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I was finally done with the day, and I couldn't wait to go out.
Eunkwan texted me the address and my driver drove me to the restaurant. I put my mask on just in case someone would notice me.

When I got inside I realized we where the only ones there. Well, except the staff. Did they always rent the entire restaurant? How rich where they anyways..
- pay up!
Peniel said to Sungjae before I could sit down.
- what's going on?
I asked them.
- they had a bet.
Ilhoon answered.
- about?
I asked.
- if you where the crazy person running past us earlier or not.
Peniel said.
- how did you know?
I asked them. How embarrassing.
- your mask.
Peniel answered, and I suddenly remembered it was still on. Was I really that tired that I didn't notice? I took it off, and put it in my bag.
- what do you want to eat?
Eunkwan asked me. He was sitting beside me, so we shared a menu. I didn't even get to answer before getting distracted.
Sungjae and peniel was also sharing a menu but now they where fighting over it.

After we ate dinner, Sungjae insisted on dessert. No one else wanted it, but we ordered another round. Eunkwan had to use the toilet, so I got out of the bench so he could get out. When he left, Sungjae took his seat even before I got to sit down. Well, I preferred to sit on the seat I had already chosen anyways.

- so what have you done lately? Besides work.
Sungjae asked me.
- and who have you been doing?
Peniel added, making Sungjae hit him.
- stop bothering my girl.
Sungjae said.
- I'm not your girl.
I told him, making the others laugh.
- she's obviously my girl.
Eunkwan said as he came back.
- you guys better stop it.
Minhyuk said.
- yeah look at her. She's getting uncomfortable.
Ilhoon said.
- it's ok.
I said, and took a big sip of my drink. I was so sick of everything. Not the guys. But my former group. I didn't know if I wanted to beat them up, or tell Mr.Hong about everything.
- woah easy there.
Peniel said.
- leave me alone my life sucks.
I said, taking another sip.
- uhm seunghee.. it might suck even more now..
peniel said.
- what?
I asked him.
- you have to see this article. I'll send you the link...
He said.

I knew it had to be something bad about me. I quickly took my phone out of my purse and pressed the link he sent me.

Park Seunghee overworked?

An anonymous source sent us this video, that seems to be of Seunghee falling down while practiced her Red choreography.

Is Cube overworking her?
No statement has been made on this issue.

See the video down below:

Wait.. that video.. it had to be taken by Yui..
- is your dance coach pressuring you?
Eunkwan asked me.
- I don't even have one.. I work alone. And with my dance team, but I'm the instructor.
I answered.

This was just a misunderstanding. I probably had to make a statement.
- I think I need to get back to the cube building.
I told the boys.
I hoped Mr.Hong wasn't upset with me.
I called my driver, and had one last drink before he arrived.
I said goodbye to the guys, and left.

Arriving at the Cube building, was a mess. There was more paparazzi and reporters than usual. So I had to get in from the parking garage.

When I got inside I immediately went to Mr.Hong's office. I didn't even knock before I entered.
- before you yell at me, I had no idea they would do something like that..
I said, and sat down on a chair. Mr.Hong didn't look mad at all, in fact, it looked like he felt sorry for me.
- who took the video?
He asked me. I guess I could tell him. He already knew how my former group used to treat me.
- Rina and Yui.. I didn't even notice they where there before it was too late.
I answered.
- and they also cut my hair..
I said, and showed Mr.Hong where my hair had been cut. I knew I was lying about the last part, but I just couldn't tell him it was Yu Xia. I didn't want her to get punished. I knew she deserved it, but I still loved her. And missed her.
- that's enough. I'm going to speak to their management. This is unacceptable.
Mr.Hong said.

I really hope he would. Because they could ruin me as much as they wanted, but my career? No way in hell.
- you have to go on a radio show tomorrow. We will make a statement about the video, but I also want them to hear an explanation from you.
Mr.Hong said, and after that I left. There was only one person I wanted to see now.

I called my driver again, and he drove me to the Pentagon dorm.
- Are you ok, miss?
My driver asked me. Did he see the article too?
- yes, I'm fine. Thank you for asking.
I answered.
- that's good. Do you want me to pick you up later?
He said.
- pick me up in three hours.
I told him, and exited the car. I decided not to nock before entering the dorm. I walked into the hallway, and could hear noises from everywhere.
I decided to check the kitchen first.

Yuto wasn't there, But E'Dawn and Hui was.
- Seunghee! I didn't know you were coming over
Hui said and smiled at me. I looked at E'Dawn, but he just had his usual cold expression.
- you shouldn't be so stupid. You'll end up ruining our company's reputation.
He suddenly said. So I guess they had also seen the stupid video..
- you should smile more.
I told him, and left the kitchen. I could hear Hui laughing.

I went to the living room instead. I finally found Yuto. He was watching some Drama with Wooseok and Yan An. I guess the rest of the group had already gone to bed.

- this is the best part.
Yuto said to the others. I was standing in the doorway so they hadn't noticed me yet.
I was just enjoying seeing him being happy over something as simple as a tv series.
Seeing him smiling, and laughing. It was all I needed to be happy.

- announcing my presence.
Was all I could think of to say. And it made me laugh at myself.

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