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Ok so, this isn't a chapter and I apologize but I have some things to say. 1.) Thank you guys so much for all the love! This book has blown up and gotten way more popular than I could have ever imagined! So thank you guys for that! 2.) Updates have slowed down and as much as I'd like to say I would pick up the pace, I can't say for sure that I will. I would love to begin updating like I used to but I haven't found the time and I'm kinda running out of ideas. Which leads me to 3.). PLEASE start making requests and stuff. I have found it getting more and more difficult to come up with original ideas for chapters. So if you guys have any ideas, it'd be greatly appreciated. Just know there are some ideas that I probably won't do strictly because I don't feel comfortable writing them. 4.) I feel like this book needs to start coming to an end. It's gone on for a while and idk, i just feel like it's time to kinda end it. Now, if you guys start shooting me ideas or I come up with stuff, this book might continue. Or I might make a second book. Idk for sure tho it all depends on ideas. 5.) The last announcement. I HAVE STARTED A NEW SMUT BOOK!! This one did so well I thought it was time to make another. This one isn't about all of our favorite Originals. But, it's about another Brit, who I love and adore. This book will be all about Tom Holland! My personal favorite Spider-Man! There might be some Peter Parker stuff in there too. So if you guys feel like checking it out that'd be great! Like this one, I am always up for suggestions and ideas! That is all! Hopefully I'll be able to get another actual chapter out soon!

Goodbye Loves🖤


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