Out with a Bang (Klaus)

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A/N: So I decided to do a chapter based on the series finale. There won't be any smut because I wanted to write a really meaningful chapter. So feel free to skip it if you want. Also: how hard did you cry when you watched it? I bawled and it's been like 3 weeks and still not over it tbh.

"You're a fucking idiot!" You scream, tears stinging your eyes. Klaus flinches, as if your words cut deep into him.

"I know! And I'm sorry! But I had to do what's best for Hope Y/N. The darkness was killing her," he pleads. You sigh and look down at your feet, not wanting to admit this was Klaus's last day.

"What about you!? Why didn't you let Elijah take it!? He was more then willing. Hope needs her father, I need my lover. I can't, I won't, deal with you being gone," you cry, tears running down your cheeks.

"You need to be here for Hope. She needs you. She's always considered you a mother figure. When I'm gone, promise me you'll protect her. Please Y/N, I need you now more then ever," he whispers, grabbing your shoulders.

"I love you," you say, voice cracking. Klaus presses a kiss to your forehead.

"I love you more then anything. Always and forever," he murmurs against your hair.

"Don't leave me Klaus," you sob, burying your head in his shoulder. Klaus sighs and forces you to look at him, wiping away your tears.

"Listen to me. We will see each other again. Not in this life but the next. You need to be there for Hope, you two are the people I love more then anything in the world. She lost Hayley, she's loosing me, she can't loose you too. Be there for her, protect her, teach her, raise her. And when she reaches her 21 birthday, you can join me. Or stay with her. No matter your choice, I'll be waiting for you. Always."

"And forever," you finish. Klaus smiles grimly.

"That's my girl," he praises. You press a kiss to his lips, savoring him. Tasting him, tasting the saltiness of your tears. The thought of living without him was soul-crushing. But you would honor his wish. Without Hayley, Hope considered you her mother. She would need you more then ever. You'd be there for her when she needed you, be there when she wanted to turn. You were one of the last hybrids left, making you one of the most powerful supernatural beings on this earth.

"I'll protect her Klaus. I swear. And, I'll be waiting to see you again," you reply. Klaus stroked your head.

"I know you will. That's why I love you so much."


Hopes 21 Birthday

"Happy Birthday Hope!" You cheer, downing a shot. Hope smiles and tried to copy you but ends up trying not to cough it up. You laughed and patted her on the back. "You'll get better!" You reassure. She laughs.

"You'll teach me right!?" Your smile fades at her comment. Her eyebrows raise. "Right Y/N?" You force a smile. "What's wrong!?"

"There's something I need to tell you. But not tonight. Tonight's about you finally becoming a full adult!" You reply.


"What!? You're leaving me!?" Hope shrieks. You flinch and nod.

"I kept my promise to him. You're not 15 anymore Hope. You can damn sure take care of yourself. You're the most powerful being on this earth. Marcel will always be there. As will Kol and Rebekah for a while. You don't need me anymore," you explain. Hope blinks back tears.

"I lost my dad, I lost my mom, I lost my uncle. I can't loose you too. We're- we're running buddies. I can't run without you. It's tradition. I can't lead the witches or the werewolves in New Orleans without you. The wolves look up to you. I need you're guidance. I need you. Don't make me do this on my own. Please Y/N. I can't," she pleads. You're heart breaks.

"Hope Mikaelson. You can do all that without me. You've been through Hell and back and survived. Freya and Vincent can help you with the witches. Keelin can help with the wolves. You don't need me anymore," you say.

"I do," she sobs, sinking to her knees. You hurry to her side and wrap her in a hug.

"We will see each other again. You, me, Klaus, Hayley, Josh, Elijah, even Jackson and your grandma. Be the strong woman I know you are. You can be what saves New Orleans. You can be the leader that city has always needed. It wasn't Marcel or the Mikaelson's. But it can be you. You rescued our family. Now rescue our city. I believe in you Hope. So does everyone else." She leans her head into your shoulder, trying to get ahold of her tears.

"You think so?" You nod and kiss her forehead.

"I know so." She pulls away from you and wipes her face.

"Can you give a message to my dad and mom?" You nod.

"Of course."

"Tell them, I won't disappoint them. I'll be the daughter they've always wanted. And that I miss them more then anything." You smile softly.

"You could never disappoint them. And you already are the daughter they've always wanted, even better. But of course I'll give them your message," you agree. Hope smiles and pulls you into a crushing hug.

"I love you Y/N," she whispers.

"I love you too." You pulled away and grabbed a small vile out of your pocket.

"What is that?" She asks.

"Marcel's venom. Can you stay with me? I don't want to be alone in my final moments," You ask. She nods.

"Of course." With that, you pour the venom down your throat and wait for the effects to kick in.


"Klaus!" You cry, jumping into his arms.

"I missed you Love," he murmurs in your ear.

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