Jason's Birthday Present Part 2

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Piper woke up to a stabbing pain in her stomach,again.She had been counting all night.Her contractions were about thirty minutes apart.She looked over and saw Jason still asleep.She looked at the clock beside her bed and it said 12 O'clock.She leaned over and kissed Jason softly.He woke up and kissed her back.

"Happy 18th birthday!"She said.Then,everyone came in singing 'Happy Birthday' to Jason.He laughed and got up.

"Why are you all dressed up?"

"Oh,we are going to my mom's house for a welcome home party for Paul."Percy said"The both of you are invited too,so get ready and meet us there."He said that last part really fast and everyone walked out.

"Okay,that was weird."Jason said.

"I know,why don't you go take a shower?I took one last night.I'll get ready while you take a shower.I want to go to that party then I have a surprise for you later."Piper said.Jason nodded and headed to the bathroom.She started getting ready.She put her hair up into a high pony tail and didn't wear makeup.She put on a comfortable dress and flip flops.She went into the living room and sat down on one of the couches.She turned the T,V. on and watched music videos until Jason came out.She was in the middle of singing along to 'Come Wake Me Up' by Rascal Flats.He walked out in a pair of jean shorts and a blue V-neck shirt on his feet were blue converse.

"You ready to go Pipes?"He asked.She nodded and held out a hand.He laughed and pulled her up.They got into his car after telling Chiron where they were going.It didn't take them long to get to Sally's house.He knocked on the door and he heard someone yell "COME IN!".He opened the door and there was no one in there.Then everyone jumped up and yelled 'Happy Birthday Jason'.Needless to say,it scared the shit out of him.He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw what Percy had on his head.He had on a huge rainbow colored Afro.Jason laughed at him.

"Thanks guys,but you didn't have to do this."

"Well,your finally an adult and your last few birthdays weren't celebrated,so be happy!"Leo said"Lets get dru-you know what never mind."He hid behind the couch because of the look Taylor was giving him.

"Yeah,no Leo.Not after last time.Anyway lets get this party started!"Percy yelled.Paul and Sally were in he kitchen fixing the food while the demigods stayed in the living room dancing and talking.Jason and Piper danced for a little while and Piper had to go to the bathroom.Not really,but she didn't want Jason to see her in pain.The contraction lasted about 3 minutes and she went back out.They were getting closer.Sally and Paul brought out the food and set it on the table.The boys stuffed their faces like they haven't eaten in days.Piper laughed and ate a hamburger.Soon,Percy brought out a blue birthday cake that said'Happy Birthday Jason!'and lightning blots all over it.There was 18 candles on top of it.

"I feel like a kid,blowing out the candles."Jason laughed

"To bad Sparky,blow out the candles."He closed his eyes and blew the candles out.Everyone clapped.They sang Happy Birthday again.

"Present time!"

"Ugh,really Leo?Present time?"

"Yep now get your butt over here and open these presents!"He did as asked and sat beside Piper.About half way through,Piper had another contraction.They were about 15 minutes apart now.She excused her self and went to the bathroom.As she sat down,she felt something wet going down her legs.She looked down and realized her water had just broke.She screamed Jason's name.


While Jason happily opened his presents,Piper had gone to the bathroom.As he was about to open the last present,her heard a scream.

"JASON!"Piper screamed.He ran to the bathroom,where he saw her clutching her stomach and a pudle on the floor at her feet.

"Oh my gods.What happened?"

"My water broke!Get Sally!"He did as asked and ran out of the bathroom grinning like an idiot.

"Sally,Piper needs you!"He said.She nodded and started to walk to the bathroom.As Jason was about to follow,Annabeth grabbed his arm.

"Whats wrong?"There was a gleam in her eyes that said she knew what was wrong.

"Piper's water broke."He said and ran back to where Piper and Sally was.


 At the hospital

It has been 3 painful hours since Piper had gone into labor.She was 7 cm dilated and the nurse said that the baby would be here in about 2 more hours.There were balloons all over the room,courtesy of Leo and Taylor.Jason sat next to Piper's bed and didn't leave unless he had to go to the bathroom.The seven,Thalia,Nico,Brenda and Taylor were in the room with them.Donna knocked on the door.She poked her head in.

"Hey."Piper said tiredly.

"How are you feeling?"

"I've been better."Donna laughed

"Trust me,when you have her in your arms for the first time,you will forget all about the pain.For me,I got an epidural but this one of here,"She pointed at Brenda,"decided to come out before it started working."Brenda laughed.

"It wasn't my fault!"

"I know but still!"Brenda just laughed,Jason looked over to the boys,who were huddled up.

"Betting on whether or not she will come in the next hour and who she will look like the most.Percy and I are betting that she will look exactly like you while everyone else thinks she will look like Piper."Leo said

"Oh,stop betting on my kid."They shut up and looked around like nothing happened.A nurse came in just as another contraction hit Piper.The nurse checked to see if Piper was fully dilated yet.She was 10 cm dilated.The nurse smiled at her.

"Time for your baby to come out."She made everyone get out except Jason.She told them to hang tight while she went to get the doctor.Piper looked at Jason.

"We are about to become parents!"She said with a tear running down her cheek.He wiped it and and smiled.

"I know.I can't wait."Then the nurse came back in with a doctor and another nurse.She smiled.

"Baby time!"


 After about an hour of pushing,curses,threats to cut off Jason's junk,and an almost broken hand later,Piper was ready to give up.

"Come on Piper.You can do it."Jason encouraged her.

"I can see the head"The doctor said.After about 4 more pushes.The baby was out and was a scraming thrashing mess.Piper was crying,so was Jason,as the nurse said "It's a girl"And laid the baby on Piper's chest.They took her to a table and cleaned her off and wrapped her up and out a hat n her.Jason stood,watching her the whole time,while Piper lied on the bed watching them.Soon enough,the doctor walked over with a pink bundle.She handed the baby to Piper and Piper started crying again.Jason still had tears coming out of his eyes.Piper gazed at the baby,as did Jason.She looked exactly lkie him.She had his hair,his mouth,his eye shape.She had Pipers nose.She opened her eyes and looked at Piper.She had electric blue eyes just like her daddy.Jason rubbed her head softly.He kissed Piper.

"Happy birthday Jason and Scarlet Marie Grace"

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