Percy's Dream

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Percy had the weirdest, yet best dream ever in his opinion.


Annabeth was walking down the isle, coming towards him. He couldn't really see her face because of the veil. He looked around and saw a grinning Jason holding a one year old and and three month old.The one year old looked just like Jason and the other baby had black hair and grey eyes.He soon realized that the three month old looked like him but with Annabeth's eyes.He looked at the guys-Leo,Alex,and Frank/They were standing behind Jason.He looked over on his other side and saw Hazel,Thalia,Brenda, and a pregnant Piper.He looked back to find Annabeth beside him...

~~~~~~~~~Next Dream~~~~~~~~~

Percy,Leo and Jason were running around a room with kids on there shoulders. Jason had a six year old on his back and a four year old on his shoulders.Percy was carrying a two year old girl on his shoulders,like Leo and had a four year old girl on his back.Jason sat down next to a very pregnant Piper and put the two girls he was carrying on his lap.He rubbed Piper's stomach.She smiled at him then the girls.A five month pregnant Annabeth and Taylor walked in along with Brenda and her fiance,Alex.

"Alright boys,sit down."Annabeth said. Then Scarlet started rambling about how much fun her daddy and uncles had on their day out.Percy smiled and picked his daughter up and grabbed Annabeth's hand.

~~~~~~~End Dream~~~~~~~~

"Percy,wake up!"Annabeth said and sat on Percy.He groaned and rolled over,making her fall off of the bed.

"Wow,that's a good way to treat the mother of your child,"Percy sat straight up.


"Oh,that slipped out.Um,"She got off of the floor and sat across from Percy,"Percy,I'm pregnant."Percy stared at her wide eyed before smiling,laughing and then pulling her into a hug.

"Really?"Annabeth nodded smiling.

"Woah,I can't believe I'm going to be a father!How far along are you?When are we going to tell the others?"

"I am three weeks.We can as soon as Jason wakes up.Did you have a good time babysitting?"Annnabeth asked meekly.

"His kid is a lil shit,just like him.She wouldn't stop crying and her poop smells worse than his farts!"Annabeth laughed.

"Yeah,but she is a little cutie!She looks like Jason."

"Oh,so Jason is cute?Shame on you Annabeth!"Percy teased.

"Well,he isn't ugly. I bet if I got Brenda to make you have blond hair and blue eyes and him have black hair and sea green eyes,you would look just alike."Annabeth said seriously.

"I guess your right.He is my Roman twin after all."Percy laughed.

~~~~Time skip~~~~

Everyone,except Jason,were sitting in the living room.Piper was holding Scarlet,who kept playing with Piper's hair.She laughed and put her on the little blanket they had so she wouldn't get dirtly on the floor.She lay on her back starring at the mirror they had hanging above her blanket.

"So,when do you think Jason is going to finally get up?It's fuc-freaking two in the afternoon!"Leo exclaimed.

 "Give him a break,Leo.He gets up at night with Scarlet so I don't have to,and plus,he needs to sleep.He got a job at SouthCo with Brenda's other brother and he has to get up early on Monday."Piper said,smacking Leo on the head.He rubbed his head and glared at her.They heard a loud yawn and saw Jason coming out of his room in just pajama bottoms.He plopped down next to Piper on the couch and rubbed his eyes.

"Thanks for taking care of Scarlet,guys.And how about don't call my daughter a lil shit,Percy."Jason zapped Percy. Everyone laughed as the hair on his head stuck up.He grinned anyway.

"Well,I am going to need the practice."He said coolly.

"What do you mean?"Piper asked,smiling slightly.Annabeth looked down,trying to hide the smile on her face.Percy just looked around smiling goofily,like usual.

"Are you pregnant!"Hazel screeched.Annabeth looked up smiling even wider.She nodded.Hazel shrieked and hugged Annabeth.

"Congratulations!"The talked about the baby and suddenly Piper gasped.Everyone looked at her.

"What's wrong Piper?"Jason asked.

"Nothing's wrong.Look at your foot Jason."Piper said,pointing.Scarlet lay on her stomach,looking up at Jason,grinning at him.She was pulling at his sock.

"Wha-How?How did she get there?Wasn't she all the way over there?"He was confused.Piper laughed.

"She crawled over to you."Piper said.Jason reached down and picked Scarlet up.He held her in front of her while she giggled and clapped her hands.

"You little bugger!You are already crawling!"Jason kissed her cheek and then she took his face with her hands and made a weird baby noise and gave him a slobbery kiss on the cheek.The others laughed.

Authors Note:

In the next chapter there will be a time skip and Skylar will be a year old,Jason will be 19 and Annabeth will be nine months pregnant.


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