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After BTOB's manager drove us back, I had vocal practice with my vocal coach Sungyoon.
I said bye to them, and Sungjae kissed me, in front of his whole group. I liked it. Because it made me feel like he didn't care who knew, that he liked me.
- I really have to go now ok?
I told them and hugged all of them
- ah you should only hug me, girlfriend
Sungjae said. It was so cute
- ahah I'm not your girlfriend yet
I told him and walked away. I could hear his members laughing at him. It was kind of funny though. I felt a little savage. Like kino always told me i was.

When I got to my studio room, my vocal coach was waiting for me.
- I'm glad you actually showed up.
He said. I was maybe like ten minutes late. I bowed at him.
- I'm sorry. I will try to never be late again.
I told him.
- it's ok. You are already what I want you to be. I feel like you are ready to debut as a solo artist already. I'm really proud of you!
He told me, and smiled. But I still got in my booth, and started singing my debut title song, to show him that I was ready to go on stage and sing alone.
I sang my debut song, Red. And I could see that he was really happy with it. After we recorded for a while, I was getting really tired. But I wanted to show him I was really ready. After I got out of the booth, he even hugged me.
- you are definitely ready. Let's get you debuted in a week ok?
He said. I got really happy. I couldn't wait to debut. I got really secure by getting approved by him.
- I'm ready. Really. As fuck
I told him, and he laughed.
- but you shouldn't really swear on live broadcast ok?
He said and nodded in agreement.
- I'm sorry. I'm just really happy!
I told him and he told me he understood.

After I left the studio, I realized BTOB had already left the building. But Pentagon hadn't.
I texted Yuto and told them to meet me.

While I waited for them, only Yuto came.
- what's up? The others didn't want to meet me?
I asked him.
- I didn't tell them about it. I wanted to meet you alone.
He said, and got really close to me. It was like he would kiss me. But some part of me wanted him too. What was wrong with me? I was dating Sungjae, but I still got butterflies from Yuto..
- can I be honest?
Yuto asked me.
- of course!
I told him.
- I didn't tell the others you wanted to see us.
He said.
I asked him. Him, being this close to me made me feel weird, but in a good way.
- because I still like you.. and I wanted to be alone with you...
he told me. It made me feel weird. And I didn't known in what way.
- shit.. I don't know what to say..
I told him. But he didn't really seem bothered about it. After all I did reject him once.
- it's ok.
He told me.
- but... why?
I asked him. He got a little silent , but soon spoke again.
- because you are my best friend. And I could wait an eternity for you to love me back.
He said. I didn't know what to answer.
So I said bye. And left. Why would he do this to me..
I went to Mr. hong's office after seeing Yuto. I asked him to get his driver to take me home. But not before chatting with him a bit.
- can I ask you about something a little personal?
I asked him.
- of course!
He told me.
- you don't mind me dating right? If I keep it secret?
I asked him. He kind of laughed, and hit the table again making me jump. Ahh did he have to always do that? Ahaha
- not really, I guess you dating will just make you more confident
He said, and winked at me.
- do you know Sungjae?
I asked him.
-BTOB right?
He asked me back.
- yes. I think we are dating.
I told him.
- that's great for you. Just hide as best as you can.
He told me. I really liked this man.
- of course dad!
I told him. Shit, I realized I called him dad.
- did you just call me dad?
He asked me while laughing.
- oh, I'm so sorry. I don't know why I said that!
I told him embarrassed.
- no. It's ok. I like that you trust me like a father.
He told me. But really. I did trust him like a father. After all he did make me feel like he was my father, because he really made feel loved, and he was making my dream come true.
- thank you so much sir. I won't disappoint you. But I can I leave now? I'm really tired.
I asked him.
- of course. My private driver is already waiting for you outside the main entrance! But if your fans are outside, just give them a few good pictures ok? I know that you are really good at it!
He told me, and I thanked him, and left.

He was right. There where a lot of Cube fans outside. I posed a little, and talked to them, saying I loved them. They asked me what my fan group name would be, so I told them I would think about it, and tell them that I would  tell them when I decided. They thanked me and said they loved me. It made me feel really good.

When I got home to my apartment, I went straight to bed. But not before thinking about what Yuto said to me. But I also thought about Sungjae, and the affection we gave each other. I was really confused. But I still fell asleep right away.

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