Angel's Lesson

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You were alone

Outside in the chill.

You had such a

Mournfully sad

Look in your eyes.


Like many others,

Couldn't stand to

See your sadness.

But I,

Like many others,

Turned away,

Leaving you to

Hurt as you were.

Then he stepped out,

With little more than

An old faded sweater

To protect him

From the chill,

And he sat with you.

In the light that

Slipped through the clouds

I could see his

Silver hair light up

Like a divine halo.


Like many others,

Had never seen this

Silver-haired angel before.

Nor had I,

Like many others,

Seen such compassion

For a stranger

Sitting outside in the chill.

I couldn't help but

Watch the exchange

With an almost painful

Sense of loneliness.

I saw your eyes,

Once so lost,

Flash with surprise,

And then delight

At the old man's gesture.

What a sight

To see that was...

It was then

That I knew,

Even as I watched

You bid him goodbye

And his returning

Well-wishing wave,

That I would

Remember this moment,

This angel's lesson,

For the rest

Of my life.

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