Scene 4 (cont.)

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"Mason, get out of here" I said firmly. He promised that he would get everyone to the ski lodge and then come back for me. He was still in the sunlight though, still safe.

"Let. Her. Go" he said once more in a threatening tone. Isiah, who still had a firm grip on me, was not easily threatened though. Mason started to take a step out of the sunlight.

"Mason stop. Please" I begged but it was to late. He planted his foot onto the ground outside the light coming in through the door.

"I'm done with this" Isiah said letting me go by tossing me against the wall. As I looked up I saw Isiah speed over to Mason, place both his hands on the sides of his face, twist, and break his neck. Mason's eyes went blank and his body crumpled to the floor. My entire world fell apart, there was only Mason with his blank expression. I never told him how I felt. I never apologized, but it was to late. Elena, who was watching, stepped closer licking her lips. She was going to feed from his body. I couldn't let that happen. Quickly I scrambled to my feet and placed myself in between Elena and Mason.

"Don't touch him" I said. Inside I wanted to collapse into a ball and shut down but I had to stay strong. In the back of my mind I remembered that Mia Christian and Eddie were still outside, but they weren't my priority.

"Move or join him" she said walking closer. I positioned myself getting ready to attack.

"Don't. Touch. Him" I stated once more and lunges in her direction. She was extremely fast but still not fully used to her new reflexes and strength. I was able to place some good punches before Isiah stepped in and threw me across the room. My head hit the wall hard but I couldn't feel it. The adrenaline coursing though my body blocked out all pain and allowed me to stand up. But when I stood I saw the fish tank burst open. Water flew across the room, but not just a splatter, it had a shape and defied gravity as it floated over to Isiah. In one fluid motion the water poured into isiah's mouth causing him to drown in the water. I realized then that this was chance.

In milliseconds I scanned the room and found a fire place tool that looked almost like a sword. I swung up and slashed right across isiah's neck. He gurgled and struggled against the water as I made my second cut, much deeper than the first. It took a lot of strength to cut through the tendons and bone but in no more than a minute his head was separated from his body. During all of this Elena stood frozen in shock. But as I turned my focus onto her she snapped out of her daze and began fighting me again.

We brawled for quite some time. I got slashes on her arms and legs but I couldn't get a good enough angle to get to her throat. I could feel myself getting weaker with each blow but then a miracle happened. The way Elena positioned herself she had backed right into isiah's body without realizing and tripped onto the floor. Finally my chance and I raised my arms and cut a huge gash into her throat. She coughed and choked as I cut again and again until she two was cut into two parts. Only I hadn't realized that she was dead, I kept hacking away at her neck until Mia came into the room.

"Rose stop!" She yelled. "She's dead". Snapping me out from my concentration I saw Mia standing in front of me with a look of sadness and concern. Behind her Christian was pulling Eddie back into the house. All of this was happening and I momentarily forgot about Mason. Turning around I sunk down onto my knees and placed my hand on his face.

"Mason" I whispered. Tears silently fell down my face as Mia came to sit next to me. Christian has placed Eddie against the wall and came to my other side. He placed his arm behind my back and stretched over the Mia and pulled the three of us closer together. We sat like that for a moment until Christian let go and stood up.

"I'm going to see if they have a phone anywhere here" he said as he walked out of the room. I didn't remove my eyes from Mason's body and Mia slowly and gently grabbed my shoulder and sat me down against the wall with Eddie. The three of us sat there waiting for Christian, Eddie unconscious and Mia and I staring at Mason.

Moments later Christian comes back into the room. She has a cellphone in his hand and he is dialing a number. The phone rings three times before the person on the other end picks up.

"Hello" they say. I immediately recognize the voice, it's Lissa.

"Lissa"Christian says into the phone. As I hear Lissa gasp I allow myself to feel her emotions. She's very happy to hear his voice and that she's okay. I smile slightly.

"Christian!" She cries. "Where have you been? Where are you? I've been going crazy" she exclaimed.

"I'll explain everything in a minute. Right now I need you to take the phone and find Rose's mom and Dimitri. Then put the phone on speakerphone" he says calmly, though I can see how happy he is to hear her voice.

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