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Today was the day it all made sense. Yuto loved me so much he couldn't even see me if I dated someone else. And I realized. I loved him too.
What the hell was going on with me, I just lost Hui, and I started to date Sungjae right away. But it wasn't real. Between me and Sungjae. I wanted to explain to Yuto. But I didn't know if he wanted to even see me. Yesterday he left me at the infirmary. And it hurt so bad. In both ways. The nurse had to take out all my stitches, and sow new ones. But I didn't really mind the pain. The worst was Yuto leaving me. So today I decided to confess to him. And tell Sungjae we couldn't date anymore. I went to the Cube building as soon as I woke up.
I texted Sungjae, to meet me outside my practice room. When he came, I was ready. Ready to tell him l loved someone else.
He came, still looking as good as always.
- hey...
he said, kind of hesitant.
- we need to talk.
I told him.
- agree
He told me.
- let's break up.
We told in unison. Making both of us laugh.
- I mean, your hot and stuff, but we're going on tour in Asia..
Sungjae told me. I felt so relieved.
- it's ok. I love someone else.
I told him, embarrassed. I had never really told anyone else than the person I loved, that I loved them.
- it's the guy from yesterday isn't it?
He asked me. I decided to tell him the truth.
- yes... he loved me all this time. Even when I was with Hui...
I told him.
- then he really is a keeper.
Sungjae told me, giving me a hug. It felt nice, like he was a good friend.
- too bad I didn't get to sleep with you..
he said, giving me a smirk.
- yeah too bad.
I told him and laughed. I guess I could of slept with him if we got more serious. But I only slept with Hui. I didn't even know if I was ready to sleep with anyone else. I said goodbye to Sungjae, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. This was the last time I would see him in months. But it was fine. I knew we would stay friends forever.

Today I was going to visit pentagon dorm. I was hoping Yuto wouldn't still be mad at because of Sungjae. Because I finally realized I wanted him. But he was younger. And I had no idea how he would react to my confession. I was a 21 year old Unnie that fell for a 19 year old dongsaeng. And it was weird for me.
I never liked someone younger that me. But I did like Yuto. Really. But I was afraid he stopped liking me after he found out about me and Sungjae. And I felt like I deserved it. After Hui, I needed someone. And I couldn't use Yuto. And I realized now, it was because I actually liked him back. It hurt, but it was love. It was always him.
I needed him.
I didn't talk to pentagon before my managers driver, drove me to their dorm. But they did expect me. At least Wooseok and Kino. And Yuto. But I didn't even know if he wanted me to come anymore.
When I got to their dorm, I told the driver to just leave. He nodded and drove away.
I had to admit I was nervous. To see Yuto. But also to see Shinwon. Because I promised him that I would talk to him whatever it was. I just couldn't visit them. I didn't blame Yuto. But I was with Hui, and I loved him. I didn't anymore. I think. I felt torn. Between my new love for Yuto, and the love I thought I had for Hui...

When I nocked on their door, i didn't expect a certain person to open. But he did. It was Yuto.
- what are you doing here?
He said looking bored. But I saw through him. He looked sad. But so was I. Because of him. And he because of me.
- you guys invited me, remember?
I asked him. He looked confused, so I just walked past him. I walked into the living room, where they usually hung out.
- ahh Seunghee!!
Shinwon said and gave me a hug. The others took turns giving hugs as well.
- I'm really sorry..
Jinho told me. What did he mean?
I didn't get to ask him before, he walked in.
- shit. I gotta pee.
I told them, not before giving hui a look. But before I got out of the living room, he had to speak.
- where is your new boyfriend?
Hui asked me. Like he really should talk. He broke up with me.
- I don't have a boyfriend, he broke up with me, remember?
I said and ran to the kitchen. I felt like puking, so I got a glass of water. I couldn't believe they wouldn't tell me hui was here. Someone came into the kitchen. It was Shinwon. I was hoping it was Yuto.
- hey, what was that all about?
Shinwon asked me. He actually looked concerned. I remember he told me I could always talk to him.
- why didn't anyone tell me hui was here?
I asked him, and started sobbing. He embraced me in a hug, and I held on tight.
- we didn't know either..
He said. I believed him.
- but what did he mean about you having a new boyfriend?
He asked me.
- I dated Sungjae from BTOB for.. 3 days I think. We didn't get to the relationship part..
I told him.
- I understand. It's your life. I'm not going to judge
he said.
- thank you Shinwon.
I said, and broke the hug, and drank my glass
Of water. My head really hurt.
- can I talk to Seunghee for a second?
Yuto said, coming into the kitchen.
Shinwon gave me a weird look, and left.
I hopped on the kitchen counter, and looked at
- I'm not dating Sungjae.. it was a mistake.
I told him. He just nodded and went
To the fridge, getting out a beer.
- aren't you a little too young?
I asked him.
- it's for you..
He told me, and handed me the beer. I had to admit I needed it. So I took it, and chugged a bit of it.
- I guess I needed it.
I told him, and he just nodded again. Why didn't he really say anything?
- can't you say something?!
I kind of yelled at him. He looked like he was about to cry.
- what do you want me to say? You keep hurting me!
He yelled back.
- it's because I love you!!
I yelled back. And he didn't say anything.
- i just dont want to hurt you..
I whispered to him. And I felt a tear on my cheek.
He came close to me, and removed the tear. But he also placed his hand on my thigh, and I felt this wave of warmness in my whole body.
- ahh, you really shouldn't do that.
I told him. Because when he did that, I could really sleep with him. And I didn't really think he was ready for that.
- can I do this then?
He asked me, and put his hand on my cheek. He was going to kiss me. Fuck. I really wanted it. But was it too soon?
But he only gave me a light peck on the lips.
It felt really good. Better than the first time I kissed Hui. Because I didn't feel lust. I felt love.
- wow.. that was.. wow
Yuto said, and looked embarrassed. It was wow though.
- was that your first time?
I asked him. He nodded.
- shit, I only wanted a soda.
Wooseok said, making both of us jump a little.
Neither of us noticed that he came into the kitchen.
- Wooseok. You can't tell anyone.. and don't swear.
I told him, and glared at him. He just raised his hands in defeat, and went to the fridge. Then he got his soda, and left.
- can we go up to your room?
I asked Yuto.
- I think we should.
He said.

We went up to his room, and locked the door. I didn't plan on making a move on him like that. He was two years younger than me, and I didn't want to do the same mistakes like I did with Hui.
- let's just talk, ok?
Yuto told me, and sat down on one of the beds. I sat down on the other bed, probably Yan An's.
- I wasn't planning on anything else.
I told him, and half laughed. I really wasn't. Damn. But still, he was really good looking. But his innocence made me feel like I was a 16 year old girl again, crushing on the popular guy in school.
- why did you date Sungjae?
He asked me. I didn't really know what to answer. Because I wasn't really sure. I thought I did it to get over Hui. But I knew Sungjae liked me, and he even tried to make a move on me when I was still dating Hui. I guess that was the reason. Because I actually liked it a bit. But that was only because Hui was being so distant.
- because he made me feel liked. And Hui.. he was so distant the last days. It really hurt. I felt ugly.. and a bother.
I confessed to him. And he laughed.
- hey! it's not funny pabo
I told him.
- its just.. How can someone like you ever feel ugly..
He said still laughing. I hit him playfully, and he pretended to get hurt and fall down on his bed. I took the opportunity to sit on top of him.
- wait, shit.. don't do that.
He told me.

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