The Boys Babysit

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Hey,everyone!Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

Reason 1). I couldn't think of anything the past few weeks .I had writers block for the past few days.That and I have been working on my new story, the Daughters of The Big Three. Check it out!

Reason 2).I had to study for my Benchmarks.In case you don't know what a Benchmark is,it is the test we take every nine weeks that gets us ready for the PASS Test.

Reason 3).I had to take the tests,and I was sick for three days and couldn't write.I also had to make up the tests.

THAT is why I haven't updated.Anywho,this week is finally spring break!I am SO happy.I know some of you here on Wattpad have already had spring break but my school want's to be all annoying and wait until now to have it.That,and because we had to make up the snow days.

And this Chapter is dedicated to oOLeoValdezOo!You should follow him if you haven't already.This chapter is unedited so,ignore all mistakes.

Sorry for the long A/N.On with the story!

Jason woke up with a little person laying on his chest.His eyes snapped open and realized it was Scarlet.He smiled as she watched him.He saw Piper out of the corner of his eye.She was smiling.She came over to them and snuggled into Jason's side while tickling Scarlet under the chin.She made a baby noise and grinned a toothless grin.Jason smiled at her and picked her up.He held her in the air for a minute then put her on his chest again.

"Good morning sleeping beauty!"Piper giggled.He made a face and Scarlet giggled too.

"Aren't you,supposed to be sleeping beauty?"He asked laughing.

"Nope,"She said popping the P.Then,she grabbed Scarlet and put her on her hip.Scarlet started playing with her hair.He made a face again and Piper said,"Get up,I have to take a shower and then I am going to go with Taylor and the girls to pick out Taylor's wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses.Will you take care of Scarlet for me?"She asked.Jason nodded and got up,slowly.He did it just to annoy Piper.He laughed and picked Scarlet up from her mothers arms.He kissed Piper then kissed Scarlet's head.Scarlet took Jason's free hand and started sucking n his index finger.He laughed and walked into the living room,where all of the boys were.Jason sat in the only recliner and started rocking in it.He rubbed his hand on his face.

"You all right bro?"Leo asked

"Yeah,I'm just tired,that's all."Jason sighed.

"Dude,we know something's up.What is it?"Leo asked

"I'm fine.I just haven't slept very well in a while."He said getting frustrated with them.

"Have you been having dreams again or something?"Jason hesitated and nodded."What kind of dreams?"

"Well,I don't know if it will actually happen but,uh,it's our cabin on fire and you and Taylor were on your honeymoon I guess and Piper,Brenda and Scarlet were still in there.I ran in and I couldn't find them and that was it.Then there were even worse dreams that I don't want to talk about."Jason said.

"Well,that isn't going to happen.It's probably just dreams that won't happen.If you want,we can take care of Scarlet while you go back to bed?"Frank suggested.

"Can I trust all of you to not lose my daughter?Again?I mean,I trust Frank and all but you two?"

"HEY!"Jason laughed.

"Lets wait until the girls leave.Piper will have my head if she knows I went back to bed."The boys laughed at him.

After the girls left.

"I'm going back to bed,take care of her or I will kill you."Jason said and walked into his room,closing the door.

3 hours later

"C'mon Scarlet!Stop crying!Please?"Leo said trying to calm her down.She was screaming her head off and pulling at his curls.He then noticed her pacy on the floor.He picked it up,cleaned it,and put it in her mouth.She stopped crying.

"Haha!"Percy and Frank laughed.She started crying again and Leo realized she was hungry.He handed her to Percy and got a bottle ready.He gave it to Percy who put it in her mouth.When she finished,Percy handed her to Frank,who burped her.Then he smelled something.He checked her diaper and held her away from him.She was grinning at him,the pacy hanging out of her mouth.

"Daiper cahnge!Leo,change her daiper!"Leo groaned.

"Why do I have to?"He complained.

"Because,we changed her other diapers!It's your turn."Frank gave her to Leo,and he went to the nursery and changed her diaper.Then he looked at her.She was grinning.

"Your a little shit,you know that?You look just like your dad but you act just like your mom."She just giggled at him.He picked her up and took her back into the living room.He put her in her swing and pressed the button.Then,he sat down on the couch with Percy and Frank.

She started whimpering and Percy picked her up.She put her head on his chest and closed her eyes.She soon fell asleep.Percy picked her up,and took her to the nursery.He put her in her cradle and turned the baby monitor on.He went back to the living room and sat down again.

"She is a little shit,isn't she?Looks just like Jason but acts like Piper."Percy shook his head and they all laughed.

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