Damn Tease (Damon)

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Been a while since I did a Damon one 😉

You fucking hated Damon right now. God, he knew exactly how to turn you on and when was the wrong damn time to do it. You and Damon had been dating for about a year, and man was he amazing. Beneath the hard ass, I-don't-care-about-anything-but-myself persona, he was caring, sweet, and gentle. He'd had vervain shoved down his throat and a stake through his body if it meant you'd be unharmed. And damn did he know how to have amazing sex. You had a keeper on your hands, any girl would kill for a guy like him, but right now, you were considering leaving his ass. You and him had an important dinner to go to and the whole damn time his hand would sneak up your dress.

At first, it was easy to ignore. Just cross your legs and maintain a straight face. But when he wasn't getting the reaction he wanted, things turned a whole lot harder. He quickly began to force your legs apart with his supernatural strength and his long fingers had begun to graze your clothed entrance. It had slowly become more and more difficult to pretend like nothing was wrong. Especially when his thumb had begun to brush against your clit. He was making you want him at a time you couldn't do anything about it. Once the actual dinner had ended and you guys had started dancing and having a bit of fun, you'd assume he'd be too busy to tease you. But boy were you wrong. His hands grabbed your ass when no one was watching. Or when he pulled you close for some reason, he'd "accidentally" graze your boob.

And when you'd try to palm him or brush your ass against him, he'd catch on and prevent you. You were quickly becoming quite frustrated and you couldn't do a damn thing about it. Damon didn't seem affected at all and seemed to love the state you were in. He'd grin at you from across the floor if you'd catch him obviously checking you out. Now, you were at a table, trying not to break someone's neck. Damon was flirting with a drunk, pretty blonde, making you incredibly jealous. You knew what he wanted to do to you and despite your best efforts, it was working. He'd cast a side glance to you from time to time, causing you to return the favor with a glare. You were getting sick of it, the sexual tension was too much.

And if Damon was only going to tease you, then you'd turn to someone who'd willingly give you what you wanted. Stefan. You debated for a while on wether or not you should actually go through with it. Damon would be so incredibly pissed and probably try to kill his brother. But when Damon put his hands on the girls hips and whispered in her ear, that was the final straw. So, you picked up your phone and called Stefan.

"Stefan," he said.

"Stefan, I need you. Now," your voice was raspy, partly from how Damon was making you feel, partly because of nerves.

"What's wrong?" Stefan's voice instantly hardened, turning you on even more.

"Come take me back to your place. Please," you begged. Damon's eyes met yours and he frowned, almost as if he knew what you were doing.

"A-are you sure Y/N?" Stefan asked. Damon's hands dropped from the girls hips, eyes locked on yours. You grinned at him and in a flash, Damon had taken your phone out of your hands and was by your side.

"We're fine Stefan. As a matter of fact, we're leaving. Right now," he hung up on his brother and practically drug you back to the boarding house.


Damon watched you with hungry eyes as you slowly made your way over to him. You'd changed from your earlier outfit into dark purple lingerie. Slowly, you threw you legs on either side of him and sat down on his lap. His hands quickly found their way to your hips and his nails dug in.

"You teased me all night. Why should I do this?" You whispered breathlessly. Damon grinned and forced your hips to roll against him.

"Cause you love how I touch you and how I make you feel. And besides, you almost had Stefan do what only am allowed to do," he explained, moving your hips again.

"Damon. I shouldn't do anything for you after what you did tonight," you growled, acting like you were going to stand up and leave. His grip increased and his eyes darkened. He brought his lips close to your ear.

"I'm going to fuck your brains out." Your breath caught and suddenly, you were midair and then your back hit the bed. He quickly tore off his clothes and moving to lay on top of you.

"Damon," you gasped, placing your hands on his chest. He growled, one of his hands grabbing your pussy. You gasped and your hips involuntary bucked against him. He grinned and moved the fabric to the side. You tried to squeeze your legs together but he wouldn't let you.

"Nuh-uh," he whispered, slipping two fingers inside you with no warning. You whimpered and bit your lip, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing you moan for him. His fingers pumped in and out of you quickly, his thumb wasting no time to run at your clit. You bit your lip and squeezed your eyes shut. He increased the speed of his fingers and tore the fabric covering your breasts. He attached his lips to one of your nipples. He nipped and rolled it with his tongue, his fingers pumping in and out of you without mercy. You were pretty sure your lip was bleeding at this point but you did not want to give him the satisfaction. But, the pleasure he was giving you felt amazing and the familiar pit began to form in your stomach.

Damon seemed to feel you beginning to approach your high. He switched sides and slipped another finger in you. Again, your hips bucked against him and your legs started to shake. All though you had yet to make a noise, the way your body was reacting to his touch was enough satisfaction for him. Your hands clawed at the bedsheets and your eyes were staring to roll back. Your high was coming, the way your body was reacting told Damon that. He pulled away from your nipples and planted a heated kiss to your lips. His tongue swiped against your bottom lip before he pulled away, blood tinting his lips slightly. His fingers finally managed to find your spot, making your hips shoot up and you finally moan.

Only it wasn't a moan, more like a scream. Damon grinned. "There it is." Your legs shook beyond control and the pit in your stomach was insane.

"Fuck Damon," you whimpered. He buried them in your spot. That tipped you over the edge and your nails raked down his back. Damon groaned slipping his member into you without giving you a chance to come down from your high. The waves of pleasure coursing through you with the addition of the feeling of Damon inside you, was insane. Your sharp nails drew blood but you felt him heal every time you made him bleed. He began to pound into you harshly. Your head hit the headboard a few times but the amount of pleasure covered any sense of discomfort. Your hands rubbed your clit and Damon's hands rubbed your breasts. He hit your spot almost every time, quickly bringing you to the edge again. You wrapped your legs around his waist, giving him better access.

"You feel amazing," Damon groaned, pressing his forehead against yours. You locked eyes, your jaw stretched wide, trying to make a noise but none coming out. All that came out were quiet whimpers but Damon knew how he was making you feel. Your legs were shaking and your nails never left his skin anymore. You wished he didn't heal so you could see all the red marks up and down his back. You buried your head in his shoulder and bit down, you knew he loved that. He hissed in response, and you bit down again. The pit in your stomach was almost too much for you.

"Damon, I-I'm close," you moaned. You were dimly aware of him twitching in you.

"Come on Baby," he groaned, sucking on your neck. You came with a loud scream, clenching around him. He groaned and suddenly filled you with his seed. Your entire body was shaking and together you rode out your highs. Damon collapsed to the side of you and you forced your sore body to roll on your side.

"Damn tease," you laughed. He planted a kiss to your forehead.

"The question is, will you be able to walk tomorrow?" You laughed and shook your head.

"No way in hell."

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