The Dream

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Hope you like it! :) Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Hermione's POV

I was walking along the hallway. Professor Snape asked me to bring this stack of books to Professor Flitwick's office. I was carrying approximately 15 thick books all piled up above my arms, my hands connected together under the weight of the books. I can't really see where I'm going, to be honest. So I have to tip toe and look over the whole pile of books to check if I already reached the stairs. I was alone in the dark hallway of Hogwarts. My footsteps echo the whole corridor. Deafening silence filled the whole vicinity. Then I heard a sound of footsteps at the other end of the hallway. I felt that whoever he or she is or whatever it is, it scared me a little. It's spooky to think that for minutes you were alone, walking on a long, dark hallway then someone will suddenly appear at the end of it. I tried to side step to avoid bumping each other. But I felt that he or she or it side stepped too, as if really wanting to bump me. I heard the footsteps nearing me. I tried to stop but I couldn't so I decided to go on. I don't care if we both fall down but the idea still scares me. One minute I heard it already in front of me. Then the next minute, BOOM! I closed my eyes because I think it will lessen the pain that the falling down part would bring. I felt rolling on the floor with a guy. It could be a teacher or a Slytherin or …anyone. When the rolling stopped, I slowly opened my eyes, too scared to see who that guy is. I suddenly saw a familiar messy red hair. As I lower my eyes, I focused on his face. I was so relieved.

"Ron!" I shouted, hugging him. I was so happy that he was there during the times when I'm scared, protecting me. I was so glad he's here, my bestfriend, or is he?

"Erm.. Hermione, I think you…" said Ron.

Then I suddenly realized I was over him. I blushed. I looked around to check if anyone was there. No one was there except for opened books that scattered everywhere and falling papers in the air. I stood up and helped Ron get up. Then something went in my mind, we're completely alone. No one was watching us. I blushed again.

"Let me help you there Hermione." said Ron. It's so nice to hear the person you admire asking you to help you pick up books that fell after accidentally bumping with him.

I said nothing. I bent my knees and leaned on the ground, picking up papers that just landed. Ron did the same too, except that he reached for the books. Then, as I reached for a paper, Ron accidentally held my hand. I looked at him straight in the eye. We were like looking each other in the eye for a minute. I broke eye contact and stared at the floor. I smiled. I continued collecting papers and glanced at Ron at the corner of my eye. He was blushing. His ears were red too. I tried not to giggle. I got finished first and stood up, holding a lot of papers. Ron stood up and carried a lot of books.

"Thank you." I said, breaking the silence.

"No problem Hermione. I can always be there for you," he said, "because I'm your friend… and Harry." he added instantly.

I blushed and stared at the floor.

"Where are you taking all of this?" he asked curiously.

I almost forgot that I still have to take this to Professor Flitwick.

"Oh, yeah! I still need to give this to Professor Flitwick." I said.

"I don't think you could do it all by yourself, I mean after what happened." said Ron.

"What exactly did just happen? I already side stepped but you still followed me. Do you want me to end up at the Hospital Wing, Ron?" I asked, joking.

"No! I would never do that to my… bestfriend. I just want to…" explained Ron.

"play tricks on me?" I asked as I laughed.

"No! I just want to get your attention." said Ron, shyly.

I hadn't got the time to ask what he meant.

"We better take this to Professor Flitwick now or else." said Ron.

"Or else what?" I asked.

"You'll never want to know what Professor Snape might do to us." he said with a smile.

To us? What does he mean 'to us?'

"Hey! I'm involved here now!" he answered. It seems that he can read my mind.

"Ms. Granger. Ms. Granger!" Professor McGonagall said.

I can't believe it. I slept in class.

"Sorry! Sorry! Professor, I'm sorry." I apologized.

"I thought you were a good student, Ms. Granger. But now I knew you were just one of them. As punishment, you need to make me 3-rolls-of-parchment essay about what we tackled today. And, the headmaster will know about this." said Professor McGonagall.

I felt so ashamed so I bowed down my head. I closed my eyes trying not to shed a tear. Now I knew how it felt to be embarrassed at a whole lot of people around you. It's unusual to see the attentive and studious girl, Hermione Granger, sleeping in class.


The bell rang and the students stood up in unison except for Hermione. Ron came, rushing towards her. Hermione tried to let go a tear. Then, she cried and cried until Ron reached her.

"Hermione, don't cry" said Ron, patting her at the back to comfort her.

"I'll teach you.  I promise I'll help you." he said sincerely.

"Really?" Hermione asked him.

"Yeah. Really." He said as he hugged her.

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