Scene 3 (cont.)

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This will continue Rose's perspective


I was running out of options. Isiah was slowing inching closer to me. I pressed my body against the wall and scanned the room for possible escape routes. He was coming at me from the right side, blocking the way to the front door. But on the left side there was a mini hallway. It looked like this room was connected to another room through that hallway. That was my only chance. But if nothing I found in there was useful I was going to be trapped. Making a split second decision I quickly turned and sprinted into the hallway.

The next room was much larger. But it had no windows or any other doors. I scanned the room until I saw a fireplace in the corner. Next to it were some tools for the fireplace. I ran to them and found the sharpest and most useful tool. Just as a turned around Isaiah appeared in the door of the room. He saw my weapon and laughed slightly to himself before charging forward.

With his super speed he quickly pinned me against the wall. "It's going to take a lot more than a metal stick to kill me" he hissed at me. As soon as he finished talking a kneed him in there stomach causing him to release the grip of my arms. I regained my weapon and stood in a ready stance. This time I charged first and used the weapon to block one of his punches and slice his arm. He flinched when the weapon cut the skin but it was no pain he couldn't handle. Using the few seconds that he flinched I quickly took another go and cut his neck. This time the pain was worse. My weapon was in an odd angle where I couldn't reach for another hit. Trying to readjust myself he slammed a fist into my chest and sent me flying across the room. When I hit the wall the air was knocked out of me. I stumbled to my feet to see him already on top of me and throwing me against another wall. I winced in pain and slowly stood up.

This time Isaiah punched me in the jaw. Thankfully not enough to break it but the pain was excruciating. I held back my scream in pain and cut Isaiah across the face. I quickly spun and cut him once again across the neck. Then again. And again. Isaiah stumbled back until he was against the wall. He roared in pain and fell down onto one knee. With my weapon and sliced his neck again and again until he was decapitated. Once I was sure that he was dead I slumped back against the wall in pain. The adrenaline masked how much I was hurting and I groaned as the pain came back into my senses. Nothing was broken thankfully but there were some pretty nasty bruises that hurt a lot. Once I was able to stand again I left the room only to hear the basement door slam.

I was confused at first. But then I remembered that we didn't kill the two Strigoi downstairs, only knocked them out. Obviously they heard the noise of me and Isaiah fighting and were going to be coming this way. But now I had the element of surprise. I hid against the wall by the entrance to the room where Isaiah's body is. Isaiah's body couldn't be see from the entrance to the room so they wouldn't know what had happened in here until I was already on top of them. The first one to enter the room was the younger one. He was shorter and was turned not that long ago. He would be the easier kill since he didn't know how to use his abilities as well as the other Strigoi. When he came in he saw Isaiah's body. He was surprised and hesitated. I used those seconds to attack him. I slashed his neck and he arms. The shock of the attack gave me more seconds to hit him first. I almost killed him right then but the second Strigoi came into the room. This Strigoi was much older and had had much more experience than the younger one. None of them were as skilled as Isaiah though so I held on to the hope that if I could kill Isaiah I could kill these two also. When the second Strigoi entered the room he slammed into my body and knocked my onto the floor. Thankfully I kept my weapon in my hand and got up pretty quickly.

The two Strigoi learned how to work as one unit. They were always able to hit me in my least defenseless places. The adrenaline kept most of the pain away but it was getting hard to stand on my shaky legs and blackness threatened to consume my conscious. I aimed my attack mostly towards the younger Strigoi and eventually was able to decapitate him. But my fight was not over since the older one was much more powerful. I was able to turn myself so I had access to the hallway. I was just about to run out of the room when I saw the Strigoi pick up a shovel like took from the fireplace. Using his super strength he was able to bend the metal shovel into a spear like weapon. I knew that that was my cue to run and I sprinted out of the room.

There were no windows in the other room so I had no idea how much time had passed. When I saw the front door is was almost night time. But the house was surrounded by dense trees so the sunlight was not coming in. The Strigoi would be able to follow me outside. Since the door was useless I spun around and saw the Strigoi standing a foot away from me. I hesitated and he used those seconds to throw me into the door. It felt like I had been fighting for hours and it was very hard to stand back up. I had no more strength left but I wouldn't let myself get killed. I thought about Lissa and how I couldn't leave her alone and that was enough strength to push me off the ground and stand up again. The Strigoi was caught off guard thinking that I had no strength left and I slashed a deep cut into his neck. He roared in pain and fell onto one knee. I kept cutting and cutting until he was barley alive. I lifted up my weapon with both hands and was about to end it. But when I swung down his spear pierced my stomach. The momentum of my weapon sliced his neck and successfully decapitated him but the spear had stabbed my stomach. I quickly pulled the weapon out. Once I was sure that the Strigoi was dead I stumbled until I fell leaning against the wall by the front door. I kept my hands firmly pressed against my chest and refused the let myself fall asleep. As my adrenaline levels went down I began to feel more and more pain all over my body. I wouldn't give up hope that help wasn't coming though.

I let my thoughts travel to Lissa. I felt her worry so she must know about this whole situation. I also felt her getting closer. That must mean that Mason was able to contact the guardians and they were coming back. I wasn't positive but I let that hope give me strength to keep holding onto consciousness.


The next part will be the final part to scene 3

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