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It was only three days until I would debut. I would release my mini album and my MV, a day before expected, in the middle of the night, so that my fans would be surprised and happy. So basically it was only 2 days away. Hopefully it would reach top 3, and I would be invited to perform on many shows. But I felt something today. It was confidence. Like a whole lot of it.

I was walking in the hallway in the Cube building, just done with a meeting with Mr.Hong and a vocal practice. It was about lunch time, and I decided to go to the cafeteria to find some trainees to talk to. I was wearing a white dress, and red tennis shoes. I also had my hair down, and even curled it a little.

I got to the cafeteria and saw a small group of girls sitting with the table closest to the food stands. I took the opportunity to get a water and some pizza.
I walked over to the girls, and sat down. At first they looked a little surprised. But a girl with short blonde hair smiled at me.
- hello. I'm Yerin
She told me. The rest of them introduced them selves as Hyunsung, Mina and July.
- like the American word for the season?
I asked July, and the others laughed. She looked a little embarrassed, so I gave her reassuring smile. She nodded and looked down.
- I like it.
I said, and took a bite of my pizza.
- how can you eat pizza and still look like you?
Mina asked, making me laugh.
- I do work out a lot. But seriously, as long as you don't eat to much at once, you can eat anything and still look like me.
I said, and gave her a wink.
- unnie, I can never look like you..
Yerin said, and the others agreed. I just laughed at them. Nobody had really called me unnie before.
- ah I'm not that old.
I told them. Yerin said she was sorry, but I assured her it wasn't a problem for me.
- but.. why did you sit with us?
Mina asked me.
- because you looked nice!
I told them. They all looked so shocked. I kind
of liked these girls. And I needed new girl friends.
- don't you have a boyfriend?
Hyunsung asked me, making me think of Yuto. And I really couldn't stop smiling.
- ahh look at her! She totally has a boyfriend!
Yerin said and the others giggled.
- yeah but it's a secret ok?
I told them and put my finger to my lips, and made a hush sound. They all got serious looks, and nodded. It made me laugh a bit. They where so cute.
- good. Friends keep secrets right?
I told them, smirking.
- you really want to be our friend?
Mina asked me. They did seem really nice. And I needed new girl friends.
- yeah! Do you have a group chat on your phone? I'll add my number to it.
I told them. They looked really happy, and Yerin gave me her phone. I entered my number and gave it back.
Suddenly the girls got this weird look on their faces.
- what?
I asked them. Yerin pointed behind me.
I turned around, and kind of jumped a bit. Yuto was standing behind me by our table.
- you startled me..
I told him. He just laughed and and leaned down to whisper in my ear.
- you have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now? You look really good.
He whispered, making me shiver a bit. He shouldn't be doing this here. Ahh.
- girls, I will text you ok?
I told them, and basically dragged Yuto behind me outside the cafeteria. But not before hearing the girls laughing at us.

We got out of the cafeteria, and decided we should go to the rooftop. The building wasn't that high.
We sat down on a bench that was there for some reason. Probably smokers put it there.
- can I get that kiss now?
He asked me. Of course he could. He could get all he wanted. I was really in love. Like more than when I was with Hui.. maybe I just knew Yuto in a whole different way than I did Hui.
- do you have to ask?
I told him, and gave him an innocent look. He smirked, and leaned in, but stopped when his lips barely touched mine. Then he pulled away.
- I want you to kiss me. It feels better.
He said, and smirked. Ah this boy.
- but you're more innocent..
I told him, and kissed his neck. He seemed really shocked by it. Maybe he was ticklish. I started laughing after I pulled away.
- hey, lets go inside.
He said. Was he mad?
We got up from the bench, and I walked behind him. As we got to the door, he turned around, and dragged me so what I was closest to the door, and pushed me up against it.
- I thought you got mad.
I whispered. I was really shocked. He just smiled at me, and leaned in, but instead of kissing me, he started kissing my neck.
- see it's nicer when you do it
I told him. We had never really done anything like this before.

We did end up making out, but not for long. He had to go back to his practice. I had the day of, so I was thinking of going home. Yuto promised that we would go on a walk later, icecream included.

I was sitting in a empty dance room, just doing some stretches, I didn't want to go home after all. The door suddenly opened. The person even entered.
- can you please talk to me?
It was Hyuna. I guess it wouldn't hurt talking to her. But if it was only some lame ass excuses, I would tell her to leave.
- fine.
I told her. She came over to me and sat down beside me on the floor.
- it was me. Who told Hui to break up with you.
She told me. I didn't know how to react. I wanted to be mad. But the truth was that I didn't care anymore.
- ok.
I said.
- are you not gonna yell at me?
She asked me.
- no. I don't care anymore.
I answered. I really didn't care.
- and what you saw the other day by the elevator. I was feeling ugly and sad. So he only wanted to comfort me.
She told me. I wish it was me who would comfort her. I wanted to be her friend again.
- let's be friends again.
I told her. She looked really happy, and gave me a hug. I got a little surprised, but hugged her back. After the hug, she went through her bag looking for something. She took out the purse she had bought me in Japan. I had kind of missed it.
- I don't think you actually think this is ugly. She said, and handed it to me.
- ah I missed it. It was my favorite.

Later that day, I met Yuto outside of their dorm. It was starting to get a little dark outside, but it was still warm.
He took my hand. It made me feel butterflies. We started to walk around in their neighborhood, and got to a little park. But not before buying icecream. We sat down on a bench. It kind of reminded me of the times I went on walks with Hui. But I soon forgot it, and just enjoyed being with Yuto.
- are you happy?
Yuto suddenly asked me. I didn't know what to answer at first. I did miss my parents, and I was a little bit nervous about my debut.
- I'm happy when I'm with you.
I told him. It made him smile. I really liked his smile. I kissed him, and leaned my head on his shoulder.
- I think I'm more happy being with you, then when I perform at a stage.
Yuto said. I was kind of shocked.
- I love you.
I told him.

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