New Baby!!

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Hey everyone!I am so so so so so so so so sorry!!!!!! My computer has finally gotten fixed so I can update!I can't update every day like I want to,since school starts in a week,so I'll try to update every Sunday.I have a friend,Brittany Pearl,her Wattpad name is GleeForever213.If you like/love Glee,you should check her out.She has three amazing Glee stories,There is already one that is complete and a sequel.It's called 'The New Girl(Sam Evans)Book 1:Sophomore Year'and the sequel is 'I Love You More and More Everyday'.And then there is another one called 'School Shooting'.They are very good.Probably better than my stories!Anyway,on with the chapter!This one will probably be sort of short,but that's because I don't have a lot of time to write right now.

"Perseus Jackson!I hate you so much!"Annabeth yelled at Percy across the room,where he was hiding behind Jason.The seven plus Brenda,Taylor and Alex were at the hospital. Annabeth had gone into labor about an hour ago and was in some serious pain.Percy had already been kicked in the balls,and was hiding behind Jason,like that was gonna stop her.Jason turned around,put his hands on Percy's shoulders,said something,and then pushed him towards Annabeth.


"Sit you're a** in this seat and give me your hand."He did so and she griped his hand.5 hours later Annabeth had tried to use her dagger to cut his junk off,she tried to break his hand,she had given him a serious bruise the the stomach and face,and had kicked him multiple times in the nuts.Jason was just happy that Piper wasn't this bad when she had Scarlet.By now,Annabeth was ready to start pushing,and the doctor made everyone else leave except Percy.She started cursing in Greek.

"1,2,3 push!"The doctor encouraged.

"I am pushing you mother-Ahhh!"She screamed at the top of her lungs.She squeezed Percy's hand so hard that t broke with a loud CRACKKK! Even the demigods in the waiting room heard it.Some of them winced.Percy had to bite his other hand to keep from screaming."Oh,I'm so gonna kill you Perseus-!UHH!"She screamed again.Then,as she pushed one last time,she screamed so loud,the underworld probably heard her.The grip on his now broken hand decreased and the sound of a new born baby filled the room.Annabeth plopped back onto the bed,breathing hard.She had tears in her eyes.She looked at Percy,who also had tears in his eyes and said,

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"He started caressing her hair.

"I was threatening you,I broke your hand and,I kicked you in the balls."He laughed and hugged her.

"It's alright,I've had much worse happen,that you have done to me."She laughed."Your throat is probably going to hurt for a few days because of all the screaming."She snorted this time.The doctor walked over with a little pink bundle,which was making new born baby noises and was squirming.He put the baby in Annabeths arms,and she started crying again.The doctor cleaned everything up,and gave the family some privacy.

"She's so beautiful."Percy said,tears falling down his face.He put his finger on her bottom lip,whereas she started sucking on his finger.Annabeth took the little hat off of her head and saw a head full of curly black hair.She opened her eyes and Percy looked into the grey orbs,which looked so much like her mother's.Annabeth stared at her,and then said,

"She looks like you."

"She had your eyes."

"And that's all she has.Do you want to hold her?"Percy nodded and gently took the baby from her arms.A nurse knocked on the door and poked her head in.She smiled at the family and walked all the way in.She had paper and a pen in her hands.

"Can you sign this?It's her birth certificate.'The two nodded and signed.

"What's the little cuties name?"Percy and Annabeth looked at eachother.

"Sophia Renee Jackson."They said at the same time.

What did you guys thinK?Sorry it's short,but I only had thirty minutes to write this.Let me know what you think about the baby's name!The next chapter will most likely be up next Sunday.And sorry for ANY mistakes.This chapter was exaclty 668 words.

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