Scene 3 (cont.)

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This will be in Mason's perspective after he left Rose in order to get Christian Mia and Eddie back to the lodge.


I kept looking back. I kept expecting Rose to come running onto the street, away from that house and the Strigoi. But I knew she wouldn't be running to us. She risked her life for ours. I should've been the one to be the distraction. I'm just some novice, Rose is someone. Top of our class and bonded to Lissa. She may be a damphir but she's just as valuable as Christian and Mia. I looked at my friends as we walked along the tree line next to a road. I was supporting Eddie and looking around for any people. It was the middle of the day so Strigoi we not a problem but we were still lost. And if we didn't find anywhere to go before dark the Strigoi will easily find us.

"Anyone have any idea where we are?" Mia asked. Christian nodded his head.

"This was the road they drove on when they took us. If we keep following it we may be able to get back to the town we were in. Find the bus station" I said.

"Hope so" Christian said.

We walked in silence for about an hour. I was scanning our surroundings when I saw a strip mall. "There. I remember that. It's like 10 minutes from the bus station".

"I remember too. It's to the right of the bus station" Mia said. Together we all started heading for the strip mall.

"What if we just called someone" Christian offered.

"Yeah okay" I said. When we got to the building I leaned Eddie onto Christian and went inside the store. I walked up to the counter where a teenage girl sat in front of the register. "Uh sorry to bother you but can I borrow your phone for a second?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Sure" she said and handed it over to me. I told her that my friend knew the number and was outside and she let me take her phone out side.

"Here. Call your dad" I said Mia handing her the phone.

"We could call my Aunt. She can get the message right to Dimitri and the other guardians" Christian proposed.

"Just call someone" I said. Mia handed the phone to Christian and he dialed a number.

"Aunt Tasha. It's Christian...I'm fine...yes...I have Mason Mia and Eddie with me...Rose is-" he hesitated. "Look Aunt Tasha, we really need your help. And the guardians". He began to explain our whole situation. How he came with Rose to stop Mia Eddie and I. How the Strigoi took us into a house. How we escape but Rose was stuck in there still. "Tell Lissa....thank you....okay....hurry" he hung up the phone.

"Well?" I asked

"She's talking to them right now. She was actually was with Dimitri right then. They ran into each other in the lodge and were talking. I was on speaker and he heard the whole thing. He's getting other guardians and they are coming here" he explained. Mia gave a sigh of relief and leaned against the wall of the building.

"She's telling Lissa too. There.." he took in a breath. "There bringing her just in case anything happened to Rose". I nodded in understanding. I went back to the store and gave the phone back to the lady. But before I went back in a roamed the shelfs and thought to myself. What if they killed her? She could already be dead. What if she's hurt? Gruesome images popped into my head as I thought about what Rose could be going through right now. I walked out and sat with everyone else. Now all we had to do was wait.

Around 4 o'clock a group of black SUV's came driving down the road. We all stood up, including Eddie. He still wasn't 100% but the drugs were slowly leaving his body. The cars parked in front of us and about 6 guardians came out. Then Lissa came out. She ran straight for Christian and hugged him tightly. The guardians began asking us questions. How we even got out of the lodge and what we were doing out here. I told them everything. About how this was all my plan and I dragged them out here. How I was to be blamed about what was happening.

"It's not just your fault Mason. We all came here by choice" Mia said trying to comfort me.

"We can deal about this later. Rose is still stuck in the house and we should probably work with the daylight while we still have it" I said.

"He's right. Let's get going. Mason come with me into the front car. The rest of you go to the last car, I don't want you anywhere near the house when we get there" Dimitri said. Christian protested but he was quickly shut down. He was going in the car with Lissa anyway, if anything happened to Rose they would know.

I got into the car with Dimitri and other guardians. I sat in the passenger seat. "I'm going to need you to get us to the house. Do you remember how you got here?"

"Yeah" I said. "Take this road right here. Drive it for about a half hour and we'll go from there" I said. The cars started moving and we made our way back to the house.

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