Baby Shower Part 2

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The morning of the baby shower,Piper woke up to this....

"WAKE UP!WAKE UP!WAKE UP,BEAUTY QUEEN AND SPARKY!"Leo yelled.Jason threw a pillow at him and hit him square in the face.He mumbled something along the lines of'Shut the fuck up Valdez'

"Oh,feisty this morning are we Sparky?"Leo danced out of he way as another pillow flew towards him.He laughed."Seriously though.Get up.It's 10:00 and Aphrodite said that if you don't get up,she will give the both of you makeovers."That made them get up.Jason kissed Piper and said.

"Go back to sleep until I get out of the shower."She nodded and fell asleep for about 20 minutes when she felt someone shaking her shoulders.She opened one eye and saw Jason.She smiled and stretched.He pulled her up.

"Go take a shower,Missy."He said.She looked at his clothes and raised an eyebrow.He was wearing black pants and a blue button down shirt with black dress shoes.

"Don't ask me.I'd rather wear a T-shirt and jeans but your mom would't let me."He grinned at her"But I do look good in this,don't I Mrs.Soon to be Grace."He winked and she walked off laughing.She walked to her closet before going to the bathroom.She was shocked when she saw only one outfit on the rack.It was a blue,knee length dress with a black belt above the stomach and a pair of blue flats.She groaned and thought,really mom!She could have sworn she heard her mother laughing at her.She shook her head and walked into the bathroom and turned the water on.She took a 15 minute shower and got out.She put her clothes on and brushed her hair and teeth.She yelled for Brenda to come to her room.She was the only one who knew how she liked her makeup and hair.She came into the bathroom.

"Will you do m hair and makeup?"

"Yeah,how do you want your hair?"She loved to do people's hair and makeup.

"Side braid"She finished it in about five minutes.Then she started on her makeup.Light blush,eyeliner and lip gloss.She finished and they walked out together.The boys had on the same thing except different colored shirts.Annabeth had on a grey dress shirt,Hazel had on a yellow dress,Thalia had on all black knee length dress with a sky blue belt.Brenda had on a purple knee length dress with one strap and a black belt.It was now 1:45 and time to go to Olympus.They piled up in the camp van and left.Aphrodite had the presents delivered to Olympus before they even left.


Piper was surprised by all of the input her mom put into this.She didn't have to do this.All of the gods were there and all of the couples from camp.There was a table filled with presents.Aphrodite led them to  some chairs.They sat down and Piper loved her chair immediately.It was so comfortable she didn't want to get up.Apparently,Jason felt the same way.

"I could get used to this."Everyone laughed at him.

After everyone ate.

There were nymphs walking around with plates that had cookie,brownies,cakes and all kinds of goodies.Piper took a cookie and brownie when a nymph passed her.Soon,Aphrodite announced that it was time to open presents.She got some boys to bring the presents over to Piper and Jason.Piper made Jason open the first one.He rolled his eyes at her,but opened it anyway.It was from Percy and Annabeth.It was a box that had two onesies,pants,dresses,booties,toys,etc.He laughed and held up the two onesies.One had'My Uncle Taught Me to Fish'and another one that said'My Aunt Loves Books'.Then Piper opened the rest of the presents.This is what they got...

Leo/Taylor:A stuffed sword,hammer,and dove.A bib that said'Daddy loves to clean me',a onesie that said'Uncle Leo is Awesome',and a onesie that says'FIRE is COOL!'

Frank/Hazel:A stuffed panda,a baby necklace with jewels all over it,A onesie that said'Frank can turn into a Panda!',a onesie that said'I love Daddy'

Brenda:A onesie that said'I love you daddy',another one that said'I like doves and love like mommy'and an'I love mommy' onesie.A blue pacy fire and a bib that said'I Like to Make Messes'

Thalia/Nico:A onesie that says'Uncle Nico is Weird but I Love him Anyway','Aunt Thalia Rocks'onesieand a stuffed lightning bolt.

They got many presents.The last two were in little boxes.

"These are for you two."Brenda handed the boxes to them.They opened it at the same time.Piper got a ring that had three birthstones that was made of pure gold.Jason got a dog tag necklace that had two tag,One was blank and the other said'Piper and Jason'And below it it said 'Scarlet' With an ultrasound picture.

"Thanks for all of this guys,we love it."Jason said.

"Aww,Jason is turning into a big softy"Leo said and got smacked.

"Shut up"


Sorry it's short.Ignore all mistakes.My mom is making me get off the computer.I will  update tomorrow.The next chapter might be 2 months later and Piper will have the baby in that chapter,Or she will have the baby in the next 2 chapters.I hope you liked it.I'm not sure if I am going to fast forward it though.This chapter is exactly 833 words.

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