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I woke up under a table, from a lot of noises. Mostly people talking. I hadn't fallen asleep under a table since my birthday party last year.
I got up from under the table, and realized I was backstage somewhere. I looked around me, and spotted my old group. They where talking to some male idols. I didn't know why I was here, so I went over to them.
- what is going on??!
I asked them. But nobody answered.
I noticed the male idols where BTS. Woah.. I was standing right next to Jin.
- you know they can't hear you?
Someone said. Oh no. That voice. Not again.

- Uehara? What is going on?
I asked him. At least he didn't have any blood on his face this time.
- just listen to them.
He said, and stood beside me. So we just listened to their conversation.

- do you really think she's dead?
Jin said.
Who where they taking about..?
- I think so. There is a lot of people with reasons to hurt her.
Yui said.
Wait... backstage somewhere, my group with BTS... talking about... me. Being dead?
This had to be the big memorial concert.
- what do you mean?
Jin asked.
- she's hurt a lot of people. She was always so mean to weak and sad people.
Yui said.
- yeah! And violent!
Rina added.
- I never thought she was like that...
jungkook said.

- IM NOT!! Don't listen to them!!
I yelled.
- stop it. I'm trying to listen.
Uehara said.
- I hate you. Why are you doing this to me?!
I asked him.
- I'm not the one.. who's doing this to you. They are.
He said, and we continued to listen.

- she would always bully us, and bully fans. So it's not such a big surprise that she's dead.
Yui said.
- besides, this is a memorial concert. Because she's dead. I mean, come on. We're all thinking that.
Rina said.

- I think so too.
A new voice. But not a new one, I knew it.
Someone walked past me and Uehara, to where the rest of them where.

- take me away from here. Please.
I said, and looked at Uehara.
He gave me a sad look, and then the scenery changed, to a park. I could hear the birds, and smell the flowers. It felt so real.
- I think you should wake up now.
Uehara said.
But I didn't want to go back.
- no.
I said.
- you have to.
He answered.
-No!! Let me stay with you!!
I said.
- all you have to do is find me.
He said.
And then I woke up.

I was cold, but also covered in sweat. Those things I saw... did it really happen? And hui.. no, it couldn't be.
But I didn't really think to much about that part. There was a specific sentence that I couldn't stop replying in my head.
"All you have to do is find me"

I had to find my brother.

•Yuto's POV•

I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. So I tried to call seunghee. But she didn't answer. And I called 4 times. Maybe she was just busy.

Me and the rest of my group, was getting ready to head to the Cube building. I was the last one to shower, so it was no hot water left. But It didn't bother me that much.

Finally everyone was ready, and we got picked up by a driver. The ride was awkward, because hui couldn't stop staring at me, and every time I talked he sighed and rolled his eyes. The other members noticed, so everyone just stopped talking. Except E'Dawn. He was just laughing.
Finally we got to the building, and I waited for all of the boys to go before I got out of the car.
- why are you slacking?
Wooseok asked me, coming out of the car after me. I didn't even notice him.
- did hui say something about Seunghee again?
He asked me.
- no... yeah. But it doesn't matter.
I told him, and we walked inside.

When we got to the lobby, Wooseok turned to me, and smiled sheepishly.
- do you know where we are supposed to be?
He asked me.
- no.
I said and laughed.
- let's go to the cafeteria and get something to eat before Hui comes and drags us to hell..
He said, and I agreed.

On our way to the cafeteria, we talked about our members and laughed. We usually used to have a joke about every member. Not that we didn't like them, but Wooseok and I had the humor of a bully. Not actually bullying but making fun of everyone behind their backs.
- I heard Hui is going to have red hair for our next comeback.
Wooseok said.
- damn now I have to change the hair of my world of Warcraft character.
I said and we laughed.
- such a nerd.
He told me.
- says the one watching anime.
I fired back.
He was about to say something back, when we spotted Seunghee outside the cafeteria pacing. And it looked like she was talking to herself.
- I'll catch you later.
Wooseok said, and I nodded.

I walked over to seunghee, but it was like she didn't see me or notice me.
- seunghee? Are you ok?
I asked her.
She just continued pacing, so I touched her shoulder.
- oh my god...
She said, like she was startled.
- what's going on?
I asked her. She looked unsure, but then she dragged me around the corner to where nobody was.
- I have to go to Japan...
She said.
- why? Do you have a concert?
I asked her.
- it's nothing like that... and you can't tell anyone. Not my manager, not your members.
She said.
I didn't know what was going on. And to be honest she sounded a little crazy.
- what are you talking about?
I asked her.
- I have to find my brother.
She said.
And then I understood it all. After all I knew everything that had happened.
- I'm coming with you.

AN: sorry for short chapter! But I finally got an idea about what to write from now on!

Thank you for reading and voting!
- Rin

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