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Seeing Hui again broke me, like he had before. Because he looked fine. Like he wasn't that sad about the break up. And I wanted to die. How could he not be broken like me?! I felt so torn between all my thoughts. Because in my head, he was all I loved. But at the same time, there was Yuto, but also Sungjae.
I couldn't go back to the boys, so I went to my dance room. Even if there was no practice, dancing made me forget things. At least while doing it.
After realizing it's was already four, I decided to shower, before meeting BTOB.

I met the boys outside their practice room.
- Hi!
Sungjae said excitedly when he saw me. I wondered if the others knew that I agreed to date him.
- hey.
I said.
- is something wrong?
Minhyuk asked me. I wondered if I looked like a mess. I usually did after crying. I told them I was fine. We started going towards the elevator that went down to the parking garage. I wish we had taken another way. Because when we got to the elevator, It opened, revealing Hui and Hyuna. He had his hand on her shoulder.
- don't worry. You look great.
He told her.
- you got to be kidding me.
Ilhoon said. Sungjae placed his hand in mine, but nobody could see it.
When Hui noticed me, he looked so surprised.
- Seunghee.. it's not like that.
He started explaining. I didn't say anything back. I just stared at him for a while. Then the elevator door closed, so we had to press on the button again.
- are you getting out or?
Ilhoon asked them. Hyuna where the first one to step out. She gave me a sad look and left. Hui followed her, but not before noticing I was holding Sungjae's hand. I hoped he would get sad. And jealous. And remember that he loved me. He did still love me right?
Me and the rest of BTOB went inside the elevator. It was kind of hilarious, because all of us barely fit in it. Sungjae was pressed up against me.
- you know, this is kind of nice.
He told me, making the other members turn to look at us. I got really embarrassed.
- Sungjae, when are you going to back off Seunghee? She still got a boyfriend right? Even if I have to admit, I don't really like him.
Peniel said.
- actually, he dumped me.
I confessed. All of them gave me sad looks.
This isn't what I wanted. I didn't want people to feel sorry for me.
- wait, you told me you didn't like him anymore. I thought you just liked me so much you would rather date me?
Sungjae said, and the others looked very shocked.
- ah you can't say things like that, Sungjae..
Ilhoon said, but he kind of looked amused. Actually all of them looked amused.
I just laughed. This was kind of funny to me. Because I knew that Sungjae liked me. And it was really cute. but I still loved hui more than anyone.
- ahh, lets not talk about this.
I told them.
Finally we got to the garage, and located their managers car.

While driving to the restaurant, we sang a lot. It was really funny. I had missed singing with a group. Even though I was really exited for going solo.
- your voice is seriously beautiful.
Hyunsik told me. The others told me they agreed. It made me happy. To be honest I was a little insecure about it. Because debuting as a solo artist was scary as hell.
- ah you are embarrassing me..
I told them, and hid my face. I was definitely blushing.
- ah look at her. So cute
Sungjae said.
- omg let's make her do aegyo
Ilhoon said. Oh no. I had only shown Hui my aegyo once.
- ahha that's funny. Ask again and see what happens.
I told them trying to look scary. I think it worked.

We finally got to the restaurant. It was the same as last. And as I expected nobody was there. But I kind of liked it. Because I could be myself with these boys.
We ordered lots of food this time too. But we decided not to drink. Because we all had to go back to work after.
I noticed that Yuto had tried to call me a few times. And Hui... why would he call me? Didn't he know it would only hurt me?

After we where finished with our food, we decided to order dessert and chat a bit.
- so he really dumped you, and blamed it on his music?
Ilhoon asked me.
- yeah...
I told him.
- but that means we can date now
Sungjae said, and winked at me. I took it he hadn't told the others about my offer.
- Sungjae, you're so desperate
Peniel said and laughed.
- actually, we are going to date
I told them. And they all got shocked as hell.
- I feel so happy now
Sungjae said, and I blushed.
- ahhha look at her!
Hyunsik said, and laughed at me. I tried to look as happy as I could. But I wanted to be with Hui.
Suddenly my lower parts started to hurt. I was probably going to have my period.
- uhm.. could you maybe get the female waitress to come here for a sec?
I asked them. They looked a little confused, but Minhyuk called her over.
I stood up, and whispered in her ear.
-do you happen to have a tampon?
I asked her. She smiled, and told me to follow her.

