Scene 5

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Ok so this scene is going to be a scene i just made up by myself. it takes place when Rose, Lissa and everyone are in Vegas with Victor. This scene starts when the group has split up and some of them have met up with Dimitri, who is Strigoi. The changes I am making in this scene are that the group comes across a strigoi, but it isn't Dimitri. In this scene Dimitri is still a dhampir but he is not with them because they snuck out and all.

I also apologize is some of my story doesn't align with the actual book. I haven't read the series in a while now since i've already read it like 4 times so if i screw up with missing a person or adding in a person who wasn't there in the book i'm sorry. Also spelling wise strigoi and moroi and all those words are weird and my phone doesn't recognize them and autocorrects them a lot so sorry if that happens as well. Anyways this story starts off with Roses's perspective right after they come across this strigoi, who isn't Dimitri. At this point the group is split up and Idk if this is how it is in the book but for my scene it is just Rose Mason and Eddie (A/N i know Mason is dead but for this scene he isn't) who meet up with the strigoi while Lissa, Christian, Victor, and his brother are somewhere across the street. Ok hopefully that makes sense and hopefully you all enjoy!

also this story is going to have a lot of parts so bare with me :)

We sent Lissa and Christian with Mason across the street It was safer over there since of the Strigoi were in this building they wouldn't be able to walk in the sun to cross the street. Once we knew that they were all safe we tried to find the exit. We walked out towards the back entrance when all of a sudden a man came out of the shadows in the corner of the building. As the man stepped into the light I could see his face, and more importantly, his red ringed eyes. As he saw the three of us, Eddie and myself, he smiled and laughed out loud

"Well this just worked out perfectly" he said, "I guess you should have followed your precious moroi out of the building instead of securing the area." He started to walk closer to us, cornering us at the end of the hallway. Eddie tried to put himself in front of me but I wouldn't allow him, if we were going to have to face this guy we would do it together, I wouldn't have Eddie protecting me. Thankfully I hadn't lost my stake yet and I pulled it out of my pocket and Eddie did the same with his.

"You really think those little sticks will stop me?" The man said and in an instant he moved, grabbed Eddie by the shoulder, and threw him outside the open door outside. Why would he throw Eddie into the sun? He can't get him if he is out there. The strigoi's movements were so fast that Eddie couldn't even register what was happening until he was already outside. Slowly he started to stand up. Once standing he started walking back into the building. What is he thinking? I was about to tell him to stop when the strigoi slammed the door shut making me jump. The man placed a chair in front of the door so Eddie couldn't get in, but he helplessly watched through the small window in the door, his eyes filled with panic.

Suddenly realizing my situation I snapped back into reality and saw the Strigoi man turn to face me. I backed up slowly trying to change my position so that I wasn't stuck in the corner.

"Now you," the man started, "I've seen those eyes before, the hair may be extremely different but the facial structure is very similar. You're a Hathaway. Your mom killed one of my closest friends recently, and I think it's time I show her what it's like to have someone you love suddenly be killed". Slowly he started walking towards me. I tried to suddenly turn and make a run for it but he grabbed my shoulders and slammed them against the wall, pinning me.

"Now I know killing you won't do anything, your mom is probably heartless anyway. But, I'm sure your friends would be devastated when your friend out there has to go and tell them that he just saw me cut your head off". My heart beat was racing but I refused to crack. I would not give this man the satisfaction of seeing me scared. "But, being the merciful person I am, I'll give you a chance. Depending on how much your friends want you alive will determine if you live or not. Do you think they'll get you help fast enough?" he asked. I was confused by what that meant when all of a sudden I saw his arm reach for something in his pocket, pull out a small metal spear, and stab it into my stomach.

As quickly as the blade went into my abdomen it was out and the Strigoi was gone. So was the chair blocking the door and Eddie was running through. I slouched to the floor grunting in pain. Eddie kneeled down beside me, "oh my god, Rose" he said shaking but he quickly regained his composure. "Ok we need to find the others. Like now" I tried to stand up but my legs buckled every time I put weight on them and Eddie gave up and scooped me up bridal style.

"Just keep pressure on it. Your going to be fine. Just keep pressure" He sprinted across the street, the sun was starting to set and the road was pretty deserted at the time. Instead of walking into the building they were in he brought me to the side of the building, placing me down behind a giant container thing, hiding me from the street. "Ok, I'm going to go in and find them and we're going to figure this out, ok? Just keep pressure on it and stay awake" he said. I nodded, I was still in shock and didn't trust words to come out. He squeezed my shoulders lightly and ran inside.

Once I was alone I started to realize what was happening. I pressed against my stomach harder to prevent any more bleeding. I struggled to keep consciousness and in order to due so I slipped into Lissa's head. Eddie hadn't found them yet so she was calm and relaxed but a little bit on edge. She still knew that Eddie and I were probably going to come in contact with a strigoi but Mason was being very reassuring and it helped not only her calm down but me. Through Lissa's eyes I saw Eddie coming closer but then I was pulled out of her head.

Back in reality I now saw a man and a woman standing in front of me. They looked to be in their high 20s. They looked at me with concern and a little bit of panic. "Hello? Can you hear me?" The man asked. I was very confused with what these people were doing here but I nodded. The man sighed and said, "help is on the way ok? Just hang in there" The man then turned to the woman and said, "the ambulance isn't going to get here in time. The hospital isn't that far we can take her and start running and either beat them or meet the ambulance half way" The woman nodded and the man then picked me up.

Fear ran through me but I was in no position to fight back. The man felt me tense and whispered, "you're going to be okay. We're getting you help" but he didn't know this is not going to help me at all. I can't go to a hospital. None of my kind or moroi or strigoi can. Our blood and genetics are completely different than regular people and if I go they are going to realize that. They can't find out about me. My breathing quickens and with what little strength I have I try to fight the man holding me but it's no use. With all my strength used I slowly slip in unconscious.


Ok so that's part 1! I hope you all liked it! This scene is going to have a lot of parts, like a lot, but I think it's going to be a new thing that none of you have probably read before. I really hope you continue reading and I just realized that we hit 2K readers today! that's honestly amazing never in my life did I think anyone was going to read this this book was really just for me and my thoughts but I'm so happy that so many of you like it and I hope you continue to read :)

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