Scene 5 (cont.)

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this part continues the part before and starts with Rose's perspective but it's going to jump around to different people but I'll tell you when there's a change. enjoy :)

Christian, Mason and I all made it across to the other building. We had no idea where Victor and his brother went but right now that wasn't on my mind. Anxiety coursed through my body, all I could think about was Rose and Eddie, if they were okay or if they came into contact with a strigoi. Mason and Christian both noticed my unease and Christian wrapped his arms around me supportively while Mason kept repeating words of hope. Mason went on and on about how amazing Rose was and how skilled she is and that a strigoi is no match for her. I already knew all this but it was still nice to hear. Minutes passed by so slowly it seemed like time wasn't even passing. But finally after what felt like hours I spotted Eddie. Relief flooded through me, that was until I saw the concerned look on his face. That, and a shirt with blood on it.

"What happened?!" Mason asked, his voice almost shaking. Eddie placed his hands on his knees and breathed heavily.

"A strigoi... in the hotel" he said in between breaths. "We were by an exit... and he grabbed me and shoved me out the door. And then he locked it. With him and Rose inside. I couldn't do anything" At this point a tear slid down my check. This couldn't be happening. She survived so much certainly this wouldn't be the thing that... No. I wouldn't believe it, I wouldn't accept it. Not until he said it.

"I don't know what was happening in there. I just had to watch helplessly through the small window. I saw him say something and then he" Eddie stopped, sort of gasping at realizing that this was reality and not some crazy dream. "He... he stabbed her in the stomach. And just like that he unlocked the door and was gone" Despite how terrible this situation was relief flooded me since he did not say that Rose was dead. But the shape she was in now isn't much better. "I carried her and brought her here. She's in an alley right next to the building. Still conscious. But I don't know how much time we have" Eddie finished and ran his hands through his arm in stress.

At this point I remembered that Mason and Christian were still here. Both had shocked expressions and clenched fists. Mason was the first to snap out of it. "Well, what are we doing standing here. We have to go!" He started running out of the building and we all followed closely behind. It was times like these where I wished the bond worked both ways, but I couldn't feel or sense Rose at all.

We got out of the building and then Christian stopped running. We all turned around to face him. "What are we doing?," he asked, "We have no plan. We can't take her to a hospital. Liss you can't use your powers, that's way to much to handle, but what are we supposed to do. Where are we supposed to take her?" This was a problem. I wanted so badly just to use my powers but I can only use so much, and it wouldn't be enough to save her.

"We'll figure it out after we get to her" Mason said and we all continued running. We turned into the alley and Eddie ran to where she left her, only he stopped short. We all huddled in behind him and saw what he was looking at. It was nothing.

Rose was gone.

The next couple minutes or hours passed by in a daze. I was going in and out of consciousness the whole time. I have no clue of how long this is or what is exactly happening. When I first opened my eyes again I was in a car, the ambulance, and there were people shining lights into my eyes. I heard voices but they were too muffled to make out. The next time my eyes opened I was in a room with very bright lights. There were at least 5 other doctors in the room, all rushing around doing different things on my body. The third and final time I opened my eyes they were bringing me into another room, and when we got there I saw the array of scapels and clamps, it was a surgery room. A woman placed something over my mouth and that was the last time I woke up for awhile.

My eyes fluttered open and slowly my vision became clear. I was in a private room. I had many different needles in my arms and other cords connected to my body. I heard beeping and looked up to see the heart monitor. It took a second but I realized what had happened. They put me under and stitched up my wound. But that also made me remember that they probably took tests. I tried to sit up and hop out of the bed but as I did so a stabbing pain shot through my stomach. I winced and grunted as I slumped back in the bed. When I looked up I realized that I wasn't alone in the room. There was a man, a doctor I guess but very young one, staring at me with a look of curiosity. He stood up and started walking closer and my heart began to beat faster.

"amazing," he whispered, "You can't even tell how different you are from us. No wonder why no one has figured you out yet". My worst fears have come true. They took tests, they saw that I was different. The man noticed my unease and said, "Don't worry. We just want to do some more tests, just a few to see what you are. Here, I'll give you this to calm your nerves".

His hand quickly grabbed my wrist tightly and showed my IV. He pulled out a needle from his coat pocket and injected it into the IV.

The man then walked out of the room and said to someone outside, "get the van ready". Those were the last words I heard before my vision slowly turned to blackness and I entered unconscious once again.


hope you like this part! next part coming out soon :)

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