*Sungjae's pov*

Seunghee left with the waitress. I didn't understand what was going on. Was she ok?
- I think she maybe got her period.
Changsub said. Maybe it was that. I felt sorry for her. It was probably really embarrassing for her.
- it might be that.
I said. Peniel and Minhyuk was laughing like crazy now.
- hey shut up.
I told them. Only to make them laugh even more
- ahahahah it's funny, because I never thought she would actually date you
Peniel said, making basically everyone in my group laugh. Why did they think so? Ahh.
- what!? Im good looking!
I told them, and did a pose.
- you look like a sloth
Minhyuk said. Damn he was gonna get it now.
- what about you? You look like a.. like a sloth
I said. Damn, that's what he said. I really wasn't good at dissing people. Everyone started laughing like crazy at my failed attempt. Damnit.
- that's cute.
I suddenly heard Seunghee say. She was back.
She sat down beside me. I took her hand under the table. But she let go of it, and placed her hand on my thigh. Damn she really needed to be careful. I was really looking forward to have sex with her. If she wanted to. But she didn't look like an easy girl. But in that moment, I needed to kiss her. Desperately. So I did. She didn't push me away. I would do everything to make her forget her ex.
- daamn!
Minhyuk yelled and clapped. When we broke the kiss, Seunghee looked really embarrassed.
- ah, that was really weird..
She said. I guess it was. But I did feel butterflies. But I didn't know if she did.
- ahahahah you can't say that
Peniel said and laughed.
- shut uuup
I told him. Seunghee still kept her hand on my thigh.
- you shouldn't really do that if you don't want me to take you home right now.
I whispered to her. She quickly took her hand off.
- ahh is it really hot in here? I need to get some air...
she said and left out the door.
- ok now I believe that you could have a chance with her..
Hyunsik said, making the others laugh again. I just rolled my eyes, and got up and went after her.
She was standing outside the restaurant, and looked kind of sad.
- hey.. I don't want you to feel pressured.
I told her. She kind of got startled when she realized I came after her.
- oh.. it's not that. I just feel bad for you. I still love hui to be honest.
She said, and looked sad.
- I know. It's ok.. I can still help you. No, I will help you, get over him.
I told her.
- I just got on my period.. so you shouldn't expect things like that right now..
She said, and looked embarrassed. To be honest, I found it really cute. I wasn't the kind of guy that dated girls only for sex. And I've had a crush on her a long time. I would try to make it right. I would make her love me. I mean, she had to at some point. Because I was really good looking.
- that's not the only reason I want to date you pabo
I told her, and grabbed her waist, pulling her towards me.
- it may take some time for me, ok?
She told me, but didn't try to get out from my grip. I really liked being this close to her.
- hey.. I like you ok? It doesn't matter that much. I just want to help you get over.. him..
I told her.
She smiled, and gave me a hug. It felt really nice. I pressed her up against the restaurant wall, and kissed her. At first I was afraid that she wouldn't want me to, but she kissed me back, and we ended up making out. It really surprised me. But then she let go, and kind of pushed me away.
- I'm sorry..
I told her, but she just shook her head.
- it's not that, I just haven't kissed anyone except Hui..
she said. I didn't really understand that. Because she was beautiful, and I thought a lot of guys would have kissed her.
- hey, don't worry. I can wait.
I told her. But to be honest I felt like I couldn't.

AN: I know this is a Yuto fanfiction, but I felt that I needed a little variation. But don't worry, Yutos time will come. It's just that he is younger, and things will be a little slower than the last one. Because I feel Hui and Seunghee went a little too fast, so this one is gonna be a little slower. So I can promise a lot more chapters in this one😬 ly

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