Scene 3

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I just finished reading the whole series of the Vampire Academy so I'm going to expand my scenes not just from the first book but to all of them.

This scene takes place Spokane where Rose, Christian, Mason, Eddie, and Mia are all captured by Issah and the other Strigoi. This will be in Rose's perspective and starts after Christian has burned the cuffs around Rose's wrists and they fight back against there captors.


We had the advantage of surprise and I incapacitated the two Strigoi. Christian and I unlocked all the of the cuffs around our friends hands and began planning our escape.

"There could be some upstairs" I said once we started moving. "Mason get them outside. I'll distract any Strigoi if they are up there".

"I won't just leave you there. I'll come back then" Mason said in protest.

"No" I snapped. "You get them out of here and back to the lodge. If I can't get out the best you can do is go to the academy and get them safe. Don't worry about me". I knew I was sacrificing my life for there's but that is how we are trained. Moroi come first is the motto we live by. I don't intend on being the first to break it.

"But-" Mason started but I cut him off.

"But nothing Mason. You get them out of here. Don't look back okay?" When he didn't respond I asked again. "Mason I need you to be able to do this. Don't look back. Keep on running. Keep them safe. Got it?" Finally he nodded and said okay. We began our climb up the basement stairs and got to the first floor.

From what I remembered the door was to the left down a hallway. Mason and I quickly scoped out surroundings and began heading towards the door. My hand was about to reach the knob when there was a creak in the floorboard in the room next to us. I knew that this escape was to easy. Quickly I placed my body in front of Mia and Christian and looked for any Strigoi. I saw no one and almost turned back around when a figure came darting towards us. I cut off his path to reach Mia. "Mason go!" I yelled back. I saw the door open and light flood into the room. I watched them exit as I wrestled the Strigoi. I tried taking a step for the light when another Strigoi appeared as grabbed my arms. The other one shoved me farther into the room and blocked my path to the door.

I searched the room for weapons. Any kind. We were taught to use our surroundings if we didn't have a stake at hand. But this room was empty. I was on the floor propping myself up on my elbows when the two Strigoi came and towered over me. "Think your brave?" Isaiah asked. "More like stupid" his face came closer to mine and he revealed his fangs in an evil smile. In one motion I swung my foot into his thigh and pushed him back. I was on my feet quickly but a second after the other Strigoi had my hands pinned behind my back. I tried to escape when I saw Mason walk through the door.

"Mason stop! Go back! Get help" I yelled. He was still standing in the sunlight by the doorway so Isaiah couldn't touch him.

"I can't leave you" he replied.

"Please," I begged him. "Take them back to the lodge. Then you can get actual guardians to help. Please" I stared right into his eyes. I mouthed please one more time. He hesitated before he slowly walked out of the door. I watched him take Eddie Christian and Mia from the house. I was on my own now.

"What you did before was stupid" Isaiah said standing up. "But this, this is suicidal. Do you honestly think that you can make it out of here alive?" He asked walking towards me. The other Strigoi still had my hands behind me so I couldn't move when he came closer.

"No" I said. Which was true. I told Mason that there was hope but really there wasn't. But I was okay with that. I'd rather myself die then Mason Eddie Christian and Mia. Moroi come first. Isaiah laughed in my face before he signaled to the other Strigoi. She started walking and I realized they were taking me down to the basement. This was my last chance to get out.

Within seconds I kicked back and hit the girl in the stomach and ran into the other room. My way to the door was blocked so I hoped there would be some sort of weapon in this room. Thankfully there was. This room had a fireplace with had all the tools. I took the one that looked like a sword and turned around right before they entered the room.

"The more you struggle the more pain it will be for you once you're back in the basement" Isaiah said. "Put the stick down and come to me easily and maybe I'll kill you faster than I planned on" he gave me a smile that made it seem like choosing the second option was a good thing.

"If you want me" I said. "Your going to have to get me". I charged forward with the sword facing outward. I aimed for the girl. She seemed younger and less experienced than Isaiah since she seemed to work for him. But even though she was new that didn't mean she didn't have the lightning fast reflexes that all Strigoi had. She dodged the sword and tried to grab it out of my hand. But she underestimated my reflexes as well. I was able to swing around and get the sword across her neck. It wasn't enough to kill her but she gasped in pain. I used her hesitation to continue slashing across her neck. Slowly but surely the sword decapitated her and she fell limp to the floor.

My first Strigoi kill I thought. But I forgot about Isaiah in the room and he quickly took the sword from my hand. "Bad move" he said looking at the dead Strigoi. "She was expendable. But still a loyal person" he turned to face me. Defenseless I slowly backed up until I was against the wall. "What am I going to do with you now?" He asked.

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