss again.

You force yourself apart and your foreheads meet. Both of your breathing is ragged and you try desperately to catch your breath. You dimly notice Stefan's eyes darken with lust.

"On the bed," he growls. You nod and throw yourself backwards on it. Heat pooled around your legs, soaking your underwear. You silently praised God that you wore a mini skirt and a thong today. You parted your legs silently and Stefan crawled towards you. The pad of his finger pressed against your clothes clit. Even though it wasn't as satisfying as it would be, you still bucked your hips and gasped.

He laughed softly and slowly, painfully pulled down your Calvin Klein thong. His breath hitched at the sight of your glistening core. Before he did anything to your pussy, he forced your shirt and bra off. One of his hands stared to slowly knead your right breast and rolled your sensitive nub in his fingers. He placed a rough, hungry kiss on your clit. You moaned and bucked up your hips. His hand stopped playing with your breast and worked on holding down your hips. You moaned and withered above him as he sucked unmercifully at your clit.

The pressure on your lower abdomen was starting to build. Your legs involuntarily wrapped around his upper body, forcing him closer. He laughed softly at your reaction, only spurring you closer to your edge. At this point, you were screaming. You didn't care you found out, it felt so good. The pressure was steadily building and, to make matters worse, Stefan slipped a finger in your entrance. This made you scream louder than before and brought your climax dangerously close.

"Cum for me Baby," Stefan whispered. You wanted to, oh you wanted to, but you wanted to hold out a little longer, to make it even more intense. Stefan's finger pumped and curled inside you, while his tongue worked magic. Your hands worked on kneading your breast. You started to squeeze your legs, wanting to close them to preserve yourself a little longer. But Stefan wasn't having it, he kept up the merciless pace, as if he was gonna force you into climaxing.

"Stefan, I-I'm gonna cum," you whimpered. Stefan grin and blew into your entrance, while the pad of his thumb worked at your clit. All this pleasure was too much and you finally tipped over the edge. A string of profanities left your lips, followed by screaming Stefan's name. Your eyes rolled back and your toes curled. White spots dotted your vision and it was by far the best climax you'd ever had. Stefan continued the pace as you came down from your high. You were dimly aware of footsteps pounding up the stairs, but thought nothing of it. Stefan eagerly lapped up your juices before pulling you into a kiss.

"Stefan!? What the hell is going on!?" A deep British voice demands.

"KLAUS!" You shriek, suddenly sobered up.

(Part two coming soon😉)

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