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Yuto left before I woke up apparently, but it was ok.i I probably asked for too much. I didn't really think he liked me anymore. And I didn't want him too. Because I didn't want to hurt him again. I loved Hui. I wanted him to be the one to be there last night. But I would never tell Yuto that. Because even when I ignored him for a month, he still came when I needed him. I felt like I didn't deserve to be his friend. But a part of me hoped he still liked me, because one day, when I would forget Hui, there was no other person I could love other than Yuto. But Sungjae was also a possibility. Because I knew he liked me. Maybe he was what I needed. I was definitely gonna consider dating him. I knew it was wrong. But I had to get over Hui, even though I felt like I would love him forever. He was the first guy I slept with. And I kind of realized I was he's first kiss. Becuaus he was so gentle, and nice to me. My first kiss was with a 30 years old Japanese racecar driver we made a song with in Japan. I guess I was really attractive to guys. But in reality, I didn't feel attractive. Especially because Hui dumped me for his career. I really should have understand that it's important, but I didn't. I thought love would conquer all. I felt like a bother, and ugly. I hated that he did it to me. But shit, getting over him would be the hardest thing.

Before I was gonna get picked up by my managers driver, I called Sungjae. I would try to date him first. I dialed his number, and he answered right away.
- hey, I was hoping you would call me.
He said.
-yeah, I have been thinking about something.. you like me right?
I asked him. I knew it was kind of wrong to hit on him the day after I got dumped. But I really felt like I needed to get over Hui right away. Because he broke my heart. And I didn't want to be in pain.
- wait, in what way do you mean?
Sungjae asked me.
- well, I was wondering if you maybe.. would date me?
I asked him. I didn't really like him like that, but I really needed the distraction and confidence.
- wait, really? Don't you have a boyfriend?
He said. He did sound kind of hopeful.
- no, I didn't really like him that much...
I said. It was obviously a lie.
- to be honest, I have waited for my chance since you where a trainee...
He said.
- great, let's hang out tomorrow?
I asked him. I knew I would see him today. But I needed to be with him alone to see if it would work out.
- it's a date!
He said, and I hung up. My driver was probably here now.

After I got to the Cube building, I had my meeting with mr. Hong, and vocal practice.
It was finally lunch time. I would meet Yuto outside the cafeteria. When I got there, he was already waiting, I went over to him.
I said and gave him a hug. He seemed a little surprised, but hugged me back.
- hi. I didn't know if it was okay with you, but the other members wanted to join us..
He said. He looked a little bothered by it to be honest.
- i missed them a lot. But I missed you the most..
I told him, a little embarrassed.
- really?
He asked me. I just gave him a hug again. It felt right. Like I belonged in his arms.it made my stomach flutter a little. To be honest,I was a little shocked, but it felt so right.
- lets go then!
I told him, and we walked inside the cafeteria. I was really exited to see the rest of pentagon again.
When we got to the table where pentagon was, obviously except Hui and E'Dawn, I felt like crying. I really had missed my boys.
- wow, is this real?
Wooseok said, jumping up from his seat to hug me.
- omg, I really missed your forwardness!
I told him and hugged him back. Damn I missed this kid.
I sat down on a chair, smiling like crazy. It made me so happy seeing the boys healthy and still cute as hell.
- actually I missed you all like crazy!
I told them, and they all said it back, one by one.
Yuto sat down beside me and kind of made sure that he was sitting closest too me. To be honest I still felt there was still some kind of feeling towards me. I liked it. But I couldn't like him back. It would be wrong. Because I loved his leader. And didn't want to hurt him. But I still felt so good sitting beside him. I felt loved. And I needed it. Because Hui hurt me so bad that I didn't feel like anyone else would love me like him. Ever.
- I'm sorry that I never visited... I was too busy working on my comeback. I'm really sorry.
I said, and gave them a halt sad smile.
They all told me it was okay, and that they understood. Damn I really loved them. They where so understanding.
- just don't forget us again. We need our savage Seunghee.
Kino said, making everyone laugh. I laughed myself.
- kino.. I'm going to let this go one one ok! Because savage Seunghee is back!
I said and laughed.
I really missed my number one fan kino.
- shut up pabo!
I told him but gave him a hug. I really missed kino the most except Yuto.
- do you all know that Hui dumped me?
I asked them. They where all eating different kinds of food. I didn't feel like eating. I felt ugly. I knew it was really stupid, but I felt fat and ugly after Hui dumped me, so couldn't eat. I only ate a peace of the cake yesterday, because it was my birthday, and I wanted to share the cake with Yuto, at some point, he had even fed me cake with his fork. I found it really cute. Yuto was just cute without even trying. And to be honest he was really attractive. But I knew he liked me for real. So I couldn't date him. Because I wasn't ready for a really relationship. I knew Sungjae only liked me for my looks, so I knew I could use him for his looks, too be even.
They where all surprised about my question. But I didn't mind. Because I was just as surprised when Hui dumped me. All of them told me they didn't know about it, and they where all sorry about. But I wouldn't ever blame them for it. It was all Hui's fault. But to be honest did kind of blame E'Dawn and Hyuna for it...
- ahh fuck I missed all of you like crazy.
I said.
- ahh don't swear, Yuto and Wooseok needs to learn not to swear!
Jinho said, making laugh like crazy.
But what happened next broke me. Because E'Dawn and Hyuna came to the cafeteria, and Hui came right behind them. Our eyes met. And I couldn't take it. I went out as fast I could. I sat down In a corner, and cried my eyes out. I wished someone would just kill me.

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